Chapter 8

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Jay's POV
The next few weeks went by pretty quickly. It was getting cold as winter was here and the holidays were just around the corner. Maddie recovered well and today we have a check up in the hospital to see how the fracture in her shoulder is. "Goodmorning dad." Maddie comes running downstairs. "Hey sweetie, how did you sleep?" I ask her. "Great actually." She smiles. "Amazing." I smile back and start making breakfast. "How late is that appointment again?" Maddie questions. "Uh, 10.30 am. You have that soccer game this afternoon don't you?" I say remembering her soccer schedule. "Yeah! I really hope Dr. Choi will let me play!" Maddie says excitedly. I laugh. "Let's get your shoulder checked out first right?" I say and she nods. I give her a plate with blueberry pancakes and she starts to eat. Hailey comes down and gets to us. "Goodmorning." She smiles, ruffles Maddies hair and gives me a kiss. "Goodmorning." Maddie and I answer back.  We eat our breakfast while Maddie is talking a lot about soccer. I'm so happy that she is talking more and more these days. We still don't know what she is talking about with Dr. Charles and we can't ask her and if we do she won't answer anyway. It bothers me to be fair but those sessions must help her a lot as she is becoming more and more herself. "Jay! Wake up!" Hailey snaps her fingers in front of me. "Wait what?" I ask confused. "We were asking if you were done so we can go to the hospital?" Hailey looks at me curious. "Oh yeah, sure. Let's go." I say and grab my jacket. We head to the car and get to the hospital. "Hey uncle Will! Are you coming to the game tonight?" Maddie questions. "Hey! Yeah of course! I would love to." He smiles. "Yes!" Maddie smiles and gives him a high five. "Ah there you are. Shall we look at you shoulder Maddie?" Dr. Choi comes towards us. Maddie nods and we follow him into a treatment room. Maddie sits down on the bed and Hailey and I take place in the seats next to her. "How is your shoulder feeling? Any pain at all?" Dr. Choi asks. "Nope, I took a lot of rest and it doesn't hurt anymore." Maddie says. Dr. Choi puts pressure on different places but Maddie doesn't seem to be in pain. "Okay, it looks good but I do want an X-ray to be sure. Is that allright with you?" He looks at us. "Do whatever you need to do." I say. "Maddie you can come with me. We will make that X-ray right away." Dr. Choi says and he and Maddie walk out. "Hey, what was that earlier? You were so caught up in your thoughts." Hailey looks at me. "Oh that was nothing. I was just thinking about stuff. "Yeah I could see that. What kind of stuff?" Hailey says. "I was thinking about Mads, how she is more open the past few weeks and so much happier." I explain. "Yeah that is true. I'm glad she is like this and not so depressed. We have our Maddie back." She says and leans at me. I put my arm around her and we wait on our daughter. We're not waiting long as we hear a giggle followed by a scream. "Uncle Will! Put me down!" Maddie yells and Will walks in with Maddie over his shoulder. "Dad! Do something about your brother please?" Maddie begs me. "Why, what did you do to him?" I smile. "She scared me. Or at least she tried to." Will smirks as he gently sits her down on the bed. "I got you! You jumped of fear!" Maddie defends herself. I laugh. "I already saw you coming little one. But you're scary I admit it." Will says. "OH, I'll get you!" Maddie calls out and jumps up. "Dr. Halstead! I need you in treatment 4 please." Maggie yells. "Saved by the bell." Will smirks and rushes out. "Ugh, so annoying." Maddie sits down again. "Well honey, next time you got to be more clever with that. Halstead men are pretty easy to get." Hailey winks at Maddie who starts to giggle. "Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow. Hailey and Maddie laugh out loud. Dr. Choi enters the room with his tablet. "Well, Maddie. You had a wish right? What was it again?" Dr. Choi looks at her. "Uhh, that I can play soccer again?" She says confused. "Oh yeah that's right. Well, I guess you can do that again. Your X-ray came back clear. You are all recovered." Dr. Choi smiles. "YES!" Maddie calls out and gives him a hug. Then she runs to us and hugs us too. "Thanks man." I give Dr. Choi a hand. "Of course, have a nice day." He smiles and leaves. I laugh when I see a very happy Maddie dancing around the room. "I have to call coach! I have to let Eva know! We have to go to school right now!" Maddie says and grabs her phone. "Honey we have two hours until you have to be at school. Just call your coach, text Eva and you'll be fine. Really." Hailey assures her. She nods and we take our happy girl back home.

Later that afternoon

"Eva!" Maddie jumps out of the car and hugs her best friend. Me and Hailey get out as well and walk over to Antonio who looks at the girls. "Hey man." I say and we walk towards the tribune. "Bye mom, bye dad!" Maddie says. "Be careful! And good luck girls." I smile and we wave as they leave to the changing room. We walk up the tribune and meet Will, Natalie, Casey and Gabby. We find a spot to sit down and wait for the game to start. Then we see the girls coming up and the game starts. I find Maddie who is really excited and running after the ball. She passes it to Eva who scores. We all cheer for the girls and celebrate the goal. Then Maddie gets the ball and rushes forward. "Go Maddie! Take the shot!" Hailey yells. A girl from the other team bumps into Maddie and she falls to the ground. "Shit." I mumble as Maddie doesn't get up immediately like she normally does. Then Maddie gets up slowly and shakes her arm a bit, she looks at us a puts up her thumb. She takes the ball and has the opportunity to take a penalty. She lays the ball down and takes the shot. "Yes! Good job Maddie!!" I stand up as she scores. The game ends not long after and we chat with the rest until the girls are all done. "Hey, we won! We are going to regionals!" Maddie rushes towards us and smiles. "You girls were amazing. Congratulations!" Will says. We say our goodbyes and walk off to the car. "How is your arm? You fell pretty hard." Hailey looks at Maddie. "Fine, I was a little dizzy when she bumped me but I feel fine now." Maddie answers and climbs in our car. I put up my shoulders and look at my wife who smiles and shakes her head. We get in our car and drive home to get some food. We are almost home when my phone rings. "Hello?" I put my phone on speaker. "Jay, I need you and Hailey at the station. We got a guy who might be involved with the explosion." Voight's voice sounds. "Okay, we have Maddie with us though." I say and look in my mirror. "You can bring her, see you in 10." Voight ends the call. I turn the car and head to the station. We jump out and head upstairs. "Uncle Ruz! We are going to Regionals!" Maddie runs up to his desk. "Oh my god, I will be there with every game!" Adam says and gives her a hug. "Honey, why don't you go the break room? Go on watch some movies?" Hailey says. Maddie nods and disappears. Voight comes in. "Listen up, this is what we know.."

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