He was smirking at her, amused.

She stopped when she noticed his smirk. "What?"

"You get your good looks from your parents, is what I'm saying," he clarified evenly.

"You saying I'm good-looking?" Her brows arched.

He ripped his eyes from her. "You're not terrible to look at. You're a pretty girl."

Something exploded in her stomach and flapped against her insides. "Thank you."

"Okay, go." He jutted his chin toward the bathroom. "Hurry up. I want to take a nice shower."

When she turned around to grab pajamas, she let the smile she'd been suppressing spread across her lips.


Oshun sat up on her bed and peeked over at Draco to see if he was sleeping.

It was past three in the morning and hours before, she had gotten a note from Simon through her window to meet him at the park at three. So she waited for the time to come.

Draco was sleeping shirtless, facing away from her with his hands buried under the pillow. His breaths were soft and steady.

Safely assuming he was sleeping, Oshun discreetly slid off the end of her bed and got to her feet. She grabbed sweatpants from her armchair and slipped them over her shorts. She threw on a thick sweater over her tank top and then another thick sweater on top since her jacket was downstairs.

She plucked another pair of sneakers from her closet and slipped them on. She went to her window and quickly pulled open the curtains.

She unlatched the latch of her window and pushed the glass open. The night air of winter hit her so quickly, goosebumps already rose onto her skin underneath her sweater. She hauled herself over the edge and stepped on the thick tree branch right at her reach.

Her fingers tightly gripped the windowsill as she balanced both feet on the branch. She pulled her window closed and then carefully walked across the branch to the trunk. Her foot settled on a lower branch and she gripped the higher ones as she climbed down the tree.

She hopped off the last branch and her feet immediately got cold from where she was now standing in a thick layer of untouched snow. With coldness surrounding her feet, she quickly ran out of it and slowly went to Simon's driveway.

It wasn't snowing anymore, but it had been all day. The sky was nearly a dark purple and there were no stars. It was all cloudy and the neighbourhood was dead quiet with the streetlights on.

"Simon?" Oshun called quietly as she walked around the large evergreen tree.

"Hey, stranger." Simon came out from around the side of his house, smiling so joyfully.

"Hi," she beamed, throwing her arms around his neck for a hug.

"Haven't seen you. I thought you stayed at your private school for the holidays." He gave her a tight squeeze, face nuzzled into her shoulder.

"No, never." She smiled at him once they pulled from the hug. "So are we still going to the park, or do you want to walk around the block?"

He pulled her hood over her head. "The block." His hands slid in his sweater pockets. "Come." His head tilted in the direction of the sidewalk.

Oshun walked alongside her childhood friend and they just caught up on everything. It was nice to finally see him and talk to him in person.

"Oshun, don't look back, but I reckon someone's following us." Simon was looking straight ahead as he said this in a low voice.

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