Chapter 6

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Maddie's POV
"Mads, sweetie wake up the food is here." Someone shakes my shoulder. My eyes open and I look at the face of my dad. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes. Damn that nap really helped me a lot. "What's for dinner?" I ask. "We thought you might like some sushi. So we brought that." Mom smiles as sorts the food out on the dining table. "Your thoughts were right, yum!" I say causing my parents to laugh. "So did you caught up with your sleep?" Dad questions. I nod. "It was nice from uncle Will to stay with me. Uhm did he talk to you?" I ask. "Yeah he did, it is a good thing you told him. He is going to ask Dr. Charles to help you out." Dad says. "Yeah he said that." I admit. We start to eat and when we finish we clean up. "Mads, we need to talk to you about Amy." Mom looks at me. I look up. "You have news? How is she?" I ask. "She suffered a lot of blood loss and had to go through two surgeries to fix the bleedings. But she pulled through and she is awake and stable. You saved her life Maddie." Mom says. "She is going to be okay? She is going to be okay! Oh thank god, I was so worried!" I call out. My parents smile. "We're so proud of you, what you did was completely insane but so memorable." Dad says. I smile. "And there is something else. Her family wants to meet you." Mom continues. "Meet me?" I ask. "Yes, they want to thank you for saving their daughters life." Mom says. I slightly nod. "We'll come with you if you want? I can imagine it would be a bit scary." Dad suggests. "Yes, I would like that." I admit. "Great, I will let them know." Mom says and she leaves with her phone to make a phone call. "So did you catch the guy who did all of this?" I look up to my dad. "We are working on it. We'll find him. Don't you worry about that." Dad says to me. I nod. "I'm going to take a bath and watch some Netflix I think." I say and get upstairs. I open my phone and see an anonymous number called me. Hmm who could that be? Whatever. In my room I grab some comfy clothes and a nice bathbomb. After my bath I get downstairs to grab some water before I go to bed. "I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow." I say to my parents. "Sleep well honey, oh so you know I agreed we'll be meeting Amy and her family tomorrow." Mom tells me. I nod. "Allright, goodnight." I say and head back to my room. I take my meds and get in my bed to sleep.

The next day

I get up and head downstairs to eat some breakfast. "Goodmorning honey, how did you sleep?" Mom asks me. I put up my shoulders. "Fine." I say knowing damn well I was up most of the night too scared to go to sleep. Mom raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" She says suspicious. "Allright no. My night was terror." I give in. "Oh sweetie.. do you want to talk about it?" Mom looks at me. I shake my head. "Allright then, ready to see Amy?" Mom says. I put up my shoulders. "I'm kinda nervous about that actually." I say. "I can understand that. But your father and I will be there with you. We got this." Mom hugs me. "I know." I say and grab something to eat. "Where is dad?" I question not seeing him. "He went to get some groceries, he will be here soon." Mom explains. I nod and continue eating. Not long after we hear the front door open and close. "Back home!" My dad calls out. "We're in the kitchen!" Mom answers. Dad enters the kitchen with his hands full of groceries. He dumps it on the kitchen island and gives me a kiss on my head. "Nervous?" He looks at me concerned while he starts to unpack. I slightly nod. "You'll be fine. We're there." He smiles. "Oh Will called me. Dr. Charles has an opening tomorrow afternoon. If you want?" He continues. "Uhm. I don't know. Isn't that too soon?" I say slightly panicking. "It might be, but you can also think of it like the sooner the better? You're torturing yourself now honey. You won't speak to us so maybe Dr. Charles can help you." Mom says. Tears get in my eyes. "I'm just stupid. What if it's dumb to go to an therapist? What if he can't help me?" I say. "You're not stupid sweetie. None of these things are your fault." Mom says. "Listen to me. When I returned from the army I was a mess. I kept going and going and couldn't think straight. If it wasn't for your mom I would not be the guy I am today. Your mom helped me through the darkest moments of my life. I went to a therapist and it indeed helped me a lot. It is nice to talk to someone which you don't live with and keeps everything professional. It is not stupid at all and especially after what you have been trough it makes so much sense for you to go talk to someone. Why don't you try it for a few times and if it isn't working we will find something else okay?" Dad looks at me. I think about what he says and come to the conclusion he is right. "Okay then." I give in. "That's my girl." Dad smiles and gives me a hug. "Now come on, we gotta go to the hospital." Mom says and we gather our stuff. The car drive to the hospital isn't that long as we live quite nearby. We go the main entrance. "This way." Mom says as she leads us to the right department. We get to the children's ward and I see all this little kids running around. "Hi, we are here to see Amy, room 6?" Mom says to the nurse. "Yes ofcourse, go ahead." The nurse smiles at us. I get more nervous with every step I take. Will she remember me? I grab my dad's hand for some support. He squeezes it and we walk further. When we get to room 6 my mom knocks on the door. "Come in!" A womans voice sounds. We open the door and I see Amy sitting up straight and smiling at us. "Maddie right?" She says. I nod. "Come here!" She says and I walk over to her bed. "How are you?" I ask. "Well, a few surgeries later but still here. If it wasn't for you I would be dead. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Really. Can uh, can I give you a hug?" Amy tells. I nod and she gives me a careful hug. "Thank you for saving our daughter's life. You are a very special young lady you know that? And you have a very special daughter." Amy's parents turn to my parents. "Thank you for you kind words, we're happy you're doing good right now Amy." Mom says. "Thank you ma'am. But Maddie how are you doing?" Amy says to me. "Uhm. My shoulder was dislocated and has a fracture but it is healing well I hope. And I have a concussion but that only means I have  a brain right?" I joke. We all laugh. "That's great to hear!" Amy says. We talk for a bit longer and then we have to say goodbye as visiting hour is over. "Wait! You have to give me your number so we can stay in touch." Amy says. I walk back and hand her my phone so she can put her number in it. "We'll talk soon." I say. "Definitely." Amy admits. We wave and head back to the car. "I'm glad she is doing fine." I say to my parents. "Yeah us too. I'm so proud of you Mads." Mom says and she grabs my hand. I smile. "Can we get chicken nuggets somewhere?" I ask hopefully and put up my puppy-eyes. "We have bread.." Mom starts to protest but dad cuts her off. "Yeah! But I want taco's though." He says and puts puppy-eyes up too. "How do I say no to you two?" Mom rolls her eyes and I give my dad a high five. "Oh yehes." I call out and climb in our car.

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