The Figure In The Mist

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Our progress continued on slowly, and it felt like we were dragging our feet a bit, but to be fair all of us were quite ingjured. We, slowly, walked on and on through the same dimly lit stone hallways, they were usually so full of rugs and people and light that you didn't notice the dull masnory of the interior walls of Raz's castle, but right now it was all there really was to see. Everything about the place felt deserted, from the lack of people to the lack of furnature to the simple lack of light.

We were watching our backs every step we went, Haylay's betrayal had made us all paranoid, like another one of the people we trust must in the world would turn on us at any second. At the same time, we were forced to rely on each other, myself more than the others as there was no way I would win a fight by myself if were ambushed. It was a scary thought, that if something happened I was completely dependant on the people around whom, thank to Hayley, my trust in had been somewhat tainted. That said, they were no odds I hadn't lived with before I was still alive to tell the tale.

It took us hours to make enough progession through the halls to call it progress, but even then it almost felt like we were walking in circles. We had discussed it being some trick of Hayley's as we apparently had no clue what she was capable of, but the halls are quite similiar anyway and escape in the mist had seemed rather urgent.

Just when hope of getting anywhere was finally beginning to be lost, the mist from the hospital showed up in the hall infront of us. Again, it looked vaguely human and something about its figure tugged at the back of my mind. I should know who this is.

"I warned you that both good and bad things would be revealed here." The same echo-y voice spoke, and again I knew that I should know whose voice it was, yet I still couldn't quite grasp at the straws.

"Gilly, did this thing show up when you were in the hospital or something? When we came in and you were all shaken up?" Jocelyn asked, ever the detective she was never one to miss such details. I gulped lightly, unsure wether to be more scared of the figure in the mist or Jocelyn and nodded a 'yes'.

"I have come to reveal once again. The ones who you truly wish to find will still be there to be found, but you must choose between friends and newfound foe, for none of you have the stregnth to twice go toe to toe." The figure echoed and the five of us looked at it and then each other before the others all looked at me like they expected me to say something.

"Can you tell us anything else? If we don't go after Hayley will she get away?" I asked the figure and I could've sworn I saw a shadow of a smile apon its misty face.

"Well, I would expect any granddaughter of mine to be able to figure that one out." And with that it vanished as suddenly as it had come, and in that moment I realized exactly who it looked like and were I had heard the voice before. Grandma Pearl. Of course, she must have been able to sense something was wrong and not been able to get too close so she had projected herself or something to warn me. She probably couldn't get involved for some reason.. maybe because she's stuck with mom?

"Uh guys.. who do we go for?" Kayla asked, head tilted to the side.

"Maxine and Ollie. We let the gaurds deal with Hayley or we hunt her down later, we don't know what they're being subjected to or, I hate to say it, how much time they have left." I said simply and Jocelyn and Jax backed me up immediatly and AG had already started walking.

"Well come on then, lets go get our friends!" AG called from up ahead in the hall. Our spirits had fiinally been somewhat lifted by the news that if we went looking for our friends first then we would find them, Hayley could wait, there was no way she would get far anyway.

Hey guys, this update is a tad shorter than they usually are but that's because I meant to write yesterday but I had a really hard science test and slept for three and a half hours when I got home from school so I didn't have time XD Anywayyy, thank you all for reading, rating and commenting! <3

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