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"Mother?" I unconsciously say again, "w-why are you here?" She looks at me with a bored expression, those soulless eyes still heavy and dark from the lack of sleep and depression from father's death. "Liquor," she says with a dull voice, "how the hell is a weakling like you even still around? Fighting demons too."

I look back at the half demon-human I managed to paralyze not too long ago, "because I've trained," I say, "I've been training to get stronger since the day miss Ruka took me in." Mother stared at me with a blank expression before the corner of her lips began to curve; a cold giggle soon grew to a chilling laugh. I tensed up as this was the first time in my life I even heard her chuckle; it puzzled me to think what was scarier. The fact I fight demons every night or hearing my mother's laughter?

Mother stops and gives me a cold stare as some of her hair covers her eyes, "you really think you're strong?" She says with a mocking tone, "weaklings like you don't even deserve to take your first breath of air the moment you are born! I don't know why I didn't kill you the minute you were born! Do you know how much alcohol I could have bought with the money i spent on you?! You inconsiderate brat!"

"Shut your damn mouth!" I yell as I feel my throat tighten, I was fighting as hard as I could not to cry or show any fear. "Don't act like you were the only victim! Ever since father passed away you've neglected me! Even on his last few days alive you began to treat me horribly! You took away the money i got from selling wood for yourself instead of supplying him with more medicine! You have his blood on your hands! You played a role in killing him just as much as that disease did! You-!"

I couldn't finish what I wanted to say; that woman I once called mother struck me across the face with the liquor bottle in her hand. "Don't you talk back to your mother!" She screams as she watches me fall; I can feel the alcohol burn my open cuts as soon as both liquids meet; I fall to the ground with a hard thud. The impact caused my vision to get hazy; I moved my eyes slowly up to her face and felt tears form in my drowsy eyes; I nearly confused her with a demon with all that anger on her face.

~One Hour Later~

The throbbing on my head grows as I start to regain consciousness; my lips are covered with the taste of alcohol and blood; I nearly hurled as my tongue tasted the concoction. This narrow room I'm in is very dark, dry, and broken dirt was the floor in this place; the only light that comes in is through a window at the top of the wall to my right.

I hear the door creak open; the woman that brought me to this world stood there, watching me like I was a bug to her. I look past her and see our old kitchen from here; that must mean I'm 'home' again. "You pest," the witch says, "you made me lose some good ass liquor just now, you're going to pay me back."

I raise my eyes and head at her; some blood trikes down the back of my neck as I move. "Im not selling wood or helping you," I say between my breath; for some reason, my heart started to accelerate. The woman begins to smile maliciously at me, "I don't need you to sell some damn wood," she says, "no matter how much I hate to admit it, you are as pretty as a flower. That means people will pay big money for a young woman like you, and you're a virgin too, I'll be swimming in cash!"

My eyes widened as my breathing stopped, "no way," I shakily said, "you don't mean...you're going to sell...me?" The hag smirks, "you're new caretakers are already on the way too," she says, "they seem very thrilled to meet you on a personal level." She snickers as she starts to slowly close the door, "sweet dreams~," she says before shutting it.

My breathing starts to get erratic as my heart slams against my ears and chest; this can't be real, this can't be happening! I get on my feet and slam against the wooden door; I bounce off as there was no sign of it budging or breaking. "I need to escape!" I yell at myself mentally, "i need to get out!" I don't know how I managed to slip this important information past my head, but I couldn't move my hands; they were tied behind my back with such strong ropes I couldn't feel the blood rushing to them.

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