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I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness coming off of Rengoku as soon as he took out his weapon; the heat also increased, as did the wind. Rengoku's haori fluttered in the air as if he was next to a hurricane, "I will not stop cutting and slicing until you drop dead," Rengoku says, "then we shall see who the "dead weight" truly is."

The moment I blinked, Rengoku was already slicing the demon. Such incredible speed! Even when I don't blink, I can't catch a glimpse of him at all! Something also apparent was, the room the three of us were in wasn't taking any damage. Not even when the demon threw a punch at Rengoku made the wall crack or dent; why is that?

I use my good arm to reach up and try sliding the door behind me open, but it was not budging. That must have meant the old man was planning to kill us from the moment we arrived; he must have seen our power from last night and thought it would have been better to get us locked in a room. That way, we wouldn't have the advantage of an open field; what's worse, this place has no windows, meaning no sunlight can hurt him.

I snap out of my thoughts when Rengoku gets slammed next to me and flops to the ground, "Rengoku!" I gasp out as I reach my hand out to him, but we both simultaneously jump out of the way to avoid the giant hand of the demon. I tense up as I am still in the air; we shouldn't have separated because the devil is charging me now! I'm an idiot! How the hell did I forget the old man was trying to kill me first?!

It's cold, massive, hand grips around my neck and immediately begins to squeeze me like fruit. I clench my good hand into a fist and shove the blade into its forearm, but I couldn't push much in by the density of its skin. The demon starts to laugh and squeezes, "do you really think a small stab like that is going to do anything?!" He says, "I feel a little bad for the guy, he's here doing actual damage, and all you do is get in his way! Just a little more of a squeeze should solve his problem!"

"Remove your hands from her, now!" I hear Rengoku yell angrier than ever; I vaguely see him use his first form to cut the demon's hand; I could feel him then hold me tightly as he lands on the opposite side of the room. I can taste iron in my mouth, meaning something must have broken in my jaw; I need to use a breathing technique to stop tasting blood.

I don't think the holy water I put in the demon's body will have a noticeable effect; maybe if I had acted quicker instead of thinking to myself earlier, I could have been some use. Perhaps the old man is right; I'm just holding Rengoku back. Rengoku could have easily sliced the head off the old man from behind if he was alone or chose to ignore me, but he didn't think twice about saving me first.

My vision and hearing were a little foggy from the iron grip of the demon; my eyes were barely open to see the whole face of Rengoku still holding me; the thing I could make out the most was that he was talking to me. What he was saying was a mystery to me; the soft ringing in my ears blocked any other noise around me.

~3rd P.O.V~

Rengoku puts Aki down in the corner of the room; he takes off his haori and covers her with it; although this room was not cold, he wanted to provide her some comfort. The village chief only watched in amusement how Rengoku gave all his attention to her instead of the fight they were having, "you show your back to the enemy," he says, "are you that stupid, boy? That girl you held so close to you couldn't even move her blade once inside my wrist; why care for her to that degree that you ignore the enemy?"

"Shut your damn mouth," Rengoku scowls at the old man, "don't you dare talk badly about my beloved Aki! I will not allow anyone, especially a demon, to stain her name!" The room temperature quickly started to rise, and soon enough, there were small flames all around the place, everywhere except where Aki was.

"She's the most hardworking, caring, gentle, and bravest woman I had to privilege to meet!" Rengoku says as he slices the knees off the demon, "someone as a coward like you could never reach her greatness!" The flames in the room began to rise, as did Rengoku's hatred for the chief demon, "she put her life on the line countless times, while you stay back and observe others fall for you!"

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