I might be able to help with that

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It took an hour and a half for Kayla to wake Jocelyn, Jax and AG. The whole time I was laying on the ground by them desprately trying to fall asleep, but unable thanks to the incesent pain on my torso. As time went on it only got worse, and waiting became harder and harder to bare. At the very least, the more the air cleared up the easier it got to breath.

I watched as Kayla tried everything she could think of to wake the others and eventually resorting to splashing them in the face with a spurt of water, which finally did the trick. She tried it on Jocelyn first, who prometly sat up looking quite scandelized. Kayla, very relieved, moved onto AG, who awkoe sputtering. Then she did it to Jax who shot up and nearly snapped her wand by flinging his hand out in front of him.

"Well.. That didn't go as planned." AG said eventually after the three of them had begun to take in their surroundings and see everything around them again.

"No sh*t. I'm assuming given that Hayley is no where to be seen that I was correct and she's a filthy traitor?" Jocelyn questioned to which Kayla told her she was correct. "Kayla! First time I've been happy to see you in a while. And I f****ing told you so, Cobbler." I put my hands up in defence, wincing at the pain that covered my torso when I pulled the skin by moving my arms. Jocelyn sighed. "You alright?"

"Well  jumped on a gas bomb and I'm pretty sure I have third degree burns. Kayla wrapped them, tried her best to heal 'em. I saw Hayley running away in the steam and to be honest for a while I thought we were as good as dead. Then Kayla showed up, thank fairy dust." I said back, so no. I quite clearly was not alright, but that would have to wait untill later unless one of the ravenous monsters Hayley was currently using in an attempt to either murder of blackmail us was capable of performing medical procidures, because I knew for a fact that none of my friends were.

"Well this is a royal mess." Jax said. "Can you even walk? Or do you have any idea where Hayley went?"

"I don't know, and I was too busy trying to make sure you guys were alive to pay too much attention to Hayley." I responded with the tiniest of shrugs, which promptly caused a grimace to cross my face.

"Well I can't do anything about Hayley, but I might be able to help with that burn of yours, Gil. If you want, of course." Jocelyn said. I shrugged and told her to go ahead because she couldn't really make it much worse. She nodded and yelled at Jax to turn around before lifting up my shirt to unwrap the 'bandage' that Kayla had put on my burn. "Yikes," Jocelyn said before starting to chant something for a spell, a gentle purple mist-y substance covering my stomach. It tickled, but I think I did a pretty good job of hiding that fact.

Jocelyn continued for about a minute and when she was done my stomach felt a hundred times better, less sore and less painful although it was definately still there. "I think that's all I can do." Jocelyn said, grabbing the makeshift bandages and rewrapping my tummy.

Eventually we collected ourselves enough to leave that room and start looking for Hayley. I had to walk next to someone so that I could lean on them a bit when breathing was more difficult or I had to be floated along by Jocelyn, and Jax and AG both had pretty bad headaches, not to mention Kayla's prediciment, which she said she didn't want Jocelyn's help with but I'm pretty sure she was limping. Regardless, we slowly, painfully slowly, made our down the hall and around the corned in search of Hayley or anyone else in the castle.

Along the way we began to question what she wanted. At first we had said money, but that didn't make sense. She needed money to be doing this and if she asked us we would have given her money anyway. No need for conflict. So our next thought was revenge. But the only thing she could revenge on us for was either thinking she deserved more credit for Alva's defeat than she gets or revenge on Jocelyn for.. well, being Jocelyn. Which also makes no sense because she wasn't even at the last fight with Alva and Rumple, and she really has no reason to take Jocelyn personally.

Maybe it was some weird thing about mermaid rights? But they don't have less rights than anyone else..? Maybe she was just unhinged. Hit her head or something happened that she hadn't told us about and she flew off the rails. Honestly it could be as simple as her getting fed up with something and then things started to pile and she got fed up.

Maybe that was the thing that bothered me the most. We were supposed to be the people on this planet that knew her the best, her bestfriends who she told everything. We thought we had no secrets. We thought there was nothing she could be or would be hiding from us, meanwhile she was planning this whole insane murder/kidnap attempt.

And we couldn't even figure out why.

Hey guys! So this is part.. 23? I think. Anyway, I know its not technically Friday anymore but I say close enough. So.. I hope you guys liked this failry angsty chapter. Ok let's be real, this whole book is angsty. ANYWAY! Thank you all for reading, rating and commenting <3

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