Chapter 18

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Hailey's POV
I slowly open my eyes and look around. I'm in this dark place tied up to a chair. I try to wrestle myself out but the ropes are too tight. "You know? You have a very beautiful family. A husband who fights for everything. A daughter who is kinda good at soccer. Maybe she will be a star one day. Wouldn't that be nice?" A male voice says. "What do you want from me?" I say. "Whoa straight to the point right? Well okay. You killed my sister, so I'm going to kill you. Simple as that." He says and steps in a little bit of light. Now I recognize him. Dale Morson. And the saddest thing is, he is right. A few months back we were chasing his sister Georgia, and she almost killed Kim. I had to shoot her so she would let Kim go. We brought in an ambo but unfortunately she didn't make it to the hospital.. "Dale. Calm down. We can talk about this." I say. "Talk? What is it you want to talk about huh? About how you killed my sister or the fact that your family is dead?" He says. What. Jay and Maddie aren't dead. Right? "They are not dead." I say, more to convince myself then to make an point. "I know where I hit your man, my buddy took care of your girl. I think she called for you right before we..." He says. "NO!" I yell and try to get myself loose but it is no use. Dale laughs and comes up to me and starts beating me up. Not soon after it gets really dark.

Jay's POV
"Jay?! Maddie?! What happened? Where is Hailey?" Will comes up to us with a worried face as he sees our bloody frames. "Jay needs stitches and an head CT. He was out for a few minutes and got stabbed in the stomache. Overall he has bruises but seems okay. Maddie also needs an head CT and an closer look. She can't stand on her own and keeps losing her consciousness." Gabby explains and Will stares at her. "Hailey?" He looks at me. I shake my head. "We don't know where she is." I say. "Connor can you take Maddie? I'll take Jay." Will says and Connor jumps in and takes Maddie with him. "I'll stay with her." Adam says and follows them. Me and Will get into a treatment room and he stitches up the wound in my stomache. He hands me a towel and clean clothes so I can freshen myself up. When I'm done I want to get to my daughter. "Jay, they are ready for you at CT." Will comes up to me. "Can't I go see Maddie for a sec?" I almost beg him. "Sorry, Connor is working on her. You can go after your CT. Promise." He answers. We walk to the CT room and I get in and the door closes behind me.

Maddie's POV
Uncle Ruzek is with me all this time but if I'm being honest then I would want my dad and my mom.. Where are they?! "Okay sweetie, we're going to give you an IV with some medicine to make you feel better. It can make you a bit sleepy as well. So it is totally fine to close your eyes if you feel like it." Connor says. I slightly nod and Uncle Ruzek sits down next to me. "Look at me, you're going to be fine okay?" He assures and wipes my tears off. I nod swallow my tears off. "Good girl." He smiles. I feel a sharp itch in my hand and I wince a little. "You're fine. You're fine." Uncle Ruzek whispers. I indeed feel my eyes get heavy and close them to fall in a dreamless sleep.

When I wake up again I see dad sitting next to me holding my hand. "Dad." I whisper and he looks up. "Hey there. How are you feeling." He asks me with a smile but I can see he is worried as hell. "Hmm tired. It is hard to breath." I say. "I'll get a nurse." He says and stands up leaving me on my own. He returns with Dr. Rhodes and April. "I see someone is awake. How are you feeling other than it is hard to breath?" Dr. Rhodes asks. "Tired. My head hurts a bit and my arm." I explain and look at him. "Yeah you took a pretty bad beating up there. You broke a few ribs, a bone in your arm and you have an pretty bad concussion. I think we must do an surgery on that arm, but we have to wait because it is so swollen. When that's down, we'll take a better look. We are going to keep you here for at least a few days. See how you recover. We will give you some painmeds and oxygen to help you breath better, deal?" He says and I nod. They give me an IV and an nasal cannula which helps a bit. They leave me with my dad alone again. "Dad? Mom?" I ask him. He shakes his head and I get tears in my eyes. "Hey, the team is looking for her and I'm helping the best I can. We are going to find her honey. I promise you." He says and sits down on my bed. Then Voight comes into my room. "Halstead, you got a sec?" He asks. "Sure. I'll be back." He says and plants a kiss on my head. "Wait! Is it about mom? I want to know! Where is she?!" I call out. Voight looks at my dad who nods. "Allright then. We think we know who might took her. Do you remember Dale Morson? He might have a motive." Voight explains. "Well, let's find her then! What are we waiting for?" Dad says. "That's the point. Dale was last seen on a plane to Sweden two months ago." Voight says. "Sweden?" I ask. "Is mom in Sweden as well?" I continue. "We don't know yet, but I promise you. I will do everything in my power to find her. You hear me?" Voight comes up to me and gives me a hug. "I want to help too." I say tearfully. "Sweetie, I'm sorry but at this point you're too weak. You have to take some time to rest." Voight sighs. "No. I'm fine. I want to help. I want my mom back!" I say and start to pull out the tubes and wires around and try to stand up but dad pushes me back. "No no no. You can not do that. Stay in bed." He instructs me but I don't want to hear it. I duck under his arm and walk right into my uncle's arms. "And where do you think you're going to?" He frowns at me. "Finding my mom." I say and try to walk further but Will takes my arm. "No, come on we get back to your room." He says. "No! I want to find my mom! I want to see her!" I start to cry and Will pulls me close. "I know you want that honey, but right now you need to stay put and get better. Your dad's team will find her, but what if they do and you're not there because you collapsed somewhere? What if something happens to you while your mom is waiting for you. You need to get better so you can be strong for your mom okay?" He speaks softly. I cry louder and he tightens his arms around me. Eventually I nod and turn towards my dad who opens his arms. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Your uncle is right you know. You need to be strong. We need to be strong." He says and leads me back to my bed. I slowly climb back into it and snuggle into my dad's side. I get into a deep sleep. So deep that I don't hear someone rushing into the room. "We have a location."

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