The more you know

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You, Me, and the shadow chapter sixty-four

Mental in bold

The next morning


Waking up the following morning after only a few hours' sleep to the feel of soft curls under my chin and the warmth of the woman I love against my chest, I'm completely at peace.

Last night was the best night of my life, at least so far anyway. The connection between Roza and I is so much stronger now than it was before. I know that it's because our transformation is now complete, but I can't help feeling that it's more than that.

Every time we're together, it's like we're becoming more and more intrinsically linked. So much so, I can feel every breath she takes as if it's my own. Her heart beats in sync with mine, and our minds are so intertwined that I sometimes can't tell the difference between her conscience and mine.

My mind, body and soul call for her every minute of every day, and I can't seem to keep my hands off her. Not that either of us is complaining. Our bond has grown so much over just a few short weeks that I no longer know where I end, and she begins, and I couldn't be more thankful for it.

Hearing the sound of the alarm going off somewhere behind me, I can't even be bothered to turn it off, because doing so would mean I have to move away from the beauty wrapped in my arms, and that's something I'm not willing to do.

Before I can even think of a solution though, the alarm clock goes flying across the room, hitting the opposite wall and shattering into god knows how many pieces on the floor, the ringing noise cutting out on impact.

A contented sigh breaks through the silence, and I can't stop the large grin that spreads across my face. "You really have to stop doing that, Milaya."

"Then maybe you should stop setting them. You basically sign their death warrants every time you turn one on." I can feel her smile against my chest as she speaks, and I don't even try and hold back the chuckle that builds up in my chest at her matter of fact tone.

"Is that so?" Moving slightly and rolling on top of her, I hold myself above her with one hand whilst stroking her hair with the other. "Well, I just think that you're secretly an electronics serial killer who likes to make me clean up the evidence."

Seeing the sparkle in her eyes as she looks up at me, I almost groan when she bites the corner of her bottom lip. "Well, I will admit, seeing you bent over picking up the pieces does have a certain allure." Her voice comes out husky as she looks my naked body up and down appraisingly. "However will you punish me for my murderous ways?"

"Didn't you have enough last night?" I ask through a smirk as I already feel my body starting to respond to hers. "Never." And with that one word, I don't hold back. Surging forward, I capture her lips with mine, effectively picking up where we left off two hours ago.

Breakfast can wait. We can't.

Just over two hours later

Walking into the academy's cafeteria a few hours later, the huge smiles on our faces are clear for everyone to see. I know what today will entail, and I know that it will turn out to be both stressful and emotional, so who can blame us for being happy while we can.

As soon as we enter, we catch everyone's attention within seconds. The guardians are, of course, the first to acknowledge our presence as a sea of hundreds of black and white uniforms drop into a bow and remain there. Everyone else's reaction however is varied.

There's a multitude of muttering in the silence as, one by one, more people drop down to one knee as a sign of acceptance and respect. I'm actually surprised how many acknowledge our rank willingly, especially when I witness many royal moroi bowing down to us. There are, however, those who resist.

You, Me and the shadow (Vampire Academy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now