It's about time

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You, Me and the shadow chapter sixty-three

Russian in italic

M rated chapter

An hour later


Thank fuck that's over. Dimitri and I can finally relax.

It's taken an hour to hash out the plans for tomorrow, but at least it's done now, and we're one step closer to going back home.

The plans are simple. We're holding a televised assembly tomorrow just after lunch that'll be broadcast on every moroi news channel across the world. This will be the first time our people will be seeing their new King and Queen in person, so we're required to make a speech to introduce ourselves to the world.

It's a little daunting, I'm not going to lie, but the fact of the matter is, they either accept us or they don't. I know that some of our ideas are going to anger some people, namely the royals who think they run everything, but I genuinely believe that we can make our world better for everyone in it, not just the select few.

Still, I'm not worried about it. I've just faced a whole army of strigoi and lived to tell the tale; I don't think one speech will kill me.

After the assembly, we're holding the funeral to honour all the fallen, followed by a mass cremation atop wooden plinths. It's all very medieval, but it's the best we can do considering the number of bodies and the time we have. To be honest though, I think it's sort of perfect. It will be a real warriors' funeral, and that's what they deserve.

Once everything's done, we'll leave the following day and return home. Lissa, Christian, Eddie, Alberta and Ivan will all be coming with us as well as everyone who we arrived with. Aunt Tati will be remaining at the academy for another few days to manage the redistribution and readjustment of all the guardians who fought, before returning to court to start the process of dismantling the current governmental system.

We have six months to study, learn and prepare before Dimitri and I fully take up the reigns of running our world. In the meantime, Aunt Tati will act as a steward to the throne, giving us the final say on all decisions but temporarily holding the crown for us until our coronation on Halloween. Ironic, I know. Vampires holding a special event on the spookiest day of the year, but what can I say? We're traditional.

But after that, everything will officially be in our, I hope, capable hands. We've already arranged with Ivan for him to start therapy as soon as we get home, and I hope that it helps him with anything he's struggling with, but I'm sure that with his family's support, he'll get through this and be able to live a full life.

So yes, tomorrow will be busy and probably emotionally wrought, but it's the final step to a very hectic trip, and then we're free, but for right now, tomorrow is the furthest thing from my mind.

Exiting the office after saying our farewells to everyone, we're both exhausted, but sleep isn't the thing we crave. We need each other. We need the recuperation and energy boost that only one thing can give, and that's definitely not sleep.

That's why I'm not shocked when I feel Dimitri's hands grab me as soon as the door is closed and we're alone in the empty hallway. Pressing me against the wall on the opposite side to the office, I can't help the grin that forms on my face when I look up into the almost depraved looking dark eyes that are staring back at me.

No words are needed between us as we take each other in, evident need and want mirrored in each other's gaze, and after being forced to hold back for what feels like forever, the need is strong.

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