Chapter 19

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Jay's POV
I'm looking at Adam who just came in. "Where? Do you know where Hailey is?" I ask him. "I hope so. We were looking into Hailey's old cases and we found the name Dale Morson. Turns out Hailey and Kim got involved in a case and it didn't end well. Hailey had to shoot Dale's sister Georgia in order to get Kim free. Her brother warned Hailey at court that he would come after her. So we made contact with our CI's and we got a tip from one of them. Apparently his mother owns an old building, he has to be there. It is our only lead right now." Adam responds. "Let's go then." Voight says. I look at Maddie who is sleeping. "I'm coming." I say. "Jay.. you're results didn't came in yet. What—" Will starts but I cut him off. "This is about my wife Will. I'm going. Can you stay with Maddie in case she wakes up?" I say. "Sure, but be careful." Will says. "Always do." I say, give Maddie a kiss and walk behind the team. "You are not going to do anything stupid Jay. You stay behind us. I'm serious, we don't need you more injured then you are right now." Voight says to me. "Copy sarge." I say and we step into our cars.

When we arrive at the building it looks very old. "Are absolute sure this is it? It looks like it could collapse any second." I look at Adam. "Yeah, 100% sure." Adam says. "Dawson, Olinsky you two go around to find some entrance. Ruzek, Burgess you check the building for escaping routes. We stay here and I want an report asap!" Voight says and we get to it. I grab myself a bulletproof vest and a hoodie. "Sarge. One opening, main entrance is unlocked. No other escape routes in the area." Burgess her voice sounds through the radio. "Allright we go in, everyone stay put and do not go your own way." Voight says and we all grab our guns and quickly walk into the building. We check out all floor but there is no-one to be found. I'm about to give up but then we hear a soft sound of people talking. We move silently to the noises and they get louder. We all raise our guns and Olinsky and Dawson walk around to find another entrance. I follow Voight as we walk into the basement. "What do you want Dale. Are you afraid to put that bullet in my head? WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO IT?!" I hear Hailey scream. We rush forward and Voight kicks in the door. Dale is obviously shocked by our entrance but is fast enough to point his gun at Hailey's head. I meet Hailey's eyes as she looks at me worried. She looks like hell all beaten up and blood everywhere. "Drop your gun Dale. You are surrounded by too many people. You have nothing to win here." Voight says. "She killed my sister! My baby sister! She deserves this!" Dale screams. "Don't be stupid, you don't want to do this." Voight says. Olinsky walks up silently and knocks Dale on his head. Everything goes so fast as guns go off and I try to make my way to Hailey. "Hailey!" I call out when I finally get to her. "Jay.." she says and I quickly untie her and pull her close. She sobs in my arms. "I got you. We found you, you're safe." I whisper and kiss her on her head. "5021 Ida, roll an ambo to Bridge Street 102." Adam calls in the radio. I watch how the team arrests Dale and bring him out. "Jay, Maddie?" Hailey looks at me. "She is at the hospital with Will. She wanted to come but I couldn't let her. She is going to be fine." I say. "You?" She continues. "Couple stitches but that's nothing. We need to get you checked out." I say. "That's beautiful." She says and her eyes get a little droopy and she slowly fades off. "Hailey? Hailey!!" I shake her arm but she is unresponsive. "Where?" Gabby and Brett enter the room. "Here!" I yell and they get to us. They quickly start working on her and help her get stable. "Jay, are you coming?" Gabby looks at me. "Yes of course." I say and we rush towards the ambulance. I go in the back and grab Hailey's hand. "You're gonna be fine. Just stay with us okay?" I whisper to her. I no tine we get to the hospital and we run into the ER. "Female, mid thirties, took multiple beatings. Possible internal bleedings. We gave her two saline bags already." Gabby announces. Dr. Marcel and Dr. Choi come in and bring her into Baghdad where they start working on her. "How is she?" I ask them. "Too soon to tell Jay, we're going to do the best we can." Dr. Choi says and he continues. "Why don't you go wait in waiting room? There is nothing you can do right now Jay." Maggie comes up to me. The team is arriving in the ER and Maggie tells them the same she just did to me. "Okay, prep the hybrid OR. We need to open her up!" Dr. Marcel calls out and they wheel Hailey out and into the OR. I walk towards the team and quickly update them. We take place and wait for news.

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