𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘱𝘵.2 [🌟]

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i know some of these aren't headcannons but it's hard ok.

pls give me a break 😭



•she smells so sweet. like vanilla and blooming flowers

•everything she does is elegant, the way she walks, talks and fights

•she feels like she's not good enough and never will be because of her brother. she loves him and looks up to him, but she thinks she'll never be as good as him

•tends to underestimate herself greatly

•she loves eating cold deserts like ice cream

•sometimes, she'll go to Chinju forest and dip her feet in the water. that would be the only time where she likes to be alone

•even though she underestimates herself, the people of Inazuma think very highly of her. she is aware of that but, she doesn't take their praise to heart. 'they're just strangers who do not know me and praise me for the bare minimum. and besides, they all repeat the same compliments. why should i listen to them? nothing they say is what they mean.'

•Thoma is quite literally her bestie, she loves trying all kinds of food with him, training together, and even having sleepovers. she knows she has duty as one of the two clan leaders though and can't spend too much time having fun.


•she probably has a collection of really cheesy romance novels that she hides from her friends because she's embarassed. she also has books about myths and tales on mermaids.

•she loves painting her nails different colors and making everything pearly and shiny

•she may be a support and not on the front lines, but she is also the brain of every operation. she's incredibly smart and knows it

•she likes patting Gorou's head (i'm not shipping them btw)

•she loves eating desserts and cakes. she likes the soft, creamy, and extremely sweet cakes.


•she's really loud and expresses herself with hand gestures A LOT

•she may talk a lot, but she's really funny and easy to talk with. so most people don't mind

•she knows everyone in town and everyone in town knows her

•all the kids call her big sister and she sometimes babysits

•she has a huge burn mark on her back because of an accident

Hu Tao

•lowkey hates kids and likes to prank them

•she may look like she's non-chalant and jokes about everything and doesn't really care. but deep down, she's very respectful and kind especially with the dead. she treats her job very seriously

•loves to annoy the hell out of Zhongli it's like her second job

•i'm convinced she burned one of Zhongli's rocks and he got mad


•is kind of confused as to why Qiqi is obsessed with her but she doesn't mind she finds her cute and calls her a friend

•eye bags and stretch marks. need i explain more?

•naturally chubby and thinks its bad


•likes to dnace with Guoba in her spare time

•she loves her dad with all her heart and always puts him first

•her and Xingqiu have a whole menu full of spicy foods for Chongyun

•loves braiding Hu Tao and Qiqi's hair


•hates kids

•#1 person with a "idgaf" attitude

•absolute girlboss

•i like to think her and Ganyu have a good bond and train together sometimes. they even vent to each other

•has an incredible resistance to the cold

•she's hella tall, even without her shoes


•i love you beidou ilysm omg ily (shoutout to my lvl 90 dps beidou)

•everything she does is cool

•could sail her boat with her eye closed

•she's actually really humble about her literally defeating an ocean god but her crew loves to tell the tale

•she's literally so cool that like her outfit has a swimsuit underneath and when needed she'll remove her upper layers of clothing and jump in the water. with her heels on.

•claims she hates Ningguang but we're all aware...


•she's hot and she knows it

•she knows she could easily win-over the captain but, she finds her interesting and likes to tease her. she does find her annoying though. what she doesn't know, is that Captain Beidou isn't stupid and has her own tricks up her sleeve

•when it comes to work, Ningguang excells. she always gets everything done in time, and always does the work diligently

•she is eloquent with her words and very clever. she can get anything she wants

•she probably has a pet cat or two and prioritizes them over work. she has a soft spot for them

•loves making tea


•loves Lisa's company and wishes she could stay with her overtime

•very stressed for Grand Master Varka's arrival. she's scared he'll be disappointed im her

•she didn't grow up getting praised. so she thinks it's because she wasn't good enough. that being said, when she gets praised, she gets all red and flustered.


•loves Jean's company and wishes she could stay overtime with her

•she acts like the most careless person in the world, but deep inside, her guilt and worries are eating her alive. she knows she doesn't have much time left. she's especially worried about Jea- UHM- the Knights of Favonius

•loves Razor with all her heart

•she often goes out to drink with Kaeya, who always teases Diluc. Lisa however, likes to humble Kaeya by teasing him back and shutting him up. Diluc is a little bit thankful for that. (i like to think of Lisa and Diluc as friends)

•Lisa has amazing fashion style and knows how to sew

•she loves making cookies with Jean and Razor

Raiden Shogun/Ei

•this woman is so fine pls help me.

•she loves drinking tea and whatnot.

•she sometimes goes out in Inazuma city but she gets noticed everytime and gets treated differently for it. she knows she's their archon and all but she still would like to get treated like everyone else. that's why she sometimes goes undercover

•when she feels lonely or feels like reminiscing, she goes to Yae Miko and stays with her

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