Sarah x Reader (Panic Attack)

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Sarah is y/ns sister. Y/n is staying with her and has a panic attack whilst sat watching the TV with Sarah and Holland. Sarah helps y/n calm down and take her anxiety medication and holds her. Holland gets a blanket and covers over the two sisters allowing y/n to rest. Sarah tells her how proud she is whilst she runs her fingers through her hair cradling her allowing her to try and sleep.



I have been staying at my sister's house from just over a week now as my mom was on holiday with her new boyfriend. I'm not too keen about him so I decided I didn't want to go, not that I was invited anyway. That would be too inconvenient for them, after all I can't even flight without panicking like a child.

Today was like any normal day. I woke up and slowly dragged myself downstairs into the kitchen for some breakfast. Today I decided on eating toast and having a drink of apple juice. I sat at the table chatting with Holland about all sorts and of course my mom's new boyfriend. She already knew I didn't like him so she didn't push it too far.

After my breakfast I decided to shower and put on my joggers for today, then I headed back downstairs to sit and watch the TV

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After my breakfast I decided to shower and put on my joggers for today, then I headed back downstairs to sit and watch the TV. I sat on one couch whilst Sarah and Holland sat on the other. I started to feel particularly overwhelmed and I could feel my chest tightening as I felt a wave of heat through my body. I realised I was about to have an untriggered panic attack. This sometimes happens - they can be either triggered or not triggered for me. As my chest tightened, my breathing got faster and shallower and soon I was gasping for air, pulling at my shirt as I felt the walls closing in on me.

Sarah POV

We were all watching the TV when I heard a gasp. When I looked over to y/n I could see her grasping her shirt and breathing heavily, eyes pleading for me to do something. I quickly realised she was having a panic attack. I moved over to y/n pulling her close to me allowing her to listen to my heart beat.

Sarah: "Holland darling could you go and get y/n anxiety medication from the bathroom cupboard please?"

Holland immediately made her way upstairs to the cupboard, retrieving the medication and coming back to me with it.

Holland: "Here you go, love."

Sarah: "Thank you." I smiled at her

Sarah: "Hey y/n could you take your medication for me sweetheart?" I placed the medication in her mouth and fed her the water allowing her to swallow the pill. She continued breathing heavy as tears slipped from her eyes. "Aww love, your doing so well, I'm so proud of you. Shh shh shh, can you take some deep breaths with me?" She nodded. "Ready - in 1 2 3 4 and hold 1 2 3 4 and out 1 2 3 4 and hold 1 2 3 4. That's good love keep it going." She kept breathing with my timing as she began to calm.

Sarah: "Lovebug, could you tell me 5 things you can, see?"

Y/n: "You, T-T-TV, Ch-Chair, Lamp and Holland."

Sarah: "well done, and 4 things you can touch."

Y/n: "Floor, wall, your hand and my hair."

Sarah: "good and 3 things you can smell"

Y/n: "Your perfume, the dinner and mints."

Sarah: "That's really good Y/N/N (your nickname). Now 2 things you can hear."

Y/n: "Your voice and the TV."

Sarah: "Good and 1 thing you can taste."

Y/n: "My medication and its yucky - so can I have a drink please. "

Sarah: I laughed and of course got up to get y/n a drink. "Of course, sweetie we can get one now."

I got up and brought y/n back a drink and cuddled up onto the couch with her. She snuggled into me, not leaving my grip. Holland covered us over with a blanket as I wrapped it around y/n keeping her from getting cold. I ran my fingers through her hair.

Sarah: "Y/n I just want you to know how proud I am of you and how special you are to me as a sister. I love you so much and I could never imagine a world without you. You are so much younger than me but I love being your older sister everyday of every year and I won't ever let you forget how amazing you are and how much I love you baby Paulson."

Y/n laughed at the nickname. Its something y/n has been called ever since she was a baby - she will always be the baby of our family so we still us the name to whined her up every day.

Y/n: "I love you too Sarah, thank you for being my big sister."

Sarah: "I'm glad little one, now sleep, you look exhausted." I held her as she smiled and began to drift off to sleep. I knew how each time she had a panic attack she would get really tired after so I held her and stayed with her in case she woke up.

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