Mildred x Reader x Gwen (Trouble at School) - Part 1

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TW- SH, Flashback, Assault, Homophobia

Please don't read if you are triggered by these things. So of this is very personal to me I hope you like this. If you ever need to vent or chat I'm here. Remember it was never your fault and if you understand this I am here with you and fighting in your corner. You are not alone.


Soph X


Set in modern times. Reader was adopted by Gwen and Mildred (Millie) when they were younger. The reader is gay and has not come out yet. They get hate at school and people are pretty homophobic to her. One of her bullies pushes her and she snaps. They cuss each other out in the classroom and y/n gets in trouble and her moms find out about it and they tell her off until they find her upset in her room screaming at herself. When they find out why she was mad there hearts break for the young girl.



When I was younger I was adopted by Mildred and Gwen. I came from an abusive household so I was constantly scared Mildred or Gwen would hurt me. I used to flinch every time they came near me, dropping to the floor covering my head waiting for the punches and kicks but they never came. Mildred worked in a psychiatric unit so she knew how to approach these situations and Gwen quickly learned from her. They both really helped me to trust again and I was forever grateful for them saving me.

Deep down I knew I was gay but I could never put it into words, even knowing that my moms would support me wasn't enough. I kept it too myself. I've been bullied through out school and it just kept getting worse. They boys in my class started calling me a dyke and saying they could turn me straight.

One day I was walking into class and they boys were shouting at me. One of them touched me as I walked past them and said "I bet you liked that princess." I was never one to react but I had had enough. I turned around and slapped him. We began cussing each other out until the teacher came in and had us both removed. The principle called my moms in for a meeting to discuss why I was being sent home but he never told them why the argument happened in the first place.

Mildred was furious with me. As we walked to the car she began shouting at me.

Mildred: "Young lady what do you think your playing at! You can't go around cussing people out in the middle of a classroom or ever. I am ashamed of you for this!"

Gwen: "We did not raise you like this y/n! You are grounded until further notice and don't you dare talk back."

We got in the car and Gwen slammed her door beginning to drive home in silence. We got into the house and I sat down on the couch. I was too scared to even talk. Shouting always triggered me and today was no exception. I was shaking and on the verge of tears. I felt so violated by that boy and now they both hate me because I can't tell them the truth.

I eventually got up walking towards the kitchen I tried to get some food out of the cupboard but a box fell on the floor causing Gwen to jump up from the table and rush towards me shouting. I panicked thinking she was going to hit me. I fell to the floor as a flashback began. I began grasping my hair pulling at it and scratching at my skin furiously. Of course Gwen never met to frighten me but she did. She would never hit me but today had been so triggering that I really had lost it. Everything around me was so loud.

Gwen: "MILDRED! MILDRED PLEASE COME QUICK!" Gwen screamed trying to restrain me. I was too strong at this point and she couldn't stop me. My skin grew redder and redder and I scratched and it curled in a ball trying to stop it all. Mildred came running in and helped Gwen we restrain me finally. She held me laying me on my front on the floor. Gwen held my head not allowing me to bang it off the concrete and Mildred stopped me from scratching at my skin as she helped my arms behind my back, whispering soothing words in my ear as I was screaming and crying. Eventually, I was pulled from my attack. Mildred and Gwen sat me up slowly looking at my red, puffy, tearstained face, red raw arms which were covered in blood and my messy hair. I tried to fight them off but they would not let go of me. I began to calm down as Mildred spoke to me.

Mildred POV

Seeing y/n in a state like this didn't happen very often. In fact the last time I recall seeing her like this was when she was little. I wanted to take away all her pain but that simply wasn't possible.

Mildred: "Hey honey I'm sorry you had to go through that, you know Gwen would never hurt you right?"

Y/n: "Yes mom I know I just got scared. Too much shouting."

Gwen: "I'm sorry sweetheart I really am."

Mildred: "Now tell me y/n what's going on in that pretty little head of your? I know there's more to today than your telling us."

Y/n hung her head in shame.

Gwen: "Darling we promise we won't be mad we just want to know why it happened."

Then she spat it out and broke down.

Y/n: H-H-He hurt me mom."

Mildred: "Baby girl I know this is difficult but I need to know what he did."

Y/n: "He touched me and s-said that he bet I like it. They are always saying that I'm a dyke and that they could turn me but they cant momma they cant. Am I really sick like they keep telling me? Am I wrong?"

I couldn't believe what y/n was telling me. He hurt our baby. I could kill him right now.

Mildred: "Sweet girl, what he did too you was very wrong and it was not your fault. Now are you telling me that you like girls?"

Y/n: "Y-yes." She said looking down

Gwen: "Hey baby that's okay we support you. You are not sick or wrong, you are human and you love who you love and nobody can change that."

Mildred: "We love you dearest, now lets get you cleaned up."

I'd seen patients like this, having flashbacks or hurting themselves but I could never be prepared for seeing my own child like this. So vulnerable, so hurt and so confused. I grabbed the first aid kit as y/n sat clung to Gwen in her embrace, sobbing her heart out.

Mildred: "baby lets get this all cleaned up okay. Now it might sting a little but then we can make it all better."

I began applying the hydrogen peroxide to her scratches, dabbing it on with a cotton pad. Y/n hissed and sobbed until it was all done. I bandaged both of her arms covering them over so y/n could not itch them as it would make them worse. Then both me and Gwen sat with her still on the kitchen floor and talked about her options.

Mildred: "Darling we need to work with you to help you use better coping skills. We don't want you hurting yourself or pulling your hair. I know that you sometimes don't realise your doing it, especially when your having a flashback but we need to realise when these things happen okay. How does that sound?"

Y/n: "G-good."

Mildred: "Now next time should we try rubbing an ice cub on your arms to help ground you?"

Y/n: "Yeah that sounds good I guess."

Mildred: "Okay baby well then why don't you go put on your pyjamas and come and cuddle with us on the couch downstairs before you sleep. How does that sound?"

Y/n: "Sounds great mom."

Y/n went upstairs to get changed and then remerged with her blanket and pyjamas on. We all sat on the couch y/n in between me and Gwen, at one point I caught her trying to itch her arms through the bandage so I held her hand in mine and gave her a look telling her to stop. I hated to see her in pain like this. I was so used to dealing with it at work but when it was my own child it was very different.

Mildred: "I love you y/n. I love you Gwen."

Gwen: "and we love you too Mildred."

y/n smiled and then drifted off to sleep.

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