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~3rd P.O.V~

"I'll see you all tomorrow! Have a good day!" A woman with beige colored hair waved as she said her goodbyes to her co-workers after removing her doctor's coat, her shift as a pediatrician was over for the day. Six freckles rested on her nose with four on the top while the other two were below, she was a small woman with a soft-spoken voice with a good heart. She was in her early twenties and was more cute than sexy, but she wasn't particularly interested in having a relationship as of now.

"Aki!" Her coworker, Koyuki, called out as she rushed towards her, "wait for me! My shift ended too!" Both women were not only best friends, sometimes people would confuse them as sisters from how similar they looked, large round eyes and facial structure, different shade of pink in their eyes, their personalities were almost mirrors of each other, but, Aki was the taller of the two.

"You seem to be in a good mood, Koyuki, did something good happen recently?" Aki opened the door for her before walking along side her in the busy sidewalk, "ah! Is it that noticeable? I'm a little embarrassed!" Koyuki giggled like a schoolgirl as she fans herself slightly, "well, you know how I was talking to man? Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday!"

"No way! Seriously?! I'm so happy for you, Koyuki!" Aki cheered as she gently patted her back, "I was wondering when he was going to ask you, someone as pretty as you is rare!" Koyuki blushed as she laughed nervously, "me?! No, you must be kidding! I'm nowhere near your beauty, Aki! Not only are you prettier and taller, but you also have a beauty mark on the left side of your neck, I'm so jealous of you." Aki covers her beauty mark with a nervous smile, "it's a little big, sometimes I get a little embarrassed by it when people point it out."

"Well, don't be! Have you heard of the myth about them?" Koyuki stops walking and points at Aki's neck, "it's said that they appear where a past lover kissed you, and the bigger they are, the more kisses you got! Isn't it cute?!" Aki's face reddens in embarrassment at the idea of a man kissing her neck so many times, "I had no idea, well, whoever my passed lover was, sure seemed to like my neck, hehe."

A man suddenly bumps into Koyuki as he yanks her purse off her shoulders before making a run for it, "my purse!" She gasped, "wait!" Aki gave Koyuki her own bag before running after the thief, "stay right there, Koyuki! I'll be right back!" As she bolts down the road she sees him take a sharp turn to the right into an alleyway, skidding to a halt before running in, Aki sees the their yank out a pocket knife.

Aki quickly tilts her head to the right to avoid getting stabbed in the eye, whacks his arm away before tossing the thief over her shoulders, he lost his breath as his back crashed onto the concrete ground. "How the neck did you do that, Aki?!" Koyuki panted as she had finally caught up to Aki, "he was twice the size of you!" Aki picks up the purse before handing it to her, "I have a friend in the police force who taught me some self defense, his training was brutal, but really interesting once you got the hang of it!"

"Watch out!" Koyuki cried out as the thief shoved his hands forwards to plunge the knife into Aki's back, she would be too late to avoid the attack this time. A shadow appears from behind the man and knocks him out cold with a single chop to the back of his neck. "Are you alright, Miss?" The voice of a young man is heard before Aki could get a clear look at him, after squinting her eyes more, the first thing she noticed was the flame colored hair he has, "you aren't hurt, are you?"

"Oh! No, thanks to you I'm fine!" Aki said with a bow, "thank you so much, um, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking." The young man gives a gentle laugh as he holds his hand out to her, "Kyojuro," he says, "my name is Kyojuro Rengoku. May I know yours?" Aki takes a small gulp before placing her hand in his, it looked so tiny, "Aki, my name is, Aki Chisaka." Taking another look at Kyojuro, Aki briefly saw a flamed patter haori over his shoulders with a type of uniform for his clothes before seeing his red tie and tucked in white shirt again.

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