Her eyes rolled as she crossed her legs, wearing her Christmas pajama pants. "You're leaving tomorrow," she pointed out as she scanned the magazine. "How did you like it here?"

Baloo hopped onto the couch and onto Draco's lap, making his spot.

Draco stroked the cat gently and the fire reflected in his eyes. "You're lucky," he said quietly, turning his head to look at her. "Your parents are lovely. Your home is cozy and full of light. You've got this nice, fat cat—"

"He's not fat, Malfoy. Don't be fucking rude," Oshun spat harshly as she backhanded his thigh. "He just likes his food."

Baloo was a pretty big cat, but he was healthy so it didn't matter. Everyone just seemed to enjoy teasing Baloo. Oshun defended her little furball each time.

Draco rolled his eyes at her, amused. "I mean, I know my family's got royalty and money, but you've got everything I never had—the things like affection and warmth and happiness," he spoke in a wistful voice in her ear. "It was nice to experience it, even if it was only for a few days."

She met his eyes, his soft eyes. "You're strong," she whispered earnestly. "You and your mum are so strong, you know that?"

He nodded with a soft hum.

She smiled softly at him and brushed his platinum hair out of his eyes with her fingers. "So, I got you a gift." She cleared her throat and sat up straight.

"A gift for what?" he uttered, eyebrows pinched together in clear confusion.

"For Halloween," she droned sarcastically. "For Christmas obviously, you idiot."

"Don't call me an idiot," he bit out harshly. "Only I can call you an idiot. And as a matter of fact, I got you something."

She turned away from him and reached over to the side table. She opened the drawer and pulled out a gift bag.

"Here." She scooted closer to him and handed him the gift bag. "It's not expensive or anything, but... I still wanted to get you something."

He seemed legitimately startled, taken aback. "You actually got me a gift?" His eyes darted from the gift bag to her eyes.

"Well, yes," she said quietly, turning her body to face him. "But it's nothing big and shiny."

He blinked at her, incredulous.

"Open it," she insisted, jutting her chin at the bag.

Draco shifted in his seat and scooped Baloo off his lap to put him on the arm of the couch. He then plucked the tissue paper out before he dug out a snow globe with a snowman in the centre.

"Do you like it?" She stirred anxiously in her spot.

He shook it, and watched the glitters and fake snow float around the snowman. "This is really beautiful, Takahashi," he said ever so sincerely, head turning to capture her eyes. "Thank you. This means a lot to me, it really does."

"You're welcome," Oshun beamed, glad he liked the gift.

He put the snow globe back into the bag before putting the tissue paper inside. He reached into the inside pocket of the blazer he was wearing.

"I got you this." His hands retrieved a long necklace box and handed it to her. "Here. I figured I would buy you and your family a gift each since you've opened your home to me."

Her eyes lowered to the necklace box in her hands. She gingerly opened it and saw a gold chain with a gold spade pendant that had mini diamonds embroidered around it.

"I can't take this." She shut it and held it out for him, ignoring the fluttering feeling she felt deep in a mysterious part of her heart.

"Why not?" His eyebrows knitted together, not taking it back.

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