Rings and bells

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You, Me, and the shadow chapter eleven

Russian in Italic

Mental in Bold


Waking up the following morning, I think back to everything that happened yesterday. Finding out that Dimitri and I are soulmates, no shocker there. Finding out I'm this reincarnated saviour destined to fulfil a prophecy, admittingly quite a bit of shock there. Finding out I have a goddamn Brother who wants to kill me again, and then, on top of that, finding out that Dimitri and I can have children, which is the best shock of them all. Saying it was a long day would be putting it lightly.

Turning in his arms, I can see that Dimitri's still fast asleep, which is rare because he's usually up well before I am, but I guess yesterday also had a toll on him. Either that or I wore him out in the early hours of this morning, but it's not like I'm going to apologise for that.

Looking over his gorgeous face, I gently move the hair covering it to behind his ear. He really is a stunning specimen, and I'm so thankful he's mine. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without him, and I don't just mean for the obvious reasons. I mean, because he's literally half of me. Without him, I'm lost. The darkness would have taken me in that cabin if he hadn't been there, and to be honest. I would have let it.

I haven't had the best life. In fact, some might say I haven't had a life at all. Being left at the academy at four years old and stuck there all that time means that I haven't experienced much that life can offer.

I even died already and was brought back only to have my friend and bond-mate abandon me. The two years we were away were awful, contrary to popular belief. I spent every day on edge, looking over my shoulder for danger, and I wasn't even free in my sleep because I constantly had to live through Lissa's dreams of darkness and death.

Then Dimitri found me, and I felt like I could rest for the first time in my life. I felt like I could finally breathe. I felt like I maybe wouldn't be alone. And thankfully, he felt the same. So when I say I couldn't do this without him, I honestly mean that, without him finding us all those months ago, I would already be dead because I frankly couldn't be arsed in living anymore.

Looking over at him now, with his face so carefree and that beautiful smile he always has when he sleeps next to me. I'm so grateful that he entered my life when he did because at that time, I felt like I was falling, and I didn't have the strength to catch myself.

"I caught you, Roza. Just like you caught me," he mumbles, shocking me out of my thoughts. I keep my eyes on him as he opens his mesmerising brown eyes and looks at me. "I'll always catch you, Milaya," he adds, lifting his hand to wipe away the tears falling down my cheeks. I didn't even realise that I'd been crying, but apparently, I was.

We lay there facing each other, staring into each other's eyes. It's moments like this when I feel my calmest. I feel protected, loved and at total peace. No matter what happens in daily life, I'll be happy if I can return to moments like these.

"I love you so much, Dimitri. Thank you for finding me," I whisper, breaking the silence while putting my hand on his cheek and willing him to feel how much love I have for him.

"I love you too, Roza. You don't have to thank me, Darling, I was searching for you my whole life, and I would never have been complete without you. We found each other, Detka."

I lean forward at the same time he does, smiling slightly when he catches my lips with his as he pulls me into a slow yet passionate kiss. When we finally pull back, we're both breathing hard. He looks deep into my eyes for a moment, seemingly coming to some decision that I can't decipher. "You're my life, Roza, and I plan on spending the rest of forever making sure you know that." He stands up before going over to one of the boxes he packed from St Vlad's that's sitting neatly stacked in the corner of the room. I've got no idea what he's doing, but I sit up and wait for him to do whatever it is. I can't say I'm not intrigued, even though I am a little put out at the disruption.

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