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~A Week Later~
~Aki P.O.V~

The villagers were able to restore most of their buildings; from what many children and adults told me, Rengoku played a significant role in the restoration. Although, I still feel awful about using all their gunpowder to take down one of the three demons. I tried giving them a majority of my money so they could replace their losses, but they refused; they felt like I had already helped them enough by beheading the trio.

Kyojuro and I soon left the village, and he was adamant about carrying me on his back, "I can walk," I say as I shake my head at him, "but thank you for offering." He gets off his knee and looks back at me; a slight smirk soon creeps up on his face. "So, are you saying it hurt more the first time we had sex than you fighting those demons~? It sounds like I must have did a good job on you then~!"

My face boils into a scarlet red, "w-what?! Don't say that so casually! W-we aren't that far from the village so someone might hear you!" Rengoku wraps one of his arms around my waist, pulls me close until our bodies are pressing against each other, "I do not see the problem with that," he says, "it'll just let other men know who your boyfriend is! And I belong to only you!"

I tense up as he brings his face closer to mine, "and," he says with a lower voice, "it means I'm the only one allowed to listen to your moans and screams~." Kyojuro snickers as he sees how crazy my expression is after he finishes teasing me, "very adorable!" After kissing my cheek, he lets me go, "come, let us continue our walk!"

I stare at his back as he walks like nothing happened, "wait up!" I yell as I jog after him, "you can't just do all that and act like nothing happened! Hey! Rengoku!" Kyojuro looks back at me, stops, and gives me his sunny grin, "I just can't help teasing you! I adore seeing your expressions! And, I just love you a lot!"

I stop beside him as my eyes widen; hearing him say it makes me feel like he's confessing for the first time. "I love you too, a lot." I feel Rengoku grab my hand and jog as he pulls me behind, "I have a surprise for you! It's a little far, so, tell me when you get tired, I will carry you the rest of the way!"

A surprise? From his tone of voice and expression, I can tell this is something he's ecstatic about showing me; I wonder what it is.

~Four Hours Later~
~3rd P.O.V~

"A house?!" Aki exclaims as her jaw drops, "you bought a house?!" Rengoku nodded quickly and opened the gate for her, "I did! And it's yours!" Aki stopped mid-step and snapped her head at Rengoku, "MINE?! Wait a minute! I-I need to process all this!" Rengoku grabs her hand, pulling her along as he eagerly starts to give her a tour of her new residence, "there is no need for that!" He exclaims, "I made sure this place has everything you need!"

The little tour lasts for half an hour of walking, stopping, and going up and down the stairs. Aki was a little winded from the whole thing; this place was as large as the butterfly mansion, if not a little more prominent. "What did you think?" Rengoku asks as he eagerly waits for Aki's response, "was the house to your liking?"

Aki pats down her hair first, "it's a very gorgeous house. I just don't understand, why did you buy it for me, Rengoku?" He clears his throat before responding, "I never truly knew the extent of your past until recently. I don't know if you every truly had something you can call your own, you tend to put others before you, especially with children. So, I just thought giving you something you can call yours would be a nice gift."

"I see," Aki says as she looks to her right, the screen door led to the tea room, "now I understand." Rengoku looks inside the room and then back at her, "do you not like it? I can have someone remodel it to your liking!" Aki tenses up and shakes her head quickly, "no need! I love everything about this place! It's just..." Aki fiddles with the sleeve of her haori as she tries to find the right words to say.

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