Ollie and... couches?

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We wandered around for a few hours, looking for Maxine and Ollie. They had to be there somewhere, and thanks to Grandma Pearl we knew it. Eventually, Jocelyn was starting to complain and say we should take break when Kayla spotted a light coming from under one of the doors up ahead.

Jax, being the only who really could, ran forward and practically knocked the door down. The rest of us hurried to follow.

"Cinnamon rolls, Jax! Did you have try and give me a heart attack?" Ollie's voice came from the room. I couldn't see him quite yet, but it was unmistakeable. Jocelyn and I got to the door just as Kayla made her way into the room and towards Ollie. As soon as I saw him I let out a sigh, he was chaine to a wall, but the only visable inury he had was a fairly mild bruise on his cheek. Kayla reached Ollie and envelpoed him in a hug without saying anything. "Nice to see you, too. Mind helping me with these?" Ollie clanked his chains together and Kayla pulled away nodding and drew her wand. Ollie was released within seconds.

"Where's Maxine?" I asked, peering into the room and finding the only other thing within it was a chandelier filled with nearly-dead candles. Ollie just shrugged and began stretching out from his  restraints.

"I guess we're supposed to find them individually?" AG suggested, cocking her head to the side. "Can you walk?" She asked, turning her attention to Ollie who Kayla was currently pulling to his feet.

"I think so." Ollie responded and with that we were off again. Ollie walking with either Jax or Kayla just in case he got worse and myself mainly floating along beside Jocelyn with AG trailing closely behind us. We filled Ollie in on everything he had missed while he was in his 'cell'.

We came across some little monsters on our search, a spider with eigtht heads instead of eight eyes that we were pretty sure had acidic venom, but was small enough to kill with a single well-placed strike from Jax with an umbrella he found. There was also a snake with four heads and about twenty tails that we accidentally got super tangled up in itself, I actually kind of felt bad for it since we left it writhing on the floor. The only other notable thing was the weird monkey thing blood red eyes that moved like it was a wind-up toy until you close enough that it could pounce. That thing was vicious, and Jax probably has a scar on his forearm now.

We wandered for a while longer before deciding that everyone was too beat up and we needed to just stop and sleep again and try to get somewhere in the morning. Or whatever time of day it was. And get some food, as soon as possible.

But, of course, we can never just rest, apparently.

We chose the room that we wanted to spend the night in, and began to enter. At first, it seemed totally fine, like everything was entirely normal. Then, one of the couches started moving and then the table did too and then the lamp had black eyes and a mouth and the light in the room was strobing like crazy. The door slammed shut and locked itself, a board smalling down into place and a screw screwing itself in.

We all looked at each other, and we all came to the same conclusion. We were out numbered for this fight, and most of our numbers wouldn't be able to fight much anyway. Jocelyn raised my float-y bubble-thing and began attacking the nearest couch, drawing its attention away from Kayla who was scrambling to figure out which pocket she'd put her wand in.

I watched helplessly from Jocelyn had psuhed me out of the way, occasionally trying to yell out some advice, while the rest of the gang battled the animated furnature. Then the table took Jax down, him getting in a final blow that turned it to splinters just before he got thrown into a wall so hard it dented. He deffinately broke some bones, I decided wincing at the thought. Then Kayla's want got flung from her hand as she was double teamed by a chair and a lamp, the latter combusting just as Kayla was corned by the chair and left wandless. AG had beasted out and was ripping through a couch when a side table showed up behind her, my warning not giving her enough notice, and she fell to the floor unconcious. Ollie got taken down by a lamp that blinded him and left him aimlessly fighting a limp coushin, which we tried to tell him like ten times.

Jocelyn made it the longest, lasting a good fifteen minutes before she was finally incapacitated. As a result, I fell from my place on the ceiling landing with a thud and a wince. Part of me wanted to rush to Jax and AG and Jocelyn and make sure they were okay, but the other part of me knew I had to at least try to finish the fight. I heard AG's protest when I pushed myself to my feet, grunting.

I held the back of a limp couch as I moved to grab the cane Jax had been fighting with. Someone else made some kind of protest, but I kept moving. I had spotted Kayla's wand, all I had to do was get to it. By fighting a couch when I could barely stand. Oh, fiddlesticks this was not going to be easy.

I sighed lightly, closing my eyes and then opening them again before I lunged forward as suddenly as I could and wacked the couch with as much force as I could muster. It moved to the side a bit and I hit it again before it could react enough to turn and face me. By then it had moved just enough that I could grab Kayla's wand, so I dove for it.

I landed horrible and let out a yell at the pain on my burn, but my hand closed around the wand nontheless and I pointed it to the oncoming couch, it exploding into a mess of feathers, some splinters and tiny pieces of shredded leather and silk before falling to the floor. I knocked out right then, and thankfully that couch had actually been the last one standing.

Okay, so this is the new part. I don't really know what to say, so yeah. Thanks for reading, rating and commenting! <3

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