Ellie Staple x Reader x Billie Dean Howard (Stress) - Part 1

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TW: Stress, Fainting, Anxiety

Ellie - mom

Billie - momma

Ellie POV

I woke up this morning, turning over to be met by the most beautiful woman. My wife Billie. She began to stir awake, groaning that she needed her beauty sleep. We didn't have time so I made her get up and went to wake up our beautiful daughter y/n. Y/n was fast asleep in her bed so I made my way across to her gently shaking her awake. When she finally came too, she staggered out of bed and made her way to the kitchen with Billie and I. I made breakfast as my too sleepy heads yawned and lay their heads on our marble counter top. Y/n was always very specific about her food, 'make sure non-of it is touching each other' and her toast has to be 'golden with butter only'. I gave them both breakfast and y/n picked at hers, leaving the crusts behind then shuffled off back upstairs to get ready for school. She was clearly nervous today because of exams.


I ate the breakfast that my mom made for me then I made my way back upstairs to get changed into my outfit for school, packing the last few things in my bag. I made my way downstairs. Momma Billie was collecting her things together before giving me a kiss on the head before she left for work. Just as quick as she left, she sprinted back into the house.

Billie: "Mask, I forgot my mask again." Honestly, you'd think after a year in a global pandemic she'd remember to leave the house with her mask. Mom laughed as momma ran past her finding her sparkly mask.

Soon after momma finally left, I heard mom shout for me as she was ready to take me to school. I grabbed my bag running to the door which she held open. We got in the car and began driving to school when I realised, I forgot my exemption lanyard (so you don't have to wear a mask). I started panicking frantically trying to look for it even though I knew it was in my momma Billies car.

Ellie POV

I was driving y/n to school when suddenly she grabbed her shirt then frantically started looking in her bag. Her breathing was getting faster and she was starting to panic. I tried to sooth her as I drove but I could get her to listen to me so I stopped the car, pulling over.

Ellie: "Hey, hey love" I said trying to hold onto y/ns arms getting her to look at me. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Y/n: "I-I forgot m-my lanyard and now I'm going to have to wear a m-mask and I-I can't breathe and it makes me anxious a-and..."

Ellie: "Hey love let me stop you there okay, try to think of the best outcome of the situation okay, I promise it will be okay. I have a spare okay in case I need to give someone it at work, okay?"

Y/n nodded her head and shook her hands and arms trying to calm herself down. I continued driving her to school and once we got there, I gave her the lanyard and she put it on.

Ellie: "Honey I know its not the same as your and it doesn't have your Airpod's and fidget on it but I promise it will all be okay and tonight we can get your back out of your momma's car, okay? Call me if you need me love and remember how to calm yourself down before your exams baby. I love you."

Y/n: "I love you too mom."


I got out of the car and made my way into school, moving through the busy corridors making my way to the exam hall. First, I sat my English exam which went okay, then I had break time and after that I walked back to the exam hall for my maths exam. I was good at math, top set in fact but exams stressed me out. I was sat at the back of the exam hall. Half way through my maths exam I couldn't answer one of the questions, my brain became almost foggy and the numbers began to jumble around on the page making my head spin more. I began to feel dizzy so I asked to use the bathroom. I stood up almost falling but made it out into the corridor when one of my teachers saw me struggling. At this point my vision was going and then it all went black as I hit the floor.

When I came around, I was laid in the nurse's office. I could here muffled conversations almost like I was under water. When I finally regained my senses, my mom was sitting next to me stroking my hair. I was so confused I tried to sit up but she laid me back down, I just looked up at her in a trance, confused at what was happening. After a while everything came back to me and my mom took me home.

Ellie POV

I had picked y/n up from school after receiving a phone call to say she had fainted. I rushed to get her and bring her home. Once we were home Billie was already back waiting for us with tea. We sat with y/n who looked a little tired and confused still but she spoke to use which was a good sign. She managed to tell us that during the exam she couldn't answer one of the questions and began feeling dizzy so when she stood up and walked outside, she passed out.

Billie and I already knew y/n struggled with her anxiety but I wish I had noticed how stressed she was sooner about the exams so I could have helped her more. I suppose not having her lanyard too added to her stress today. We finally got y/n off to sleep in between both of us as we drank our tea and chatted about our options.

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