Chapter 14

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Hailey's POV
It's Saturday and we don't have an case so we actually have time for an family weekend. I'm making some sandwiches so we can take them with us for our day at the park. I'm just finishing up when Jay returns from his morning run. "Good morning babe." He says and gives me a kiss. "Hey you." I say and kiss him back. "I'll hop in the shower and then breakfast?" He looks at me. "Yes, take a shower please, you smell." I smile. "Oh you don't like that? Well come here." He laughs and crushes me in a hug. "Ugh Jayy, stop it!" I laugh. "For this time only then." He smiles and gets upstairs. I grab my phone and answers some texts. "Hey mom." Maddie gets in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie. Did you sleep well?" I ask her. "Yeah, you?" She looks at me. "Yes me too, thanks for asking." I smile. "Look what Jenna texted me. This is so funny." She says and pulls out her phone. I watch a video of a grumpy cat and laugh. "She is right, that was funny!" I smile. "Okay, breakfast?" Jay comes back in. "Yep." I say and put the plates out. We all start to eat. "So what do you want to do at the park today?" I look at Maddie. "I don't know, some soccer maybe?" She looks at her dad. "Fine with me, I'll beat you anyway." He smirks. "Hey! That's not true." I laugh and look at the two arguing with each other about who is better. "Allright, stop it you two. Get your stuff and we're leaving." I say and put our dishes in the dishwasher.

We arrive at the park and unload our stuff. "This is a nice spot right?" Maddie looks at me and points at a tree. "It's perfect sweetie." I say and we put our things down. I sit down in a chair and grab a book. Jay and Maddie grab some rackets and play badminton with each other. After about half an hour they return at me. "Mom, can I get an ice cream at that truck over there?" Maddie looks at me. "Sure, but do you really want to wait that long in line? Maybe if you wait it will get less?" I ask and grab my wallet. "Oh that's fine, I just really craving ice cream right now." Maddie smiles. "Whatever you want." I say and give her 5 dollars. "Thanks, see you!" She says and takes off. "Do you want something to drink?" Jay questions. "A water please." I say. He grabs a bottle of water and a soda and sits down next to me. "Thankyou." I say and take a sip. My phone goes off and I look at it. Anonymous. I decide to pick up thinking it is one of my CI's. "Hello?" I say. "Ah Detective Upton, I'm glad we finally have a chance to speak to each other." A male voice says. "I'm sorry who is this?" I ask. "Ah come on, we had contact over the last weeks, I send you those beautiful pictures of yourself. You should frame them you know." The man says. Shit. "What do you want? Who are you?" I ask getting angry. "That is not something I should tell you. You know, you have a very pretty daughter. It would be a shame if something happened to her." The man goes on. "Don't you dare to touch my kid, I find you and you will be sorry if I do." I say. Jay looks up to me confused. I put my phone on speaker and put my finger on Jay's lips so he stays quiet. "Wow wow, that is a lot of nerve coming from you. You know I see you sitting with your husband on that towel. But I'm way closer to your little girl. She looks nice with those braids in, her blue sweater looks great with it." The man says. I look up to Jay who stands up immediately and rushes to Maddie. He grabs her hand and takes her with him. "Be careful, I'm around everywhere." The call ends and Jay returns with a confused Maddie. "Come on dad, It was almost my turn, I waited 15 minutes!" Maddie says. "I don't care, we gotta go to uncle Hank." Jay says. "What why? I thought you had the day off? Mom why do you look so shocked?" Maddie says and looks at me. "Your dad is right, we need to go." I say and gather our stuff. We walk out of the park with Maddie in between us. "You guys are acting strange, what is going on?" She asks. "Let's just go to the car okay." I say hoping she doesn't notice my worry. "No. What is going on? I'm not taking another step until you tell what is wrong. Why do we have to leave in such a hurry?" Maddie looks at us. "It's an emergency okay? We need to leave right now. We will explain later but now please come with us?" Jay says almost begging. "Okay..." Maddie says and she grabs our hands. We quickly walk to our car and get in. Jay speeds off and I check the mirrors to see if we're being followed. Jay dials Voight's number and puts it on speaker. "Voight." He answers. "Voight, It's Jay. We need everyone at the station now. It's important." Jay says. "Well, let's come on in then."

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