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You, Me, and the shadow chapter fifty-four


"What? No. What are you talking about? Aunt Tatiana is Queen. We're not supposed to take over for a while. We're not ready." I babble out quickly, the slight panic rising in my voice.

"It's true, Dearie. I've abdicated. You and Dimitri are now our reigning monarchs, just like the prophecy said you would be." Aunt Tati adds, stepping forward and laying her hand gently on my leg, resting near the end of the bed.

"Of course, I will remain on hand to aid you and carry on as your advisor, we don't expect either of you to step into the role straight away, especially after what you just went through, but it's true. As of yesterday morning at nine pm, I relinquished my title to the both of you."

What? I'm Queen? What?

My brain is running at a mile a minute as I try to fathom the fact that I'm now Queen, and Dimitri is my King. I must look ridiculous as I sit there Frozen on the spot staring into space, but I can't help it. Because seriously. What the fuck?

"Roza. You're starting to give me a migraine." I hear Dimitri's voice break through my internal turmoil as he snaps me out of it.

Turning around to look at him with wide eyes, I'm still in shock. The annoying thing is that he looks as cool as a cucumber. He's not stressed at all. I don't get it.

"I'm giving you a migraine? I'm having a full-on coronary. How can you be so calm about this? You're the King, Dimitri. Aren't you even the slightest bit freaked out?" I ask him, completely bewildered by his response to the news.

"I figure that it was going to happen eventually anyway, so what's the point in stressing over it." Shrugging his shoulders and then looking deep into my eyes as he raises his hand to caress my face, he continues.

"What you don't seem to understand, Roza, is that I would literally walk through hell and back with you if that's what you needed. This isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things when we have just ended a war that has spanned all of known history. Plus, we are as ready as we will ever be. This is what you were born to do, Milaya, and I will do it with you, by your side, like always."

He is so impassioned in his speech that I can't help but believe him. Nuzzling my face into his hand, I close my eyes, take a deep breath for a second, and then let all my fears out.

"But what if I'm not ready? What if I make a shit Queen?" Looking down, I release an unsteady sigh as a tear escapes my eyes. "What if they all hate me? I don't exactly have the best reputation. What if the people don't accept me being Queen?"

"Roza." He sighs, tone full of empathy as he lifts my gaze to meet his and sweeps his thumb across my cheek, wiping away the few tears that have trailed down it.

"You will make an excellent Queen. The people will love, respect and revere you just like I do, just like everyone in this room does. You are ready, Milaya."

"How do you know? I have no idea how to do it. I don't know how to be what everyone needs me to be." I ask, looking at him like he holds all the answers in the universe because to me, he does, and he always will.

"I know because when you stepped out onto that field before the battle, our men were afraid; they were apprehensive, but you stepped out in front of them and gave them something to fight for. You impassioned and invigorated them with words alone, and in those moments, you were their saving grace. You were the light that they followed......

I know because you prepared this entire academy for a full out war. You planned an entire battle strategy and did so with skill, wisdom and forethought. You included those with experience in your decision making, and you took advice and direction when someone made a rational point or logical idea. You saved millions of people within the span of a single night, and you avenged all those lost lives that came before......

You, Me and the shadow (Vampire Academy fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora