Chapter 4

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Jay's POV
I wake up by someone jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. Seconds later I hear someone throwing up. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to see my daughter throwing up badly. I rub my hand around her back to comfort her. She looks at me in tears. "It is okay." I say to her. She shakes her head. "What is it?" I question. "My shoulder hurts and I'm not feeling well." Maddie explains. "I can imagine, let me go get some of your meds. Maybe that will help you feel better." I say and get downstairs to get the medication. When I get back upstairs I see Hailey walking out of our room. "She got sick." I simply explain. She nods and follows me into the bathroom. "Hey nugget, how are you feeling?" She says. "I'm too hot. My shoulder feels bad, I'm tired and it all just sucks." She says. I grab a glass of water and kneel down to hand her the meds. "Try this." I say. "Thanks dad." She says and she swallows the meds. "Why don't you get in your own bed? It is much cooler there than ours." Hailey says. Maddie nods and tries to stand up but almost immediately fades away but I catch her and pick her up to carry her to her room. I put her down on the bed and tuck her in. "I got you a bucket in case you get sick again." Hailey says and she gives Maddie a kiss. "Thanks mom." Maddie says. I give her a kiss and we leave the room. "Call us if you need us." I say and leave the door slightly open. "Goodnight dad." I hear her say.

A few hours later

I'm making my morning coffee as I hear someone coming downstairs. I look up and see Hailey coming my way. "Goodmorning babe, coffee? You look like you need it" I smirk. "Shut it, but yes please" She smiles back. "Maddie still sleeping?" I question and my wife nods. "Heard something from the team?" She now questions me. "Yeah Adam texted that they found the last pieces of a bomb which probably caused the explosion. It was probably a set up." I say. My wife frowns and gets her angry face. "We need to find out who this was. They hurt our kid." She says. "I know, and we are going to find who did it." I say. The doorbell rings and I walk to it. "What do you think you are doing here?" I say as I see Jason's face in front of me. "Hello Mr. Halstead. Uh. Uhm. I need, no can I speak to Maddie please?" Jason nervously looks at me. "No." I simply say. "Is she allright? I heard she was at the contest where that explosion happened. I need to talk to her." Jason continues. "Dude, you better get of my property before I remove you myself. And I promise you. It won't be in a nice way." I say angrily. "Sir please, I made a mistake. I need to tell her." Jason begs me. "You are going to leave her alone, I don't want to hear from you ever again and I certainly don't want to see you near my house or my family got it?" I say. "But- sir..." he tries but I cut him off. "Move it!" I say and finally Jason leaves. I wait till he is out of sight and then close the door and walk back to the living room. "Who was that?" Hailey questions. "That stupid boy Jason. I told him to go far away from our family." I explain. The doorbell rings again. "What in the world.." I whisper and walk back to the front door. "Listen you piece of shit. You bet... oh hey Will come in." I say when I see my brother standing in front of me.  He starts laughing. "Who do you think I was huh?" He laughs. "Jason, Maddie's ex who tries to get to her." I explain. "Oooh, well in that case." He responds. "How is Maddie doing?" "She puked two times last night but her responses were good. She is sleeping now since 8 am so I'm going to wake her up now. You wanna come?" Hailey tells him. He nods and we all get upstairs to her bedroom. "Maddie honey, wake up. Maddie?" She shakes Maddies good shoulder a bit. "Urgh, when is this over? When can I sleep normal again?" Maddie yawns. I laugh. Definitely my kid. "Uncle Will is here to check on you." I say and Maddie opens her eyes. "Hey kiddo, can you sit up for me?" Will sits down next to her. Maddie slowly gets up, I can see it's hard for her but she manages. "Follow my light" Will instructs her and she does what she is asked. "Good job." He praises her and takes some more tests. "I think your recovery will go nicely." Will finishes. "Can I go downstairs? I don't want to stay in bed anymore.." Maddie questions. "Yeah sure honey." Hailey answers. Will and I help Maddie stand up. "You good?" I ask her. "Uhuh, little light headed but it's fine." She answers. We slowly walk to the stairs where I pick her up up and carry her downstairs. "I can walk dad." Maddie smiles softly. "I know you do but I don't want to pick you up and take you back to the hospital because you fell smarty pants." I say and I put her down on the couch. "Well we have uncle Will here to the rescue." Maddie laughs at her uncle. "Do you want something to eat Maddie?" Hailey asks. "Actually yes." Maddie looks at her mom. Hailey grabs some plain crackers and a glass of water and brings it to Maddie. "Uncle Will? Do you know anything about Abby?" Maddie questions. "She is in the ICU right now because she lost a lot of blood. She had surgery for her leg and her chances of a good recovery are high." Will explains. "And you were a part of that Mads. If it wasn't for you she would be dead by now. Even though your cpr was crazy with your dislocated shoulder. Like how did you even do that?" He continues. "Welll, it was the adrenaline I guess." Maddie smirks. Eventually Will has to go to work and we stay home for the rest of the day.

Maddie's POV
I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my own bed. My head feels a lot better and my dizzyness is kind off gone after I ate. I stand up slowly and walk to my bathroom to freshen up a bit. My hair is a mess so I try to brush it and make a pony tail but it won't work. "MOM! Can you help me?" I yell downstairs and I hear footsteps running up the stairs. "What is it?" I see her panicked face. I smile. "Can you help me with my hair? It hurts to much if I do it myself.." I say. "Oh thankgod I thought you were getting sick again." My mom says. I shake my head. "Nope, just want to get my hair out of my face." I respond and mom starts working on my hair. She is so amazing in braiding my hair and now she is braiding it into two braids. "There you go nugget." She says when she is done. "Thanks mom, it looks awesome." I say and give her a hug. We walk downstairs together where dad is watching a football game. "Hey there sleepyhead." He says when he notices me. "Hey." I say and I sit down next to him, snuggling into his side. "Fun game?" I ask. "Mweh kind of basic stuff"  he answers. Mom joins us and we continue watching the game. After a while the doorbell rings and Dad gets up to go get it. Her returns with a smiling Adam and Kim. "There she is, you look so much better than yesterday!" Adam smiles. "Well thank you very much." I say and I give both of them a hug. Adam is my dad's best friend so I know him and Kim very well. "Here you go sweetie. It is from all of us." Kim hands over a big giftbox. "Wow thanks!" I call out and start to unpack. It is filled with my favourite snacks, comfy clothes, movies and a super sweet card with all the names of the intelligence team on it. "You guys want to stay for dinner?" Dad questions and Kim and Adam agree. Yes! "Maddie? Do you think you can come to the precinct tomorrow to give your statement?" Kim questions. I look at my parents. "I guess." I answer. We make a deal that I'm coming to work with my parents tomorrow.

The next day

Last night I slept way better than the night before. I feel a lot better too. I get up and take a shower before getting ready. When I get downstairs I eat my breakfast and wait for my parents to get ready. "Hey baby, did you sleep well?" Dad gives me a kiss. I nod with my mouth full. "Where's mom?" I mumble. "Getting ready.." He rolls his eyes. I laugh out loud. "What are you two laughing about?" Mom comes down. "Nothing." Dad and I say at the same time. "Yeah sure, ready to go?" Mom continues. I grab my coat and Dad helps me in it. We get to the car and drive to the district. When we get upstairs we are welcomed by the team. Adam and Kim lead us to a room where we can talk. I sit down with my parents next to me. "Allright mads, this doesn't have to take too long. Take your time and tell us what you remember from the contest." Adam encourages me. "I was running and all of the sudden I heard a loud boom. I fell or hit something hard and when I woke up I saw nothing but dust. Uh-uhm I heard someone crying for help and I got to her and tried to help her. But then her.. her pulse. Her pulse was gone so I started cpr and then the firemen came and paramedics took over." I wipe my tears off. "Have you seen anybody else beside that girl?" Adam questions. I shake my head. "I actually only focussed on her and myself. So I don't know sorry.." I say. "It's fine. You told us so much already. This helps a lot for the case." Kim says. I nod and we get up and go back to the rest of the team. I leave for the breakroom with my tablet so I can netflix a little bit. After a few hours my mom comes to check on me. "Are you okay honey?" She asks me. I nod. "Yeah mom thanks. Just watching my series. How is the case going?" I respond. "Working on it, not much to tell actually." Mom says and she gives me a hot chocolate. "Thanks mom." I say and take a sip. "I gotta go back, call us if you need anything okay?" Mom says. I nod and she leaves. The day goes by fast so we're back home before I even know it.

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