Debbie x Reader x Lou (Refusing)

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Written for my favourite hooman, who used to be my internet weirdo, now she's just my weirdo hehe - I love you darling :)

Debbie's POV

I was woken up to the sound of my alarm. Another morning spent next to my beautiful wife, Lou. Our gorgeous daughter was sleeping next door in their bedroom. Turning over I laid a kiss on my wife's forehead, as she awoke, eyes fluttering. My stomach got butterflies once again, like every morning laid next to her. Her crystal blue eyes looked up at me as I smiled and my heart fluttered. She shuffled up the bed, pulling me into her embrace as we sat in a comfortable silence.

After a while her phone began to ring. I took this as my queue to go wake up y/n our beautiful daughter from their bedroom. I shuffled out of our room pulling on my robe approaching y/ns door hearing short snores from within. I opened the door to be met with y/n underneath all of their blankets sleeping peacefully with their dinosaur under their arms, that they've had since they where a kid. I walked over to y/n shaking them slightly as a from formed on their face and they grumbled pulling the covers back over their head.

Debbie: "Sweetheart its time to get up. You have school today lovely." She grumbled more, turning over and yet again pulling the duvet over their head.

Debbie: "Come on, you need to get up now or we'll be late."

Y/n: "Ugh I'm not going, let me sleep." Y/n mumbled out beginning to get frustrated as she was clearly tired.

Debbie: "That wasn't the option honey, you have to go to school. Now get up, I won't ask you again."

Y/n: "Fine don't ask me again, but I'm not going. Now LEAVE ME ALONE!"

That was the final straw. I grabbed the covers and pulled them off of y/n.


I didn't want to go to school. Everyone picks on me and I've had enough. My mom wouldn't leave me alone and decided to pull the covers off me, making it all worse, after all I was already cranky.

Y/n: "I'm not going and that final, you can't make me. Now give me my covers back." I grabbed the covers trying to pull them away from her, she was too strong but I tried to fight back and to take them.


At this point I could here my mom Lou storming up the stairs. She came through my door, looking furious.


I could hear y/n and Debbie fighting. They didn't stop and I'd had enough. I ran upstairs to y/ns room to see them both fighting over their blankets and screaming at each other. I grabbed the door slamming it grabbing their attention.


Both Debbie and y/n sat down on the bed at this point looking sheepish and red faced.

Lou: "Right now everyone is quiet, Debbie what is going on?"

Debbie: "y/n is refusing to go to school."

Y/n: "You can't make me."

Lou: "Y/n" I give them the look telling them to be quiet and she stops. "And y/n why aren't you going to school?"

Y/n: "I-I-I'm just tired. I'm too tired to go."

Lou: "Y/n that's an excuse, now get ready. You're going to school."

Y/n: "Ugh fine."

Lou: "Thank you, now can you please apologies to your mom, she only wants the best for you."

Y/n: "Sorry for being a nightmare, I'm just cranky and tired."

Debbie: "That's okay honey I forgive you, I'm sorry too."

I smiled at Debbie and y/n and we both make out way out of their room, downstairs, so they can get dressed for school.


I felt bad but I guess if I went back to sleep, they couldn't force me to go into school. I pulled the cover back over my head and I got back into bed.

Debbie POV

Lou and I had been downstairs for a while now, cooking and eating breakfast together. We were both now dressed and ready to take y/n to school. I called upstairs, getting no response from them. I decided to go upstairs, already frustrated with this morning. Reaching y/n's door I knocked, yet again getting no response, so I opened it to see y/n back in their bed, covers pulled over them.

Debbie: "LOUUUU!" I heard Lou sigh and storm up the stairs towards me. I pulled y/ns covers off them. "Y/N, GET UP NOW!" She woke up startled as Lou came through the door, standing besides me.

Lou: "Y/N OCEAN-MILLER GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW! I WANT YOU UP, DRESSED AND AT THAT FRONT DOOR IN 10 MINUTES OR I WILL DRAG YOU TO SCHOOL! IM SICK OF THIS ATTITUDE TODAY, I DON'T KNOW WHATS GOT INTO YOU BUT ME AND YOUR MOM ARE VERY DISAPOINTED RIGHT NOW!" Y/ns lip trembled as tears welled in their eyes. They ended up on a heap on the floor crying with their knees up to their chest, screaming they were not going to school.

Lou and I both looked at each other scared as we had never seen y/n react this way before so we crouched beside them, talking quietly.

Lou: "Hey honey come back to us please, its okay, your safe." Lou reached out to touch y/ns are. She flinched and began to rocking slowly, still sobbing.

Debbie: "Love please come back to us, were safe, your safe, I promise it will all be okay." At this point y/n clung to us both, grabbing our shirts.

Y/n: "Please don't make me go, please! They make fun of me!" Lou rested her head on y/ns pulling them into her chest, cooing to them, helping them calm down. After a while y/n began to calm and their breathing went back to normal.

Debbie: "Hey honey, I'm sorry about this morning. I know you said they pick on you and I'm glad you told us. We are going to sort this out and you can stay off school today, okay?"

Y/n: "Yes mom, I'm sorry that I shouted at you both."

Lou: "Sweetie its okay, you were stressed."


I felt bad for y/n having to go through this, this morning. I eventually picked them up off the floor and carried them downstairs to the sofa with their blankets. She will be our princess no matter how old she gets. Debbie, y/n and I snuggled together on the sofa watching TV, when we heard a knock on the door. It was Tammy, I had forgotten she was coming over. I opened the door to see Tammy and her little one, Emily at the door. Emily was only little so Tammy was carrying her. Emily saw y/n and jumped down and waddled to her on wiggly legs. Y/n picked her up and spun her around causing her to giggle. Y/n came through to the kitchen, Emily on their hip with a smile on their face now, cheeks still slightly tear stained, red and puffy from crying but this distraction took their mind away for a while.

Tammy: "Hey y/n. You not at school today?" Y/n blushed embarrassed and looked down.

Y/n: "Erm no I'm not." Tammy looked confused but nodded along and y/n went back to the living room with Emily.

Lou: "Yeah she's getting picked on Tammy so she isn't going in today."

Tammy: "Oh I'm really sorry you guys, bless them, some kids are so cruel."

After a while of chatting, we all looked over and y/n and Emily were fast asleep on the sofa. Tammy had to leave for work so she picked up Emily and carried her out the car buckling her in. Y/n stirred a little as I covered them with a blanket. I get them back off to sleep straight away and sat down on the other sofa with my perfect wife as we watched out beautiful daughter sleep. She was perfect.

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