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As I wake up i look around confused as to where I am before the memories of the night before flash through my mind. I expected Klaus to wake me up demanding I follow him on his search for puppies. But instead I'm curled up in my bed at the boarding house. Once I got home last night I drank a bottle of wine while reading before having an amazing night of sleep. We have stayed in some fancy hotels over the summer, but nothing will ever compare to just sleeping in your own bed. What would have made my night even better is if Klaus was here and none of that shit ever happened, but we don't always get what we want. He better not have left, all my stuff is still in the SUV we drove up here. Well they drove while Stefan and I were dead. As I roll out of bed I hear extremely loud rock music playing downstairs in the parlor. I walk over to my dresser and pour myself a glass of bourbon. The only reason I had wine is because I brought it here before Klaus womennapped me, my brothers seemly will never, ever, get sick of bourbon.

As I reach the bottom of the staircase I find two dead body's, just left there, with bite marks all over them

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As I reach the bottom of the staircase I find two dead body's, just left there, with bite marks all over them. Ripper Stefan, yay! I kick the two of them out if the way and walk into the living room. There is a group of bloody, half naked women playing Twister while Stefan is sat on the sofa with the spinner. "Good morning." I say while taking a sip of my bourbon. He looks up at me, less brooding than normal due to his switch flip, "Good morning sister. Klaus wants you to call him back." I roll my eyes, "Tell Klaus to fuck off. I'm not in the mood for his shit."
"Awe, is someone mad because he made me flip my switch."
"Yes, and he was controlling me."
"Ah right, your human days where you were just a housewife. You should really learn to let things go."
"Says the one who almost got himself killed for the doppelgänger of the women you hate."
"Touché. Oh! Would you like a spin?" I look over at the women and his game actually sounds fun. "Sure why not." I plop down beside him on the coach and lean over him spinning the spinner. "Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please." Stefan says and a dark haired women walks forward. I grab her wrist and bite into it drinking her blood.
"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." I pull my fangs from the girls wrist and look up seeing Damon for the first time since Chicago.
"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's our house, too, brother. Ooh! Would you like a spin as well?" Stefan holds up the spinner again making me laugh.
"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Alice and Elena?"
"EXCUSE ME!" I yell and Damon sends me a small smirk. "I'm going to castrate him!" I say downing my drink.
"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." Stefan says while dramatically throwing his hands in the air while Damon just stares at him. Suddenly someone knock's at the door and Damon goes to opens it. Rebekah comes storming into our house with shopping bags in her hands and a feathers in her hair. Seems like she's already getting acquitted with this decade, "Where's  Alice or Stefan?" I wave as she enters the house while Damon looks at her confused, "Who the hell are you?" He questions.
"He left me here. My brother actually left me here." She says to me and Stefan.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care." Stefan says.

I punch his shoulder, "What?" He questions and I roll my eyes looking at Rebekah, "It doesn't surprise me beks hes an ass

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I punch his shoulder, "What?" He questions and I roll my eyes looking at Rebekah, "It doesn't surprise me beks hes an ass."
"You're Klaus's sister?" Damon asks.
"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one's my room?" I stand up. "There's six extra rooms, pick whichever one." I say before walking to the bottle of bourbon in the living room.
"You're not staying here." Stefan says making me mumble, "Good lucky with that one." As I fill my glass.
"Rude. All of you. I'll see to it myself. Alice your stuff is in the truck outside." She says and a smile instantly coats my lips. She leaves the room and I turn to Damon who rolls his eyes, "I'll put your stuff in your room." He says before speeding away.

I decided to allow my self today to be miserable and unproductive. Which leads me to the 2 empty bottles of bourbon and finishing the entire first season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey in one sitting. I'm about to click play on season 2 when a blonde comes storming into my room she looks at me confused, "What's wrong with you?" She questions as she sits on my bed. I sigh dramatically, "I'm depressed, and I'm still pissed at you!"
"But I let you go home and brought you your things! Doesn't that count for something!?"
"Apologize to me, that will count for something." She quirks an eyebrow at me, basically questioning if I'm serious. I wave for her to go and she sighs, "Fine, Alice I'm sorry for choking you and killing you." She says while squishing her face up as if apologizing is paining her.
"Good, now you will be forgiven if you fill me in on everything I missed." She lays next to me in my bed with her back on the headboard.
"That doppelgänger wrench, is the solution to creating Nik's hybrids, well her blood is. Your brother name dropped Mikael, which is why Nik left." I sigh and rub my temples in stress,
"Okay so he left to make hybrids, splendid."

 I say with an eye roll, "Don't assault me again, can I ask who Mikael is? Or is that still in the do not discuss pile?" Her face falls, "Do not discuss pile, we will tell you one day, just know he's an evil, manipulative, bastard" Her mood shifts...

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 I say with an eye roll, "Don't assault me again, can I ask who Mikael is? Or is that still in the do not discuss pile?" Her face falls, "Do not discuss pile, we will tell you one day, just know he's an evil, manipulative, bastard" Her mood shifts as she smiles brightly at me, "Join me at the bonfire." Confusion fills me, "What bonfire?"
"The back to school one at the falls." I look at her even more confused, "And we care about back to school, why?"
"Because I enrolled at the high school." I stare at her wide eyed,
"Oh wow. Didn't expect that. Do whatever makes you happy Bekah." She smiles softly at me, "So you'll come with me." I shake my head, "No way in hell."

"We need to talk

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"We need to talk." Damon says as he storms into my room. I look at him while chewing a large amount of pasta, I hold a one up and chew my food before putting my finger down, "Can't we talk later? I'm busy." He quirks an eyebrow, "Your eating pasta and watching trashy TV. I'd say your schedule is pretty clear." I roll my eyes and lean over my end table and pausing my show. "Your an ass, Ashley was just about to pull out Danielle's weave." I says annoyed while putting my pasta on the end table as well. Damon jumps on my bed and sits beside me, "So what the deal with your boyfriend?" I groan, "Damon fuck off. I don't want to talk about this." Can't a girl just get one day to be left alone in her misery?
"I just have a few questions. The soulmate bond, what would happen to you if he died." I glare at him, "You better not be implying what I think you are." He shrugs, "I'm not implying anything, just curious." Irritation fills me, "Well when we are separated the both of us will be miserable. So I picture that if he died it wouldn't be pretty. And your not going to try it, understood." He nods, "Sure. I won't kill your lover boy. Although it sounds like you two are having problems." I roll my eyes, "Damon, your in love with Katherine 2.0 who is also your brother's girlfriend. So I don't think you have room to talk."
"Well your kidnapper happened to be your soulmate, so who's worse?" I laugh, "I think we both are fucked." He nods in agreement.

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