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I woke up too a purple glow in a black room, the sound of anxious breathing and AG pouncing on me to give me a hug the second she saw me. Jocelyn sighed in relief and I could barely make out another figure standing not too far off from us. AG was holding onto me so tight I thought I might slip back into that black nothingness. And when I say nothingness, I mean it was thoughtless, soundless, dreamless, sightless, basically just completely empty.

I noticed a scratch on AG's arm that was wrapped in a bandage but nothing else seemed wrong with her. "Are you alright, AG?" I asked, pullling back a little to look her over better. Her mouth fell so far open I'd have thought her jaw unhinged if I didn't know any better.

"Me?!" She yelled in clear astonishment. "God, Gilly, what about you?! For heaven's sake, your the one who passed out from blood loss and water intake or whatever after saving my butt from the beasties when Princey over there was too busy trying to figure out what those things were to do anytihng!" She was practically still yelling which made my head throb slightly. I must have winced because AG suddenly looked apologetic. "I only mean that you're a lot more hurt than I even could be with you and Jocelyn proctecting me and I'm sure you're in pain but you asked me how was instead of asking sometihng about yourself."

"Oh! Well, I figured if Joce was doing a spell on me I'd be fine but I saw your arm and I obviously haven't got a clue what happened after I went out." I said, as casually as I dared considering how they were looking at me. AG then pulled all the way back and Jax's arms around me faster than I could blink. I pulled my own arms up to wrap around him as well even though the muscles ached a bit. He pulled me very close and squeezed me as hard as he dared.

"You have got to stop doing that." He mumbled. I knew what he meant.

"I'd say I'll try, but I don't want to lie to you. If I have to help someone so they don't get hurt, I'm gonns do it." I whispered back, he chuckled at that.

"And that's why I love you." He said gave me a tender kiss before pulling back and moving to stand at my side with his arm around me. I knew I was blushing and I didn't care.

"Where are Maxine and Ollie? And Hayley and Kayla?" I asked, reaslizing that they weren't in the room as well. They all looked at each other and AG swallowed.

"Uhm.. about that.." She started, but I could tell she was hesitant to continue.

"Oh god, that thing got him didn't it?!" I exclaimed, and AG hesitated again. That's not a good sign.

"We think so. The thing is, we don't really know, Gil. We haven't seen Hayley and Kayla since we split up and we never found Maxine. Maybe they did and they're waiting at the sleepover room though. I'm sure we'll be able to find Ollie eventually if we regroup." She said with a sigh. "Ollie wasn't there when we went back up to look for him."

"So you want to leave the spot where we last saw Ollie and go to the sleepover room even though no one may be there?" I asked, part of my wanted to argue and stay and look for Ollie, part of me wanted to go look for Maxine in case she was in trouble and part of me wanted to go back to the sleepover room and make sure Kayla and Hayley were okay. "Wait, what if the sleepover room is flooded?"

"We thought of that. But it seems like the flooding was only in the area of the stairwell, I mean it was definately intentional." Jocelyn said, finally speaking up. "But it seems like it's our best lead at the moment."

So, we set off toward another staircase that Jax said would lead us to the sleepover room if it wasn't flooded. If it was, we would come up with a new plan there. My head still hurt and AG and I were still bandaged but I wasn't about to wait around for something to happen to my friends. It wasn't like we were going to heal anytime soon, and we needed to something before whichever one of us is behind this whole thing kills half of my bestfriends.

Off we went, walking through eerily dim halls, jumping at the slightest of sounds. It was a scary way to go about, not knowing when or if something was going to jump out of a wall and attack you. It almost like walking through a haunted house, but if mine and AG's injuries were anytihng to go by this was the real deal. Figures, you'd think we'd be used to stuff like this by now.

Eventually we came to what looked like a whole in the wall, but Jax assured us it was a staircase. Jocelyn shrugged and stepped into it first. The problem was that she didn't really step onto it as much as in it. She would have started falling if it weren't for the purple smoke and glow that now swirled around her feet.

"I geuss we're gonna have to this the hard way. I think I can levitate us all down to the opening at the bottom if this really did used to be a stairwell." She said.

"Well at this point we don't have much choice if you're sure." I said with a slight sigh.

She looked down the seemingly endless darkness, took a breath looked back up at us. "I am." So we all did a trust fall and stepped into the dark pit. AG went first, Jocelyn caught her immediatly. Then Jax went and fell slightly before Jocelyn caught him, she looked like she was struggling to hold the three of them and I would have hesitated if not for the sudden roar behind me. "Here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself and stepped over the threshold of the door way.

I could feel that I was falling more than I could see it, and Jocelyn had missed when she tried to grab me. The purple glow above me was getting farther and farther away as I slipped into more and more darkness. I could tell they were moving down after me and I could hear panicked yelling but it was AG being incoherent. Jax's arm popped into veiw to stop her from falling away from the smoke-stuff Jocelyn was using to hold them. They were too far away for Jocelyn to grab me without risking dropping someone else and I couldn't slow my falling.

Now'd be a good time to have wings, I thought to myself. Or to be able to put myself in a bubble like grandma Pearl. I geuss it'd just be a good time to be a full-fledged fairy. Or like Kayla, I mean she can fly and stuff but she's not quite full-fledged. Kayla! We were trying to get to her and Hayley, that was what was going on. When had I forgotten that? I geuss Jocelyn had been right about the water not being over here.

Then Jocelyn grabbed onto me with a tendral of glowy purple smoke and I was placed onto the cloud-like thing everyone else was on.

"Oh, thank god!" Jocelyn yelled when she saw that I had landed safely. "I was worried there for a minute, Cobbler."

I chuckled. "Glad to know you cared, Mini evil queen."

Whew! Here's the next part, sorry for the long wait, since there's only two weeks of school left life is hecktic rigth now. Thanks for reading, rating and commenting! See ya in the next part! <3

Not quite a fairy-tale (An FTRS fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ