Sarah x Reader x Holland (Social Anxiety)

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Random idea that popped into my head while I was trying to sleep. I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want any other celebrities or their characters and what situations you want them to be in. I would love to hear everyone's feedback and ideas! As always if you are not comfortable writing it in public you can always privately message me and I would be more than happy to listen to your ideas! Remember to look after yourselves; eat and drink please.


Soph X


TW- Angst, Anxiety, Anxiety attack

The reader is Sarah's sister. She struggles with social anxiety. She is out with Sarah and Holland one day in New York. It is really busy and the reader becomes anxious. Sarah and Holland help calm her down.


Sarah POV

My little sister y/n was staying over in New York with me and Holland as we decided to spend a few weeks out there. We decided today we would all go out to the theatre to watch a play. I knew y/n would love this idea and when I told her about it, she was so excited! We booked the tickets and now was the morning of the show. The show wasn't until later so we decided to stay around the house this morning then go out for lunch before the show.


It was early morning when I woke up, I remembered that Sarah, Holland and I were going to the theatre today and I was so excited I couldn't stay in bed much longer. I was nervous because there was going to be loads of people and what if they recognised us and swarmed up. I knew that I would just have to try and handle those feelings. I hated my social anxiety with a passion. It always made me sweat, my hands would get clammy and I would shake uncontrollably, which I hated so much. Sarah and Holland of course new about this because they had both seen me grow up and saw how it progressed and unfortunately got worse over the years. They were always so sweet in comforting me. It happened at literally every occasion without fail. I would even get anxious even at family events just because of how many people there were, regardless of the fact I knew them all.

I eventually got out of my bed and made my way down the stairs to in my pyjamas. I was greeted by Holland in the kitchen drinking her usual for 'Choco-coffee time' so I made myself some toast and sat and ate that at the table. Shortly, Sarah came downstairs all dressed for the day. After a while I decided to go upstairs, shower and get dressed for the day. I could barely contain my excitement for the theatre.

After showing I put on my clothes and did my hair and makeup. I then went back downstairs to watch some television and wait to go out. Around lunch time we left to go get food from a little Italian Restaurant. We sat, chatted and ate. I had carbonara and so did Sarah and Holland. I was starting to get more anxious as there were lots of people and I also had to order my own food. Finally, it was time for the show, so we walked towards the theatre. We went straight inside through the stage door because someone Holland knew was in the production. We took our seats and the show began not much later. As the curtain fell there was a loud applause from the audience. We began to move out of our seats as everyone exited the theatre. It got really loud and bright all of a sudden and once we left the theatre fans of Sarah and Holland saw us and began asking for photos and autographs. I got really nervous at this moment as everyone was talking and there were even people talking to me telling me how lucky I am to have her as my sister. They started asking me loads of questions about life with her and Holland when Sarah noticed I was shaking and my breathing began to get heavy. I began sweating and I needed to leave straight away. Sarah moved everyone away and we managed to walk off towards the park where it was quiet again. We took a seat on a bench overlooking the whole park. I was still shaking so Sarah wrapped her arms around me and took my hands, holding them tight and I rested my head on her chest as she rocked me slightly, whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

Sarah: "I know your thoughts are racing right now y/n but I promise we will keep you safe. Look its quiet now, listen to my heart beat. Your safe I promise you."

Y/n: I nodded "I'm sorry you have to deal with me like this."

Sarah: "Hey never apologies, you can't help it and it overwhelms me too dealing with crowds."

Holland: "Sweetheart, we've seen you grow up and change into the wonderful person you are today and we always will want to take care of you no matter how old you get."

Y/n: "Thank you both, you're the best."

Sarah: "We love you kid."

Holland: "That's true."

Y/n: "I love you guys too."

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