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                 The next day, Grayson had drove me to school

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The next day, Grayson had drove me to school. He stayed the night last night, holding me while I cried some more before falling asleep. I still was upset about what happened with Finn, but I was slowly figuring out that it wasn't because I like Finn. It was because I thought he respected me when he really didn't. That's what hurt the most. I felt used.

Violet had called last night, but Grayson picked up the phone, telling her I'd explain everything later. I didn't really want to rehash the whole story again, but I knew Violet would give me advice and comfort on the whole situation.

I didn't get a chance to speak to her until lunchtime which is what we were currently discussing.

"What a fuck nugget!" Violet exclaimed loudly in the library. The librarian stood up from her desk and glared angrily. "Sorry, Mrs. Cato!"

"Bitch." She whispered under her breath, which caused me to giggle. Violet clasped her hands in front of her and laid them on the table. "He sounds like an ass, Brie,"

I sighed. "Yeah, he was an asshole, and I will never be seeing him again. Although, I doubt he will want to see me either considering he was just using me and Gray broke his nose," Violet laughed loudly and threw her head back. "Damn, do I wish I could've seen that," I laughed with her.

Violet continued speaking. "To be fair, I never saw things between you and Finn working out," I stared at her, confused. "Why?"

"Because you and Grayson are endgame, not you and some random guy that is playing a side character to the eventual love story of Brielle West and Grayson Hart," I scoffed quietly. "You're insane."

She looked at me like I was stupid. "Brie, do you seriously not see the way Grayson looks at you?"

"What do you mean?"

She sighed loudly and closed her eyes while pinching the area between them. "Grayson is... ignorant to the female attention he receives. Yeah, he flashes them a smile and gives them a friendly hi, but he ignores them completely afterwards and turns all of his attention onto you. Grayson looks at you like you quite literally are the reason why the moon rises in the sky every night,"

I looked at her, shocked. He didn't look at me like that, did he? I shook my head vehemently. "You're crazy, Vi. He doesn't do that."

"You know for someone so smart; you can be so dumb. His face lights up when he's around you. It's like you're the center of his universe and he just feels so lucky to be in your orbit. Honestly, I'm super jealous, I want a guy to look at me like that."

"Whatever you want to tell yourself," I waved my hand around nonchalantly.

"Let me ask you this then. Would you go out with him if he asked? If he walked right in here and told you he had feelings for you?" She stared at me intensely with a serious look on her face.

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