Snacks, movies and midnight

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We had a pretty fun sleepover actually, pillow fights and stuff. Like lots of pillow fights, we got really into it. Jocelyn and Kayla started enchanting the pillows and Ollie was a humsn shield for a while. It may or may not have gotten so out of hand that Raz came in and told us we had to stop. And we or may not have not listened to Raz when that may or may not have happened. Anyway, after our pillow fights- or pillow wars may be a tad more accurate- we deicded to watch a movie. (Please don't ask how, I haven't thought of anything decent yet) It was about a girl who got seperated from her family by a natural disaster.

"Well that was... eventful." Hayley said after the movie was finnished. She wasn't wrong, but, of course, someone had to take it the wrong way. In this case that someone was Jocelyn. She was really on edge.

"We all know." Jocelyn said.

"What, was I not supposed to comment on the movie?" Hayley asked, her voice if not her face showed offence. Not again.

Thankfully though, just as they were starting to really fight Raz walked in. She had some stuff ih her arms and we all turned to look at her and Jocelyn and Hayley's agruement was snuffed out before it really began.

"I brought PJs!" She announced excitedly. She's such a sweet-heart, which makes it hard to believe that she's royal, although by now titles don't really mean a thing to me. "Blue for Gilly, pink for Kayla, coral for Hayley, green for Ollie, purple for AG, yellow for Maxine, and navy blue for Jax and of course, black for Jocelyn." She tossed them all at us. Mine was a nightgown, so were and AG's and Hayley's as far as I could tell. I inwardly groaned, but didn't say anything to Raz. The one thing she remembered was that I don't like pink though, so Kayla got the pink ones. (We were the same size, and the pink ones were pants and a tank top).

"Girls if you'd come with me to the bathrooms," She paused before adding, "and Ollie if you'd rather." With that she walked out of the room and we followed. Well, Ollie didn't, but I didn't expect him to. She led us off to the bathroom and left us there and then walked off a little bit to get... something. I didn't know what.

"Who's changing first..?" Maxine asked awkwardly.

"I would say me, but I only need magic to change so I vote anyone but Kayla." Jocelyn said.

"Hey! Your not even using the bathroom you don't get a say in this!" Kayla yelled at her.

"Of course I do, I have to stand here with you." Jocelyn responded flatly.

"Okay, you two can keep fighting if you'd like but I'm going to put on my pajamas. You probably should too." Hayley said and walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

In the end, Jocelyn did use magic instead of being semi-normal, AG went after Hayley, then Maxine went then Kaylay did then I did after I made Kayla and Jocelyn promise not to talk to each other while I was in bathroom. Jeez, since when do I have two older sisters that act like Han and Hamish? Anyways, after everyone had out on their PJs Raz reappeared with snacks, popcorn, lollipops, chocolate and cupcakes. She was so excited, it was actually kind of amusing. She led us back to the sleepover room (or whatever it actually was) and we were met with Ollie and Jax arguing. Not really fighting, but they were teasing each other. They both looked up when we walked in though, and there must have been some unspoken agreement not to tease each other infront of us.

"Hey, girls," Ollie greeted casually. Jocelyn gave him a slight glare, I don't why it bothered her though.

"Hi!" AG called excitedly. She got excited easily, but it always mad eme smile when she did. She was like my third little sister, granted for a while Anna did seem like a little sister. But she does now and that's all that matters, I reassured myself. She was only eleven when she did that, it was an honest mistake even it was a massive one.

"I brought snacks!" Raz exclaimed, much to Ollie's delight. That boy could eat an elephant and still want another snack and hour later- not that ayone would actually eat an elephant, though. Ollie dug right into the snacks and Jocelyn walked over to the corner of the room to sit and watch everyone until she decided what to make fun of now. I liked Jocelyn, really, but sometimes I wish she had a little more of a blockade on what she would actually say. Or at least that she wouldn't be so harsh, I know she's not one to sugarcoat things but she is a bit... aggressive sometimes even when it's unnecessary. I suppose that was just Jocelyn, though.

"Can we watch another movie?" AG asked after an hour or so.

"Sure," Jaz replied and began to discuss which movie to watch, something that had nearly made everyone stop talking before. In the end we settled on a movie called 'The Outsiders' with relatively little fighting. Granted with my friends that's not saying much.

Ollie disappeared for a little while whilst tge movie was playing and I think I was the only eho noticed. So, without drawing too much attention to it when he slipped back in, I went to ask where he'd gone.

"Psst, Ollie!" I whisper-yelled.

"Huh?" He said turning to look at me.

"Where'd you go?" I asked, still whispering.

"I went to the bathrooom and got lost on the way back," Ollie replied and laughed a little at himself. I laughed a little too. "What'd I miss in the movie?"

"A lot." I said and we both laughed a little before I began to explain what he'd missed, which was most of the movie so far. I noticed Jax looking at us before long so I decided to go taln to hom after I'd finnished explaining things to Ollie.

"Hey, Thief," Jax whispered with a smile as I sat down next to him.

"Hey." I whispered back. "You likeing the movie?"

"Yeah it's pretty good." He responded. "You likeing it?"

"Yeah," I confirmed and then we stopped talking to keep watching the movie. It made AG and Maxine cry, and it scared Kayla a little but the rest of us were fine. Jocelyn was laugiing at them, actually.

After the movie everyone just kinda did their own things until they fell asleep. Hayley fell asleep first, surprisingly. Jax and I talked until like midnight and then realized that everyone else was asleep because it was so late and decided we'd better go to bed. However we kept talking until like one when we both knocked out on the floor where we'd been talking. When I woke uo the next morning we were holding hands, which since I was the first one awake I disentangled with a blush coating my cheeks. Jax woke up when I took my hand out of his though and he laughed when he realised what I'd been doing.

"Morning, Thief," he said drowsily. I giggled at him and he smiled. "What're you laugiing about?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing," I replied, still giggling stlightly.

"Liar," Jax responded sitting up. "Now, would you like to tell me what you were actually laughing about before I brong out.." he paused as he darkened his tone and expression, "the tickle monster?"

"Nope." I said laughing at him even more.

"Okay! You were warnes he said and grabbed me, tickling my stomach. We were laughing too hard to realize that our friends were waking up or to notice that Jax was practically laying on top of me. We were in a little bubble of laughs and then, suddenly, it was punctured by a familiar squeal. AG.

"AG!" I yelled, blushing furiously realizing the Jax was on top of me. She was smiling at us and happily laughing at me.

"What're you up to?" She asked smirking slightly. Jax looked down and realized then that he was on top of me and got up and sat down next next to me intead.

"Not much," he said trying (and failing) to sound casual.

"Mhm.." AG responded before truning away from us to wake Kayla up. Kayla woke up, turned to look at us and squealed too even though we were just sitting next to each other by then.

So no one should be suprised that Jilly is making an appearance because they are per-fect, but anyway thank you guys so being patient woth me I know this chapter took a while! And thak you all so, so mich for reading, rating and commenting! That's all for now luvs! ❤

Not quite a fairy-tale (An FTRS fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat