She got away

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TW: bombs, fire, and a description of some injuries?

I sat there for hours with nothing happening, just me and a dark room full of sleeping friends. But, of course, we could only stay in one place for so long before something bad happened.

At first I didn't think much of it, a dark grey circle thing rolled into the room, coming to a stpo in the middle of the floor. I just sat there looking at it for a few minutes, trying to decided what it could possibly be, when I noticed a blinking red light on the side of it. Curiosity rising, I ventured across the room to inspect the mysterious object.

When I got closer however, I realized that the blinking light was a timer. A timer that had just hit fifteen seconds. That's when the pieces fell together, mysterious black-grey ball, blinking red timer. It was a bomb. I screamed for everyone to wake up, but it felt like time was in slow motion and they weren't taking it seriously. I yelled again, but everyone else was too groggy to realize what was going on.

So, in a stupid attempt to stop whatever was in the mystery bomb from exploding into the room, I threw myself at it. I landed ontop of it just as the timer hit zero. Jocelyn, probbaly the first to properly wake up, screamed something when she realized what was happening, but the only sound I regerstired properly was the beep of the device bellow me.

The next thing I knew the bomb blew, a small explosion that felt like a hard kick to the stomach sent me flying backwards, a stinging smell plaguing my nose. It took me a second to register that is was coming from my own stomach, I looked down to see a fire pricking at my shirt and promptly flapped it around and patted it to get it to go out. I looked up at the rest of the room to see a weird orange mist bellowing out from the bomb. I watched in horror as it hit AG and she fell forward, knocked out cold or dead I had no clue. Jocelyn and Jax quickly followed suit, and then I saw the worst part of it all.

Hayley had her shirt pulled up over her nose and was making a run for the door. She knew what was happening, she was prepared for it to come. Jocelyn was right. I fumbled with my own shirt, pulling it hastily over my own nose and mouth as the orange mist crept towards me. It overcame the room, engulfing us in the mist.

My stomach burned, a dull throb reminding me of the bomb's attack. I forced myself to move, crawling awkwardly as I tried to keep my stomach from rubbing against anything and use one hand to keep what was left of the top of shirt over my face. I had to get to the others, had to know if they were unconcious or dead.

When I got there, Jocelyn was the closest, so I tried, and in my stupor failed three times, to get her pulse. But eventually, I did it right and her pulse was steady. I gave her the best once over I could without moving her clothes and deemed her fine, although maybe slightly bruised from her fall. I then moved on to Jax and got essentially the same results, although he had a rather visible bruise on his forehead. When I got to AG, however, she had a cut on her brow from how she had fallen from the mist. Her pulse was steady however, and the bleeding from the cut had almost ground ot a halt.

Relieved, I fell to ground beside her as the mist began to clear and the pain in stomach grew harder to ignore. I had no idea how long it would be before everyone else woke up or Hayley came back. Did she think I was dead? I don't think she planned for me to jump on the bomb. I wonder who she was trying to hurt in all of this? Did she set off the bomb so she could make a get away? Was someone already dead?

My brain, working slowly and with great difficulty, was utterly lost not only as to what her motives were but also as to what she had hoped to achieve. As far as I knew Hayley didn't really have any bad blood with anyone in the gang, at least none that would in any way, shape or form, constitute her attempting to murder us all. How the hell did she even pull this off?

I was just about to finally knock out, when I noticed a shadow creeping towards the room. Asuming it was Hayley, I made no move to get up or move at all, hoping that if she found she would assume I'd made my way over and joined the others in their fate. However, when the shadowed figure made it to the door, I realized that it wasn't Hayley at all. It was Kayla.

She was battered, had bruises on her arms and cut along her forehead, but there was no mistaking the crystaline sky blue wings or nearly waiste length (although extremely messy) golden blonde hair. Her blue dress, previously prestine, was now torn and covered in dirt and dust.

"Kayla!" I called out, voice horse and surprisingly wounded-sounding when I spoke. Her eyes widened from where she had been survieying the sceen and snapped to me.

"Gilly! Oh my goodness, thank fairy dust that you're alright! What on Earth happened?" She asked, coming into the room as quickly as she could manage.

"I- bomb. Maxine's missing, Ollie got dragged away by a mummy hand and we ran into Hayley. The bomb rolled in while I was keeping gaurd and she got away." I hurriedly retold the events of the day. "We were looking for you. But- Hayley! She got away! She knew what the bomb would do, Kayla, and she got away!" Kayla knelt down beside me, looking me up and down.

"Oh my god! Gilly, this burn is awful. What in Enchantasia happened to you?!" She exclaimed drawing her wand and aiming it at my stomach. She tried for a few minutes, but healing charms had never been her thing and ultimately she couldn't do much to help with the wound. "I'm going to wrap this. Give me a moment." With that she stood up, grabbed a blanket and began tearing it into strips before coming back over to me nd wrapping them around me as gently as she could while ensuring they'd stay on. Then she summoned a shirt to replace my burnt up one and set about seeing if she could wake the others after ordering me to stay where I was and get some rest, claiming that I would definately need it.

Well.. I geuss we know who did it now.. Also, I don't know how necessary the TW was, but it felt like it should be stated at the very least.. sooo, yeah. How many people saw that coming? Probably a lot of you.

Anyways, thank you all for reading, rating and commenting! It means a lot and I hope this is as good as it was before the hiatus. <3

Not quite a fairy-tale (An FTRS fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum