Venable x Ally x Reader (School Reports)

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I hope you like this little update. I have exams coming up in the next week and this came to mind (I usually end up with C's so in now way is this me haha - only the fact I'm a perfectionist oops) Anyway thank you all for being amazing humans. I love you all for reading this, so THANK YOU ALL!!!! Take care of yourself and I'm always a message away if you need me.


Soph X

TW: Angst

Mina and Ally are y/ns moms. They are strict with their daughter but only because they want her to do her best and stay safe. Y/n gets her school report back and gets upset about it not being perfect, Mina and Ally comfort her until she's calm.


Ally POV
Today was the day y/n was getting her school report back. Mina and I have always been quite strict but fair parents as we didn't want y/n to fall in with a bad crowd. Y/n has always been good with her grades and we both know how much effort and pressure she puts on herself outside of school as well as inside school to keep this up. We always try and remind her to take breaks and relax but sometimes its harder to get her to stop working than it sounds. She always likes everything to be perfect.

Mina POV
It was school reports day for y/n today and Ally and I would receive them once y/n had got back from school. On this day we always tried to keep calm around y/n and not mention it as she got really anxious about her results every time. You could say she was a perfectionist and she was very self-critical too. Ally and I always tried to help her with this and insist on her having a break and some food before continuing as often she would not eat or drink for hours whilst studying.

This morning we had breakfast as usual all sat round the table. My moms had made pancakes this morning as it was a reports day tradition. Of course I was nervous and I knew all day I would be feeling nauseous as I waited for my results. Once I had finished my breakfast mama Ally went to work as she had an important meeting and as senator she had to attend. She kissed me on the head as she left for work.

Ally: "Have a good day little miss Mayfair-Venable. You are going to do amazing in your results I have no doubt about that. I love you."

Y/n: "Love you mama."

Soon after momma Mina dropped me off at school on her way to work. Before I could get out of the car she held my hands tight and kissed my forehead.

Mina: "I love you little one. Don't worry about your results they will be great as always."

Y/n: "Love you momma."

I suppose I did feel pressure to get good grades. People always made comments about me being the senators daughter and how I should do well or I would be an embarrassment to her.

Once I got into school I went from class to class to class. Finally, it was form time. I went into form and got registered and handed a brown envelop with my school report in. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I had to wait until I got home before I could open it then show my moms. I rushed outside saying bye to my friends as I made my way to mama Ally's car as she was picking me up today. We went home to be met by Mina who had just come through the door. We took off our coats and they both stood in front of me waiting to open the envelop. I peeled it open slowly taking out my report card and looking at my grades.

4 A*s and 1 A. Don't get me wrong I was happy but I worked so hard for 5 A*s and missing out on one of them really upset me. Tears began pouring down my face as my breathing quickened. I was getting more and more stressed and I felt so disappointed in myself. My anxiety was telling me that I was a failure and that I was an embarrassment. Both my moms looked at me in disbelief as non of them had seen the grades. They both embraced me looking at the card.

Ally: "Baby you did so good!"

Mina: "Shhh pumpkin you did us so proud, why are you crying?"

Y/n: "I-I-I didn't get 5 A*s. I'm sorry."

Ally: "Hey shhh your amazing look at how amazing you did you got 4 A*s and you tried your best. We are so proud of you for these results!"

Mina: "We love you darling, you need to learn how perfect you are and how proud we are of you and how proud you should be of yourself."

Ally: "Now baby can you listen to my heart beat so we can calm your breathing down."

Ally POV
I pulled y/n onto my chest allowing her to listen to my heart beat. I knew this calmed her down. Mina drew circle on her hands and arms cooing her softly as her breathing began to slow down back to normal. We sat for a while rocking her gently allowing her to come around and when she was finally ready we decided to order out for as a special treat for her results. Both Mina and I were so happy for y/n. Her grades were amazing I just wished she could see how wonderful and talented she is but I suppose it gives us something to help her work on and teach her how beautiful, wonderful and incredible she is and how much she means to us. We both loved her with all our hearts and were always proud of everything she did and achieved.

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