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~Hashira Headquarters~

"Rengoku Sensei!" Mitsuri yells as she runs and waves at us, "Aki! Welcome back, you two!" Rengoku puts me down and I avert eye contact with Mitsuri; I don't have anything against her; it's just, I'm jealous of her. My body is not anywhere near as curvy as hers; plus, she has much cuter features than I do in lifetimes. But the two main features I feel that crush me the most are her height and breast size. I'm tiny in both senses compared to her!

"I think I'm going to clean my weapons," I say as I quickly take off Rengoku's Haori and hand it back to him, "goodbye!" I left fast enough that they both didn't have time to respond properly; I look down at my chest and put both my hands on each breast. Even if something is there, you have to get close enough to see the slight bump every female demon slayer has while wearing their uniform.

I feel a large hand grab my right shoulder, it spins me around, and soon another hand rests on my left side. "Aki," Rengoku says smiling, "why did you-?" He stops talking once he sees my hands are cupping my breasts; my face bursts into a deep red, and I quickly take them off. "Uhh," I say with a shaky tone and cold sweat; I can't think of any other word to say!

I get yanked closer to Rengoku and he presses his forehead against mine again, "every breast size is beautiful!" He yells out. "H-HUH?!" I yell back, "What's gotten into you?!" He stares me dead in the eyes, "do not compare yourself to others, my beloved Aki," he says, "being beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like; it's what's in your burning heart."

I make my eyes look to the side; they got a little watery after Renhoku said that; how does he always know what to say? I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders as he pulls me closer; I soon realize he is hugging me. I feel a little bad for Rengoku; he has to bend down quite a bit since my height got stunted when I was younger; I wonder how tall I would be if my mom didn't starve me every day.

"Oh my God! He's hugging me!!" I yell at myself mentally before jumping high in the air and landing a foot or two away from Rengoku. "I-I still need to clean my weapons!" I loudly say, "I'll, uh, roast you some sweet potatoes later as a thank you!" Rengoku's already bright face shines to the same degree as the sun as I mention sweet potato; he's been obsessed with them ever since I gave him one when we were children.

"I will eagerly await for them!" He booms out with a confident laugh, "goodbye, my beloved Aki!" I wave with a bright red face as Rengoku walks back to Mitsuri, who watched us the whole time; she must think I'm a little fool. After all, she is four inches taller than me.


I take the sweet potatoes out of the fire and carefully stack them all in one pile into my small basket; there should be quiet enough for Rengoku to be stuffed after he finishes. As I walk back into the kitchen, the door slides open quickly and hits the wall hard; it spooked me. "My beloved Aki!" Rengoku gleefully exclaims, "do you need any assistance? I came as fast as I can after I made my report!"

I take my hand off my chest after I feel my heart calm down, "I'm fine," I say, "this shouldn't take long." I open the basket's lid and take out one sweet potato; I cut it in half and swat away the steam hitting my face. I blow on my hands a little to cool down after they started to burn slightly; I did grab the hottest potato after all.

Rengoku quickly takes both my hands into his, "did you get burnt?!" He yells out, "let me do them, Aki!" My cheeks warm up a little, "it's my fault," I say, "I grabbed the one at the very top without thinking." Rengoku keeps his gaze on me like a hawk; I know what he means when he does this, he isn't going to budge no matter how much I protest.

"Fine," I say with a small sigh, "I suppose you can help with the ones on top." Rengoku brightens up quickly, "thank you!" He says as he lets go of my hands and rolls up his sleeves, "I will not let my beloved down!" I lower my head and quickly busy my hands to avoid looking at Rengoku; I really want to know why he keeps calling me "my beloved," but I know I would faint in the middle of asking him or right after telling me.

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