Tammy x Reader (ED)

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TW - ED / Angst

Requested by one of my amazing friends. I hope you like this 😊


Soph X

Tammy adopts y/n when she is a teenager. Tammy soon realises y/n is struggling with an ED and speaks to her about it. When y/n admits it, Tammy starts to help her. They eventually moved into Lou's house with the rest of the Oceans gang when Debbie asks her to join in on a new con. One day Tammy and Debbie are out working on the new con and Lou is at home cooking dinner for everyone. Lou cooks one of y/ns fear foods not realising y/n has an ED. Y/n panics realising but luckily Tammy and Debbie come back just as she begins to panic. Tammy helps y/n calm down take a bite of the food. Lou and Debbie are both confused so Tammy looks at y/n asking for permission to tell them and y/n agrees so they all sit down to explain the situation.



At around 13 I was adopted by Tammy. She was always the best parent to me. I got to know her friends and then we all lost contact. I began to struggle with an ED at around the time of being adopted. I managed to battle and stop it taking a hold of me at first but a few years down the line I was now struggling with it again and this time I was loosing the battle. My weight dropped drastically and I was making up so many excuses to Tammy like 'I've just eaten or I feel sick'. She began to realise soon after this.

Tammy POV

I began to realise that y/n struggled with her eating habits. I wasn't too sure at first whether or not it was an ED at first. But when I realised her drop in weight and skipping of meals, I picked up on it straight away. I took her to the side and talked through it was her and she finally admitted to what was going on. I promised I would help her and never let her go. She was so scared about regaining weight, and I knew it would be tough but I was her mom and I couldn't see her like this, it broke my heart. After months of battling, she managed to regain her weight and began to eat full meals with me. Of course, she still struggled with certain meals, especially her fear foods (mines curry- you can choose yours). I never made her eat them but sometimes we talked about trying them, she was always against it at first but occasionally she was able to eat some of the foods. Curry was always hard for y/n to eat and that was the one she hadn't quite managed to conquer yet but we were on our way.


Mom was so good at helping me regain my weight and eat my fear foods but I was never able to eat curry again. I was still struggling with the disorder when we moved in with Debbie and Lou for the next con. They weren't aware of my struggles as it was never necessary to talk about them. One day my mom Tammy was out with Debbie on a job. I was in the house with Lou. We had spent all morning together catching up and watching the TV. Eventually, I went upstairs to do some homework and take a shower, changing into my joggers and hoodie. I took myself back downstairs greeted by Lou who was cooking in the kitchen. I immediately felt sick at the smell. I must have missed her asking what food I wanted as I was in the shower. She was cooking curry. I tried my hardest not to panic and that's when she began dishing up the food. I sat at the table shaking trying to control my breathing. She didn't realise and put the curry down in front of me just as Debbie and my mom walked through the door.

Tammy POV

Me and Debbie were just chatting coming through the door when I was greeted by a shaking y/n. She was terrified and pale. Then I realised why. Lou had made curry not realising as she wasn't aware of y/ns ED. I ran to Y/n trying to calm her down.

Tammy: "Lou come here, Debbie can you move the food out of the way please. Y/n can you count how many rings Lou has on her fingers for me." I grabbed a rather confused looking Lou' hand and t/n began to count them.

Y/n: "One...two...three...four...five"

Tammy: "and what colour is Debbie's hair?"

Y/n: "B-b-brown."

Tammy: "what about mine and Lou's?"

Y/n: "B-blonde."

Tammy: "good girl y/n that's right now just keep breathing for me. Do you think you could try about of it for me? I'll help you." y/n nodded

I picked up the fork and placed a tiny bit of the rice and sauce on it moving it towards y/n who was now gripping really tightly onto Lou's hand. She managed to eat it which I was really surprised about but I was so proud of her.


Debbie and Lou looked so confused. Then Tammy gave me the look. I nodded and we all went into the living room and sat on the couch.

Tammy: "Y/n do you want to tell auntie Debbie and Lou?"

Y/n: "I-I have anorexia." I just began to sob unable to formulate a further response. Debbie and Lou didn't really look too shocked.

Debbie: "Me and Lou sort of worked out there was something going on a while ago but we didn't want to upset you."

Lou: "Darling I'm so sorry for cooking curry I really didn't mean to hurt you." She looked genuinely concerned

Y/n: "Its not your fault so you don't have to say sorry, you didn't know."

Debbie: "I'm glad we both know now. Is there anything else you don't eat or that triggers you?"

Y/n: (things that trigger you/ food)

Debbie: "Okay sweetie we will make sure that we ask you before we make any of these meal. I'm sure your mom will keep us right. Won't you Tam Tam.

Tammy: I'm so glad you guys are understanding and now I guess you can help y/n with her anxiety too."

Lou: "yeah of course, I guess I'll just never take off my rings haha."

Y/n: "Haha yeah they really helped surprisingly, I usually just count my fingers."

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