But today he got excited for no reason, he just wanted to be praised by him, after witnessing that love between Yeo Been and Yu Chan, he hoped for something like that too.

He asks, "Dad have you read that file I sent you?!" He looked at him with hope, but Tae Suk got puzzled at his this question and asked what file.

Joong Ki once again reminded him about it although he already did many times today and was taken aback little at his this reply because when he sent it, it shown that Tae Suk read the message and also Joong Ki even opened the file for Tae Suk and gave it to him in his hands so how he didn't read it was something weird, but still decided to be calm and said,

"Then you can read it now!" He said cheerfully, hoping that he will do it again infront of everyone but

When Tae Suk opened his phone, and saw the chats between him and Joong Ki, he saw that it was all cleared and it showed "you cleared the chats". He got a little hesitant telling about this so he lied saying that ahh he remembers now, haha.

But even though no one could caught his lies, Joong Ki knew that he was lying about it and his face turned to disappointment and said

"Don't lie, abuji! You know you are not good at it..."he said blankly with cold voice, as he can't believe that Tae Suk did all what his other siblings told him to, but didn't even bother to read the one he sent even when he reminded him plenty of times!

He still tried to stay calm and asked whether he signed the hardcopy of a confidential file, he handed only to him, as it contains some of the very secretive information about Min Jae and that it was risky to give it to anyone else.

To which he just looked back at him with disappointment as he failed to do that either.
He stayed silent and it gave answer to him.

"How could you forget everything I asked you to do dad, huh?!...do you still hates me this much?!" He asks not looking at him, trying not to sound pathetic.

He grinned a bit, with sadness while looking down at his lap and just got up from there, without even completing his food, didn't see anyone else and just moved out from the house, slamming the door hard.

He thought that after these many years, at least his relations with Tae Suk could have improved now....

He moved out from there, get into his car and drove off roughly.

He came to the city and stopped by a shop and bought some bottles of maekgoli, and after thinking a bit, he decided to go to Seo Jun, as he remembered that once he put down her offer for the drinks. And also he pretty much ignored her today so...and also Cha Young don't want him too.

At Cha Young's house.

She was sitting alone at the table, drinking, while her eyes were puffy, seemed like she cried again after coming home, feeling it empty and was just gulping down all her sorrows with the soju.

She didn't drink much till now and was wide aware of her surroundings, when she looked at the moniter near the door, where someone was standing with the back facing the camera.

She got a bit altered and thought of going towards the door to ask who he was, but decided to just examine his behaviour, as it seemed as if he was trying to press the bell, but feels doubtful to do so.

This continued for like 10min and when nothing happened, neither he turned around so that she could clearly see his face nor he left from there.

So at last, she rose up from the table and walked to it and opened the door.

The Tale Of Vincenzo Cassano And Hong Cha Young...Where stories live. Discover now