Her eyes steered straight ahead absently and she saw Theodore Nott's dead eyes gawking at her. His sharp jaws were tight, but his features were etched in a way that made his expression completely unreadable.

His assigned partner was doing all the work, wordlessly so. He just stood there. Leaned against the wall behind him and stared at Oshun.

She did not know whether she should be worried or not. He hated her so much, clearly.

She saw the three green gems on his silver band—that ring that stood out on his hands—gleamed as the sunlight through the window shone on it. He was twisting the ring around his finger, the ring he was always twisting around his finger.

"Takahashi," Draco hissed irritably, and buried the toe of his shoe into the side of hers to get her attention. "I'm talking to you, you idiot. You can't give anyone else your attention when I'm talking to you."

Oshun's head turned to him. "What do you want, Malfoy?" she bit out annoyedly.

"I want you to tell me what's wrong—why you're not talking to me," he clarified through clenched teeth.

"Can I just say something?" She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table, still holding his gaze.

Draco gave a nod.

Her chin nuzzled into her palm. "When you don't get your way, you can't go calling people vile names and snapping at them. Don't do that, Malfoy. It just goes to show how immature you are," she neutrally explained.

His jaws rolled subtly. "I liked it better when you weren't talking." He averted his eyes from her.

"I'm not saying it to insult you or anything like that. I'm just helping you because that's not a good quality to have." Her shoulders lifted in a shrug as she kept her eyes resting upon him.

She studied his neck tattoo for a second, admiring how brilliant it looked. She detail of it was insane.

He turned and met her eyes once more with a blank expression. "You're referring to when I called you a filthy blood witch on the train." His words came out very thinly.

"Not just to me, Malfoy. I'm talking in general," she clarified, and straightened herself out. "Again, I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just saying it's not a good thing for you to snap whenever you don't get your way."

He stared at her for a few moments before he just nodded slowly.


"Looks good on you." Draco broke the silence once more, some warmth coming into his tone.

"Huh?" Oshun's eyebrows bundled together in bemusement.

His chin lifted towards her, silver eyes staring at her the spot below her collarbone.

Her hand went to her neck and she held the spade pendant between her fingers. "Oh, yeah." A glimpse of a smile passed her lips. "I layered them and it looks good with my Buddha one, as you said."

He nodded, expression serene and pleasant.

"And one more thing." She lowered her voice and narrowed her eyes subtly at him.

"Hm?" His eyebrows rose in question.

"Did you know you left a pair of your clean boxers under my bed after you left?" She raised an eyebrow back at him.

"Oh." He gaped and smiled. "I had no idea. I wonder how that got there."

"Yeah, I wonder too." She nodded and played mockingly along. "Good thing I found it before I went to The Burrow."

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