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I hear Jay shout the moment I step foot outside my house. He always waits for me in the morning to walk to school with me.

"So, what did you and Ni-ki talk about last night?"

"We talked a bit about school and some of our interests. I found out that he likes romance dramas. He also said that he wants to hang out and get to know me more. He said he's curious about me."

"Oh? That's unexpected from someone like him. Did he say anything else about hanging out with you?"

"Yeah, I gave him my number so he can contact me to hang out."


"I don't know if I actually want to go with him or not. I guess I just want to find out why he acts so different in school than outside. By the way, I said that I'm only going if you're coming too."

Jay lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank god. I would never want to lose you to that kid."

"What? Lose?"

I ask, confused.

"Uhh, sorry I guess I got confused with my words a little. I meant to say, I would never want you to get stood up by that kid and be all alone."

He says, rushed with an awkward smile.

"Ah yeah. I would be so humiliated if that happened. That would mean that everything he was saying was a lie.. And he'd probably gossip about it with his friends."

I worry.

- 3rd person POV

"He has friends?"

Jay says jokingly. Rina giggles a bit at his little joke.

"Of course he does. He's friends with that one really cute smart kid, Jungwon, and that Australian guy, Jake."

What are you talking about cute? Rina, you're killing me here.

Jay thinks to himself.

He looks at Rina, zoning out.

"Jay, you good?"

Rina asks.

"Yeah, don't worry, Rina. It's all good. Couldn't be better."

Jay says with his lips pressed together in an awkward smile.

"Don't you think we should start hanging out more outside of studying and walking to and from school?"

He asks.

"We could make that work. But I still need to keep my grades up. So we'll still have days for studying at the library."

"Sounds good. Sushi tonight at 8? Your favorite sushi restaurant."

"Yes, of course! I'm so excited."

They arrive at the front of the school after a couple minutes of walking.

"Bye, Rina! See you in math class."

Jay says, waving at Rina with a smile.

"Bye, Jay!"

Rina waves back, sending him a smile, too.

Jay smiles to himself as he walks away. He just got an unofficial date with the person he likes.

Well, his best friend.

He looks back at Rina, watching her with starry eyes as she walks to her class.

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