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You, Me, and the shadow chapter twelve

Russian in italic

Mental in bold


As I watch Dimitri walk away with Olena, I try to stay positive, but I'm finding it increasingly harder with each step he takes. I don't know why I'm being this dramatic over him going somewhere for a few simple hours, but I can't help it.

Oh god, I really have turned into one of those needy girlfriends.

I try to think about something else as he disappears from my sight, but it's like I can actually feel the space between us. I can't really explain it, but the further he walks away, the less I feel like myself.

"It's OK, Kiz. He'll only be gone a few hours, and then he'll be right back here. I'm sending ten of my best men with him. He'll be safe." Baba reassures me as he makes his way toward me, but the only response I'm capable of is to nod my head because I don't trust what may come out of my mouth.

As Baba starts to pull me gently in the opposite direction, my eyes remain fixed on the doorway. "Come on, Darling. Let's go to the library and have a chat," he directs in a sympathetic voice. I just nod again.

Why am I being this pathetic? Why do I feel like I'm drowning?


As I walk away from Roza, I have to fight every instinct in my body that's telling me to just run back to her. It's only going to be a few hours. Logically I know that, but right now, my brain doesn't exactly feel logical. Turning to Mama, I can't help but ask, "How long exactly is this going to take, Mama?" She looks at me with sympathy and says, "Not long, Dimka. Three to four hours maximum. Come on; you'll both be fine. Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all."

Acknowledging her with a small polite smile, I think, 'That may be true, but my heart feels like it's cracking.' Trying to ignore my tormented thoughts, we continue towards the waiting vehicles.

Pulling out of the estate gates, I can't stop my hand flying to my chest in a tight grip as I feel a wave of pain wash over me. It felt as if my heart completely snapped in two, and the sensation took my breath away in a loud gasp. I have no idea what that was, but I definitely don't want to feel it again. I try to regain my breath through deep breaths, but the pain in my chest refuses to dissipate. It feels like I've been hit by a truck.

"Are you all right, Dimka?" Mama asks me with concern evident in her voice. Responding the only way I can, I silently acknowledge her with a head tilt as I remove my hand from my chest. I want to believe that what just happened is nothing to worry about, but deep down, I know that's not the case. Whatever it was, it felt significant, and I can only hope that it doesn't get worse. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I focus on the task at hand.

Mama and I travel in one car and the girls in another. The children were left back at the estate with Yeva as it'll be faster and easier to do this without trying to control two children as well. And speed is definitely my main focus. I need to get back to Roza as soon as possible. I can't explain It, but it's like the further I get away from her, the more I feel like I'm drowning.


Making my way with Rose to the library, she clearly isn't herself. It seems that as soon as Dimitri left her field of vision, she became lost. I know that their connection is nothing I could ever possibly comprehend but a few hours apart should be ok. Right? Though as the seconds tick on, I'm finding that harder and harder to believe. She hasn't said a word since he left her side, and it's like she's stuck in her own head, completely unaware of anything else.

You, Me and the shadow (Vampire Academy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now