eighty seven | bag of cobras

Start from the beginning

Klaus said to him, "I do not wish for her to see me as a monster, but I cannot sit idly by while threats to our family go unanswered."

Elijah replied, "They won't. Now, let me do this. Please. And should any turmoil arise, should anyone dare to disrupt our kingdom, let them answer to me."

When Klaus only nodded in response, Annabelle feigned a pout as she asked, "Oh, do you hear that, Kai? Big brother doesn't want there to be any bloodshed. What a shame."

After scoffing to himself, Kai said with a sigh, "Well, this sounds like it's gonna be a really boring night."

With her head tilted to the side, Annabelle replied, "Nonsense. Even if big brother demands there to be any bloodshed, I always do find a way to entertain myself. Whether it be by torturing someone, tearing into the throat of an unsuspecting victim or compelling someone to tear apart every single person they love before killing themselves."

The most Kai did was smirk to himself in response, while Dorothy only sighed to herself at the mere thought of whatever chaos she assumed would take place later on that night.

* * *

While watching Kai try to do everything he could to make the feeling of boredom go away, despite the looks of the compound at this point in time, Annabelle glanced over at Dorothy, who was trying to keep a close eye on her father to ensure that Kai didn't do anything stupid that would get him killed in the process, such as him pissing off the wrong person.

After chuckling to herself, Annabelle went to take a sip out of the glass she was holding, only to stop when she heard a voice say from behind her, "Annabelle, I've been looking for you everywhere."

After sighing to herself, Annabelle found herself face-to-face with Joseph Valentine, who looked more than glad to see that the unstable Original wasn't the least bit injured after she was woken up by Freya days ago.

After plastering a smile on her face, she asked him, "Was there something you needed, Joseph?"

With a shake of his head, Joseph said, "I– Um, no. Nothing. I was just really glad to hear that you got woken up by Freya and needed to see it for myself. I was—" After chuckling to himself, he told her, "Truth be told, I was really worried about you and thought you would have at least been dead when no one heard from you and your siblings in five years. But here you are, five years later, and you're awake and okay and, you know, not dead. Everything's great."

Don't listen to him.

With furrowed eyebrows, Annabelle glanced over at Kai, who was gesturing towards Joseph with a grin on his face, which got Annabelle to roll her eyes to herself before she asked him, "Is that all, Joseph?"

With his eyes wide as ever, he replied, "W-Well, I just thought I'd tell you that if you ever needed anything, I would do it without question. After all, you're the one that made it so William died five years ago. I am eternally in your debt, Annabelle Mikaelson."

He's lying. He wants something from you, Annabelle. You know this.

After blankly staring at him, she told Joseph, "I don't need you to be in my debt. I need you to quit hounding me and acting as if I'm your eternal savior, seeing as how it was me and my friends that had made certain that William was caught to begin with. I am the same person I have been for over a thousand years. I am the very same psychopathic, selfish and murderous vampire I have been for over nine-hundred years. I don't need you constantly tripping over your words because you're either infatuated with me or you're simply nervous to be in my presence or whatever other nonsense is going on inside of your head. What I need is for you to piss off and leave me alone."

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