#12 (+18)

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"What?" I say, quickly standing up, "what did you say, Aki?" her face grows redder while averting looking at my face, "my answer, I never gave you a proper response that day." I swallow hard when Aki finally looks at me, "so," she says as she fiddles with her yukata sleeve, "can you ask again?"

"Can I kiss you?" I say a little too quick. Aki swallows hard, "Yes, you can, Rengoku."

~3rd P.O.V~

Rengoku slowly leaned his head down towards Aki; when his lips pressed against hers, he noticed they were cold from the weather but surprisingly soft. Both close their eyes as their lips lock together, at last. Rengoku's heart begins to calm down as he slowly begins to melt with every second of their kiss.

Their kiss lasted around seven seconds before Rengoku started to pull his head back; he almost didn't want this moment to end so quickly. Aki opened her eyes, and the corners of her mouth began to rise slightly, but she still looked away from him.

Aki gently touches her lips with her right hand, "so that's what a kiss feels like, I didn't expect it to feel so nice." Her eyes land on Rengoku; she's surprised to see him staring at her with a face redder than hers. Suddenly, he clasps both of Aki's hands into his, "I love you!! I've always loved you, my beloved!!"

"W-what?" Aki says flabbergasted, "you...love me?" Rengoku quickly nods, "I have. Remember the first time we came to a festival? When I won you a stuffed puppy? Well, ever since you first smiled that night at me, I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside me. Even to this day whenever you even look at me, I feel like I'm floating in the air as wind chimes ring in the background."

Rengoku squeezes Aki's hands a little more, "your smile, laughter, and presence alone gives me so much energy and passion to stay alive for a long time. And ever since that night, even as a young lad, I knew I had fallen hard for you, my beloved." His red face starts to cool off the more he confesses to Aki; he's been keeping this to himself for such a long time; one more day, and he would have cracked.

"I don't know if these feelings I have for you are the same of you to me, but, my love for you will continue to burn like this fire inside me." Rengoku takes a deep breath before exhaling the seven words he's been dying to ask Aki, "will you please be my beloved girlfriend?" Rengoku freezes as he looks at her sudden new expression; she was crying while her lips are still curved up.

"Yes," Aki managed to say as her throat tightened, "I love you too, Kyojuro. I loved you for such a long time as well." Rengoku caught his breath, his eyes watered not long after, and his smile only widened. He quickly pulls Aki into a bear hug; Kyojuro laughs in joy for a brief moment before he starts drowning Aki's face and lips with passionate kisses.

The wind slightly picks up the moment Aki giggles from all of Rengoku's smooches, "Kyojuro!" Aki managed to say with a laugh as he began to kiss the left side of her neck, "that tickles!" Rengoku stops and looks at Aki with an endearment expression, "does it now?" He says with a mischievous smirk forming on his face.

Aki gasps as Rengoku kisses her neck harder, "h-hey! I just said that tickles! Stop! I-im going to laugh!" Rengoku's arms only wrapped around Aki more after hearing that; he pressed himself against her, making any way of escape impossible.

Because Rengoku's weight was now on Aki, she lost her footing in the fresh snow, bringing both of them to fall. Aki's head did not touch a single snowflake as Rengoku quickly moved one of his hands to the back of her head. "See?!" She yelled as her cheeks puffed, "this is what happens when you don't listen to me!"

Rengoku removes his face from Aki's neck and looks down as he is now on top of her. A warm smile forms on his lips, "you're beautiful," he says, making Aki's eyes widen from the sudden compliment. Her cheeks redden instantly as her arms wrap around Rengoku's neck, lowering his head towards her.

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