"So, Oshun—what a lovely name." Narcissa's smile was so wide as she studied the girl. "You're just gorgeous, dear. Isn't she gorgeous, Draco?"

"Mhm." Draco nodded and appraised the girl from across the table. His forearms were crossed over the edge of the table.

"Just gorgeous," Narcissa said again, almost in a haze. "So, tell me about yourself, won't you?"

Oshun hated stuff like this.

She didn't know what to say or what the right thing to say was.

That statement was one that she absolutely loathed. Tell me about yourself.

"Well." Oshun cleared her throat and anxiously toyed with the jade Buddha pendant on her necklace. "I don't— I don't really know what to tell you. I'm just me, I suppose." Her cheeks were heating up.

Narcissa's brows frowned as she sighed. "I apologize, Oshun. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. Draco told me you were quite shy and I just got excited about having you here, I suppose," she said apologetically.

"No need to apologize," Oshun said kindly with a faint smile. "It's okay, really."

"How about we just spend these days together and we'll learn about each other and grow close as we go along?" Narcissa's lips tugged into a gentle smile.

Oshun nodded. "Sounds good," she beamed softly.

The three of them talked—well, Narcissa talked and Draco added his words when it was asked for, Oshun too.

Oshun didn't talk much during this tea time, neither did Draco. They only stared at each other in silence every now and then.

"You're quiet," Draco said when his mother left the table to fetch a different kind of biscuit she loved and recommended to Oshun.

"So are you." Oshun met his stare.

They just stared at each other.

Oshun was extremely glad that Lucius Malfoy wasn't there.

She did not want to be anywhere near that man.


Oshun lay awake, staring at the ceiling.

This manor gave her the fucking creeps.

It was past midnight and she had been alone for a few hours since dinner ended a while ago and Narcissa said goodnight around nine at the fireplace.

The three of them had gathered by the fireplace to drink hot chocolate and have biscuits.

Oshun noticed Draco didn't speak much to his mother, nor did she speak much to him. Perhaps they weren't close?

But it was obvious Narcissa wanted to have a strong relationship with her son. But to anyone with eyes, they did not have it.

Maybe Narcissa was trying to get herself involved with Oshun in hopes she would also get closer with her son since she was his future wife—if she chose him.

Oshun couldn't sleep now.

She didn't dare to close her eyes because in this room, it felt so empty—so ominous. Or maybe that was the feeling of the entire manor.

Maybe it was Lucius who brought this feeling into this home. It was like a gloomy cloud hovered over the manor every second.

Oshun wondered how Draco's childhood was in this home. Did he have a good childhood? Did he have freedom? Fun?

Oshun was a new adult and she couldn't imagine having a childhood in this house. It was dark all over and far from everywhere.

She sat up in the abnormally large bed. She wasn't used to this.

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