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                I woke up to my phone ringing

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I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered groggily. "Happy birthday, angel," I smiled to myself. His voice sent tingles down my spine. "Thanks, Grayson."

"I'm gonna head to your place in about an hour. Is that okay?"

I pulled the phone from my ear. It was already noon. I guess the emotional conversation between my mother, and I last night wore me out. "Yeah, that's fine. You gonna tell me where we're going?"

I heard his musical laugh on the phone. "Not a chance, birthday girl. I'll see you soon," He hung up.

I quickly jumped out of bed and into the shower. While in the shower, I began to think about what Violet and my mother said. Could they be right? Could Grayson have feelings for? Just the thought of Grayson having feelings for me made me feel all warm inside. I know that I said I didn't have feelings for Grayson anymore, but when you see a person every day, do those feelings ever really go away? Or do they just become such an ingrained part of you that those feelings are as easy as breathing that you don't even notice?

Lost in thought, I realized that I had been in the shower for too long and quickly got out and dried off. I began to do my makeup, keeping it simple. I walked back to my bedroom and got dressed in the outfit I bought yesterday, pairing it with gold jewelry and my black boots. While throwing things into my purse, I heard the doorbell rang. Smiling giddily to myself, I made my way down the steps to open the door.

In the doorway was Grayson, wearing a white button up and dark wash jeans. His dark hair was messy, just how I liked it. He looked beautiful, more now than I ever realized. I had also known Grayson was good looking, but today it's like all of that was heightened. "Hi." I said breathlessly.

He grinned at me and grabbed me in a hug. He picked me off the ground and whispered in my hair, "Happy birthday," He inhaled my scent deeply, but I did the same. His scent so familiar to me, it was always comforting and today, it seemed like his scent was even stronger, almost overpowering my senses.

He put me down with his hands still on my waist and I matched his grin. "You already told me happy birthday," I giggled. My face felt warm, and I could feel fluttering in my stomach, along with the sparkles on my waist that felt more like a powerful shock today.

Violet's words played in my head again as Grayson was staring at me. He did look at me intensely always, like he was constantly trying to memorize my face. It was a stare I had grown accustomed to and maybe that's why I didn't see what she saw.

His grin only widened. "And I will keep telling you all day long, angel. You ready to go?" I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hell yeah."


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