Chapter 3

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Hailey's POV
"Come on baby stay awake for me" I say to my daughter who is definitely fighting to not fade away. "Maddie! Can you open your eyes for me?" Will tries. "Tired. Cold." Maddie mumbles. "I know baby, we're a few minutes out." I say and I pull up my coat around her. Jay speeds up and we get to Chicago Med within two minutes. He jumps out of the car and opens the door to pick Maddie up and carry her inside. "Maggie, I need a room!" Will shouts and Maggie looks confused at us. "Treatment 1, Dr. Choi! April! Let's go!" She calls out. Jay lays Maddie on the bed and Will puts the oxygen mask on her. "What happened?" Dr. Choi enters the room. "Running contest, there was an explosion and Maddie was running at the place where it happened. Shoulder is dislocated and she probably hit her head hard with the explosion. She performed cpr on another victim on the spot." I explain. "She performed cpr with a dislocated shoulder?! That's insane." Dr. Choi shakes his head and then starts to work on her. "Maddie can you open your eyes for me?" He asks her. "Mom?" She mumbles. "I'm here baby, just try to do what the doctor says okay?" I assure her. "Okay." She whispers and then opens her eyes a bit. "Good job, start an iv with 5 mg of morfine. Head CT, blood panel and an x-ray for the shoulder." He says to April. More people get in for the x-ray and we have to step out to make room for the staff. "You need to keep your arm in place young lady." A nurse tells Maddie and then asks us step out. I grab my husband's hand while we look at our daughter. "Out of the way! Amy, 17 years old. Fully hit on the explosion. Heart stopped but she got cpr by another victim. Intubated in the field, IV and transferred one unit of blood." Dawson and Brett fome in with an unconscious girl on their stretcher. "Go to Bagdad!" Maggie calls out. Dr. Choi steps out of Maddie's room and we walk with him to the break room. "And?" Jay questions. "She has a little fracture in her shoulder and we don't know yet if that is going to get worse. It is most likely to though, and in that case we might operate on her to fix it. I want to get a new X-ray in a week to see the progress. Also her shoulder is very dislocated so we need to set it. I gave her something to go to sleep so we can set it back in a normal position. I do want to make an MRI to see if we don't miss something. After we set it we send her up for that and a CT scan." Dr. Choi finishes. "You can wait in the waiting room. We'll call you in when she is done." Dr. Choi says. Tears get in my eyes and Jay hugs me tight. "She will be okay babe." He says to me and gives me a kiss. I slightly nod and we gather our stuff to go to the waiting room. When we enter the waiting area we see the Adam and Kim coming up. "How did you guys know we were here?" I ask confused. "We heard about the explosion, checked it out because we knew you were competing. We talked to Casey and we quickly found out Maddie was injured. How is she?" Adam informs us. "They gave her something to go to sleep so they can set her dislocated shoulder. After that they will make an MRI and a head CT. We don't know how bad everything is yet.." Jay explains. "Oh no.." Kim comes towards me and hugs me. We sit down and wait for news.

"Halstead family?" A nurse questions in the waiting room. We all get up so the nurse looks at us confused. "We are Maddie's parents." I introduce Jay and me. "Maddie is back from the CT and MRI and now slowly waking up. You can come with me." The nurse tells us and we follow her into Maddie's room. We each sit down on one side of her bed and grab her hand. "Maddie baby?" I whisper. "Mom?" Maddie slowly opens her eyes a bit. "I'm next to you nugget." I say and kiss her hand. "Dad?" Maddie mumbles. "Right here, not going anywhere." Jay answers. She falls back asleep again and I grab Jay's hand. He looks at me. "She is strong, and definitely going to be fine." He assures me. I nod and look at my daughter in this big hospital bed. She shouldn't be here. She should be celebrating the contest with her family. Comparing her running times with her dad and uncle. This isn't fair. We need to catch this person who is responsible for this mess.

Maddie's POV
My head is still pounding but my shoulder feels better. That's one thing. I hear my parents talking to each other about the explosion. I open my eyes and the bright hospital light kicks in making my head even hurt more. Ugh. I close my eyes again and everything what happened comes back in my mind. The contest. A loud explosion. Amy laying on the ground. Amy! Is she alive? I take a deep breath and open my eyes again. "How is Amy?" I ask. My parents look at me confused. "Who is Amy honey?" Dad asks me. "That girl who got hit by that explosion. I tried to perform CPR on her. Did she make it?" I ask. My parents look at each other. "I will find out, I'll be back." Mom gives me a kiss and walks out to find a nurse or doctor. "How are you feeling Mads?" Dad questions. "My head still hurts and my shoulder feels better but still sore." I say. I look around. "Dad? Can we go home?" I ask. He smiles. "Not yet sweetie, soon I promise." He says. At that point Dr. Choi enters the room with my mom behind him. "Great to see you awake Maddie. You scared your parents." Dr. Choi smiles. "I bet I did." I smirk. "Can you follow my light for me?" He says and he shines a light in my eyes in different directions which I try to follow. "How is your head feeling?" He then questions. "Painful, like someone hit me so hard that I only want to sleep right now." I say. "Hmm, that is not weird after what you have been through. Your CT shows a massive concussion so you have to stay put for at least a week. No school, sports or anything like that. We also did an MRI which came back clean. That means no internal bleedings which is good news. Your blood results were good too. How is your shoulder feeling now? We set it while you were sleeping." Dr. Choi explains. "It's sore, but nothing I can't handle." I say. "Allright. It sure does look better than when you were brought in. I'm going to give you some painkillers for your shoulder and your concussion. I want a checkup in a week to see your shoulder. Unfortunately the three of you won't get a good night of sleep because your parents have to wake you up every two hours to check on you." I smirk when I hear that and Dr. Choi turns towards my parents. "Ask her questions when you try to wake her up and see how her responses are. It is common by this type of concussion that she could throw up because of the dizziness. If she isn't reacting quick enough or not able to react at all. We need you to come back immediately." He finishes. My parents nod. "I'm going to get your meds and an sleeve for your shoulder and then you're good to go home." Dr. Choi leaves the room again. "Well after all it is not that bad right?" I say and my parents laugh. "Definitely true nugget." Mom says. The curtain opens again and Uncle Will, Adam and Kim join us. "Kiddo, you scared us. Don't do that." Adam comes up to me and carefully gives me a hug. Kim does the same. "How are you feeling?" Uncle Will questions. "Fine, better than a few hours ago." I smile. "Mom, did you found out about Amy?" I look at my mom. "They are still working on her. They didn't have news for me. Sorry baby." She tells me. "Can we wait on news?" I ask hopefully. Dad shakes his head. "Not optional no. We are going to get you home. You need to rest and waiting in a hospital isn't really what the doctors want right now. I am sure Will wants to keep us updated about Amy right?" He looks at his brother who nods. "Ofcourse! And you know your dad is right. You need to take your rest and recover from your wounds." He tells me. I sigh and then nod. "Promise?" I ask him. "I always keep my promises you know that" Will smiles. "We gotta go, working on the case. We'll visit you tomorrow okay?" Kim says. I nod and say my goodbyes to them. A few moments later I'm alone with my parents again because Uncle Will had to leave as well. "I'm tired." I say and I yawn. "We're almost done Mads." Mom says and I nod. Dr. Choi enters the room and puts my arm in a sleeve. I wince in pain as he does it but it's over soon thankfully. Mom gets a wheelchair for me and then helps me in it. We say goodbye to the team and leave the hospital. When we get to our car I feel a little dizzy. "Can you stand up and get in the car?" Dad kneels down. "I'm afraid if I get up that I will pass out." I admit. Dad nods and then picks me up softly and puts me in the car. Mom gets in on the other side and we head home.

Jay's POV
I'm done showering and when I get downstairs I see my daughter sleeping on the couch. I go to the kitchen where Hailey is making some coffee. "Hey you." I say and turn her around so I can see her. She gives me a kiss and then looks at Maddie. "What a day huh." She says. I sigh. "Insane." I say. "AAAAH NO! HELP!" Maddie screams. "Maddie? What's going on?" I rush to her finding her crying on the couch. I sit next to her and hug her tight. "Tell us." Hailey joins. Maddie's sobs get louder as she tries to speak. "Explosion, happened, again" she says. "Heyhey we got you. You are safe now. And you know what? I am so proud of you." I assure her. She looks up confused. I wipe her tears away. "You not only immediately helped that girl but you did that while you were injured yourself. You are a super strong girl." I say and kiss her forehead. "But I'm scared dad. What if it happens again?" Maddie sobs. "It won't. We will be with you and protect you. You're our little girl. We will do anything for you babygirl." Hailey says. "Exactly. Never forget that you not only have us but a whole police station behind you right? You're safe Maddie. For real." I say. Maddie slightly nods and wipes the rest of her tears off.  "Now get some sleep, your exhausted and the night will be long." Hailey says and she tucks Maddie in. "Goodnight sweetie." She says. "Goodnight mom." Maddie answers and she looks at me. I stroke her hair behind her ear and give her a kiss. "Sleep well babygirl." I say. "Goodnight dad." Maddie smiles and closes her eyes.

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