Lou Miller x Reader (Period)

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It was late at night and I woke up with the worse cramps. I couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. I didn't want to wake Lou up tossing and turning but I couldn't stop. It hurt so bad. I tried everything, clutching my stomach but nothing seemed to help. I didn't want to get up but I knew I had just got my period so I had to get up. Turning over I was hit with a wave of nausea and dizziness. I sat on the edge of our king size bed unable to lift my head from my necks as it spun so fast. I felt the bed dip a little as Lou crawled towards me kissing the top of my head softly and rubbing by back over the oversized shirt I took from her closet.


I woke up to see y/n sat on the edge of our bed with her head by her knees, whimpering softly. I knew straight away that she had bad cramps and subsequently nausea and dizziness. I rubbed the small of her back and spoke softly to her.

Lou: Hey my love, let me help you to the bathroom and Ill run you a bath and help you get cleaned up, okay?

Y/n nodded her head in agreement and then I held her up. She almost fell from dizziness but I caught her carrying her into the bathroom sitting her down and drawing the bath. Once the bath was full I lifted her into it. I went downstairs to grab her a hot water bottle and brought it up to her. Lifting y/n out of the bath I wrapped her in a towel carrying her back to our bed. I helped her to dry off and change into a fresh shirt of mine before helping her to clean up. I pulled her up to my chest allowing her to rest her head and placed the water bottle on her stomach. I ran my fingers through my hair as she drifted back off to sleep.

Celebrity One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora