"I don't need the money, really. I almost have everything I want in life, I just need something to do to pass time with the appropriate income," I confessed.

"Last I heard, getting ready to be running a Fortune 500 company should be enough work- I may be young but you're 19. I listen in on the news sometime," she reasoned with a light shrug.

"That's what you heard," I slipped up I was completely in the moment with someone who shared the same charisma as me.

"You said almost everything... enlighten me," she readjusted her white collar and sleeves to her button up.

Her veins are completely shredded.

What the hell does sh-

"I play piano," she broke my thoughts.

"I'm on the low with a rather scandalous situation in my household," I tried to fluff the situation.

"Women can do that sort of thing," she caught me eye.

"What makes you think a woman is involved?" I cocked a brow at her and she smiled all too knowingly when she took a brief glance at her phone as it went off.

"What do you have to convince me that there isn't?" She smirked and a woman rushed towards her from behind covering her eyes.

She had an elegant black dress with a beige trench coat. Her blonde hair was neatly pulled back into a bun as her red scarf tickled my client's nose.

"I thought I said I'd bring you something back," Carter found the woman's face through her curls and kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Ohhhh but I thought you'd might be in need of a good surprise," the woman sighed.

"I hate surprises and you know this- this is the investor I told you about earlier? Edwards, meet my wife, Eleanora, " she gestured the woman to step from behind her as their hands still remained intertwined as she waltz around the chair.

"Please, Stefani," I stood up to shake her hand.

"I didn't mean to intrude," the woman bowed her head embarrassed brushing the fly always.

"No need to apologize..." I took a look at the two for a brief moment and every few seconds they'd share a longing look.

"How long have you been married?" I settled back in.

"We eloped actually," Eleanora smiled reminiscent of the thought.

"Not into big weddings I assume?" I took a sip of my somewhat hot coffee. At this rate, I'm just socializing for the hell of it.

"More like, even if we were into them, we still couldn't do one. It'll raise too much attention," Eleanora seems to have taken a pleasure in answering my questions.

Carter looks deep in thought with whatever it was.

"I was her mentee as she mentored me in the fine arts of New York's Youth symphony orchestra program. A public wedding with a reputation such as ours, can be quite damaging. We're eloped- for now," she smirked at her last response.

"So you know a thing or two about scandals," I chuckled and I caught Carter's eye as she chuckled too.

"I'm proud to say so. Are you seeking advice?" she reached for her lover's hand and stroked the top of palm with her thumb.

She didn't even spare a glance and she was smirking already knowing she had struck something in me.

"If you ask me, keep doing what you're doing. But, don't. Rush," her eyes burned with such a warning.

"I'm sure you'd know a thing a two about rushing," Eleanora teased making Carter roll her eyes with a sincere smile.

"I've had a pretty good conductor in my upbringing," she shrugged.

"I'll get us cab. Stefani," Eleanora excused herself and nodded before leaving.

Her fingers lingered on Carter's shoulder as they slowly glided off the further she walked... they madly in love. It's clear as day, they are obsessed with one another- even if they were to keep themselves at bay, it's the little things they do that reveal exactly how inseparable they are.

"What you have us beautiful," I started again and Carter started to pack her things.

I stood up abruptly trying to keep her in tact but-

"I'm assuming what you're in pursuit of is just as beautiful. My personal contact information. I don't need a sales pitch to be convinced, something tells me our business relation will form into a friendship. A rather good investment on my end," she handed me her card.

"A rather promising one for both parties," i asserted her a look.

"And do give my congrats to the fiancé for the engagement!" She turned her slightly to call back.

"They announced the engagement months ago," i churned my face.

I thought she listened to the news- or however else she kept up the daily events.

"Must you be so vague? You bore me," the corner of her eyes flashed as I watched the end of her lips curled into a smirk before she left the cafe.

"Hey!" I chased after her and grabbed her forearm.

"Ms. Edwards, you should know, I could read you a mile out. Only one thing could drive a human being to disregard an investment such as yours and that's love. I may be a musician, but even I can hear the melodies that reside in your true desires; for the love of god, whatever it is that you're doing for that woman- and I know you know which woman I'm referring to... be sure to let her understand what exactly you're putting on the line to ensure a permanent spot in her life. I'll be hearing from you," she snatched her arm away from me leaving me speechless..

Who exactly is she?

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