Welcome to life three years later

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Hey guys! Just a few quick reminders/some important info before I jump into the story! It has been 3 years since the war, so everyone is 15/16 not 11/12/13. When the text is in BOLD it's author notes, not part of the fanfic. The majority of the story will be from Gilly's POV so unless I say otherwise it's Gilly's POV. That's pretty mush it, but if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask! With that said, let's get into it! Side note, sory if I get any side character's ages wrong!

It was seven o'clock in the morning on a Monday when I was woken up. It was summer vacation, but when you live in a house with five younger siblings it doesn't really matter. Han and Hamish, my seven-year-old twin little brothers seemed to have (from the yelling I heard) taken Felix, my eight year-old little brother's book. Trixie, my nine year-old little sister was trying to get it back for him and my fifteen year-old little sister Anna was telling them all to shut up because it was still pretty early in the morning.

They were all yelling at the same time, and I wasn't really sure what was happening until I heard my mother yell at them all to be quiet. Finally, I thought. I groaned as I sat up in bed, it was too early to be awake when I didn't have school. I was still of FTRS grounds a lot though since AG and Jocelyn both still lived on-campus. Maybe one them was awake, Ollie was away on a trip, Jax was probably busy diong some royal stuff, Maxine was with her family in the woods camping and Kayla was grounded for sneaking out. I would go see Hayley, but she always sleeps late.

Sighing, I slipped out of bed and walked about six inches to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of ripped up jeans and a t-shirt. After I'd put them on I pulled on some socks and laced up my boots, my dad had made me a new pair that was basically the same as my first ones only they were bigger. I grabbed a black ribbon off the top of my dresser and tied my hair out of my face. I should've really just cut it off, but I don't think my mom would've liked that.

Once I was fully dressed and my hair was pulled into a pony-tail at the base of my neck I walked out of my room.

"Mom can I go to FTRS and see if AG or Jocelyn can hang-out?" I asked as I walked into the livingroom. Han, Hamish and Trixie started whining about how they were gonna ask me to take them to the park. I sighed at them because even if they do drive me insane I love them and I hate to see them upset. "Actually, I think I'll take these rascals to the park for a little while first if that's okay."

My mom smiled at me. "Sure, just bring them back before you head off, okay? Felix why don't you go with your siblings and Anna come help me in the kitchen, yeah?" She said, Anna groaned but got off the couch and walked into the kitchen anyways and Felix made us wait until after he'd gotten the book he was reading and the next one he wanted to start before he would leave the house.

Once we reached the park Trixie, Han and HAmish ran off to go play immedeatly while Felix and I found a bench to sit on. Felix sat down with an annoyed sigh and opened up his book. "What're you reading about, Fe?" I asked sitting down next to him.

He looked up from his book, and I knew if I were just about anyone else he would've been really mad I had interupted his reading. But instead, because it was me, he smiled at me and put his book down to explain it. "It's about this girl called Enola. Enola Holmes, Sherlock's little sister and she keeps out smarting him and-" I wasn't really fully listening I was just smiling at him because he got so into his books and explaining them and it was just the most endearing thing in the worl to me.

"Sounds interesting," I said a while later when he'd finnished and smiled even more.

"I think you'd like it, actually. You can read when I'm done if you'd like!" He said.

"Maybe." I said, I probably wouldn't read it but there was always a chance. I let him go back to reading and I decided to keep an eye on the others.

*** Around 9 o'clock ***

"Alright, c'mon kiddos. I wanna get going and hangout with my friends for a bit." I called to my little siblings. Felix was holding onto my arm and clutching his books to his chest, he didn't like it when there were a lot of people around and the park had filled up quite a bit since 2 hours ago when we'd arrived.

They all pouted but came over anyway. I grabbed Hamish's hand and made him hold Han's hand, I let Trixie walk nest us without joining the hand link though as she was almost ten. We walked back home, my siblings only getting distracted twice. Once by the foutain and once by the pinocio puppet stand. When we got home Han, Hamish and Trixie ran inside telling mom about how much they had but Felix stayed on the steps with me. He looked like he wanted to tell me or ask me something but didn't quite know how.

"Something up, Fe?" I asked, Felix and I had always been the closest of me and my younger siblings espicially after Anna and I stopped talking. I could tell when things were bothering him and he could tell when things were bothering me, even though we were seven years apart.

"I... I've just been wondering if you're alright...? If something's up, y'know?" He asked, not meeting my eyes. I put a hand on his cheek and bent down a bit.

"I know I've been more distant lately and I'm sorry Felix. It's just because I'm..." I trailed off not sure how to word what I was thinking.

"Older? That never mattered before." Felix said, tears in his eyes as he finally looked back into mine. My heart just broke and I pulled him into my arms.

"I know! And it still doesn't, I just need a little more space now, okay?" I asked as I pulled away and he nodded, whipping away his tears and smiling up at me. I smiled back, I was happy he told me and I was even happier that it resolved. I really hated seeing my siblings upset, he gave me another quick hug and said good-bye told me to have fun and told me he'd tell mom I left for FTRS I thanked him and walked away.

*** Around 10 when she gets to FTRS ***

I walked onto the grounds of fariy-tale reform school and began to look around to see if I could spy any of my friends. As I was looking I heard footsteps behind me but I ignored them, until "Gilly!" I heard someone yell. I turned around only to be met by a hug before I even saw who it was. After a moment of shock I hugged back the person who I realized was none other than AG.

She pulled away and beamed up at me. I smiled at her and she grabbed my arm and began to pull me somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked, but let her pull me away even without the answer.

"To where the others are!" She said happily. Apparently I wasn't the only one who decided to suprise my friends.

"Who else is here?" I asked.

"Kayla and Jocelyn," AG responded. I shook my head, of course Kayla snuck out again when she was grounded for doing exactly that and of course she hadn't told AG because AG would have told her to go home if she found out. When we arrived to the spot where Jocelyn and Kayla were sitting they were fighting about something. Typical.

"What happened this time?" I asked in an exasperated voice as I plopped myself down next to Kayla.

"She shouldn't be here and she got mad that I told her so." Jocelyn said flatly. I sighed, Kayla got in trouble a lot and Jocelyn always did something like this when she did and it ticked Kayla off to no end.

"It's not your place to tell me how to live my life! Besides you've done worse." Kayla said in a throughly angry tone and I just looked at them and shook my head with a chuckle.

"What?" Jocelyn asked in a voice laced with acid.

"Oh, nothing. Just remebering when you and I were the ones who argued like that." I said with a chuckle. Jocelyn smiled a little at that.

"Well, you turned out better than she did, so your place had been taken." Jocelyn said. I laughed at that and Jocelyn and Kayla laughed a bit too, despite their fighting.

Hey guys! A nice, light-hearted first chapter on a not so light-hearted story. Hopefully you guys enjoy this, I have a feeling this could end up being a fairly long fic! Thank you all so much reading, rating and commenting and I would really appriacte some feedback on the story so far! Thanks, luvs! <3

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