29 || New Beginnings

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Leaving the stadium was crazy, hundreds of people trying to talk to me, cameras flashing everywhere and even a few people trying to get interviews.

But, I was tired. And my leg hurt, and my nose had bled so bad I thought I was starting to lose my sense of smell. Johnny had left a few minutes ago to go with his friends and get their things so me, Daniel, Ali, mom, Mr. Miyagi, and Bobby left the building.

We were putting things into the car, and I had even signed a few kids' pictures, when we heard the yelling.

Kreese stood with Johnny, Tommy, Dutch, and Jimmy. Johnny was holding his second-place trophy and the other three were watching fearfully.

"I tried, Sensai." Johnny pleaded. "I had her crippled and you still couldn't beat her," Kreese replied, spitting the word her with such disgust. "You're a real loser, man!" Johnny yelled as Kreese took the trophy out of Johnny's hand harshly.

"I'm the loser?!" Kreese yelled as he snapped Johnny's trophy in half and threw it before grabbing Johnny by the collar, spinning him around, and wrapping his arm tightly around his neck. "Who's the loser now?" He taunted as Johnny's face turned red and he tried to get out of Kreese's

Jimmy tried to interfere but Kreese elbowed him hard in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground and when Tommy tried to Kreese told him to stop which was enough to scare Tommy from moving a muscle.

"Mr. Miyagi! You have to do something!" I said as tears pooled in my eyes. Not caring if he followed me or not as I ran over to Johnny. "Kreese! You have to stop!" I yelled from behind Bobby, him stopping me from going any closer.

"Oh yeah? And you're gonna stop me?" He said menacingly and I knew why these boys were so afraid of him. He was crazy, and just by one look, I was afraid of him. "I will." Mr. Miyagi said as he stepped beside me.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Miyagi asked and Kreese seemed to rather want to fight with Mr. Miyagi than Johnny as he let go of Johnny.

I quickly jumped forward and caught Johnny's body before it could hit the ground, helping him sit on the curb. I let him lean up against me as he caught his breath, moving the hair from his eyes as the tears fell down my cheeks.

"Are you okay, Johnny?" I asked frantically, breathing heavily. "I'm fine, Lia." He said coarsely as he turned to me. "Don't cry." He said quietly as he wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Johnny," I whispered as I lead my head on his chest.

"It's not your fault, Lia. But it's over now." He said and I nodded, turning my attention to Mr. Miyagi. He was using that technique, the one you use to make your enemy not be able to use their arms.

Kreese watched Mr. Miyagi in fear as he held his hand back, he was on his knees, his arms limp at his side. Mr. Miyagi went to strike before stopping right in from of his neck. "Honk." Mr. Miyagi said as he squeezed his nose.

I couldn't help the laugh at the sight, Mr. Miyagi stood and walked away from the man and I helped Johnny up and the others all took their gis off and dropped them at Kreese's feet, Johnny included.

"She's made you weak. All of you." Kreese spat as he shakily stood, knuckles bleeding from where he punched two car windows. "I didn't make them weak. You did. Hatred and cheating never wins, and that's all you know." I said before leading them all away.

I helped Johnny into the backseat of the car and got in with Bobby on my other side. "We can all stay at my house, okay?" I asked and the two boys nodded.

Once we got there Johnny's face was no longer red and his breathing had gone back to normal but I knew his neck was going to be bruised and sore the next day.

I led the two into my room, both of them taking turns in the bathroom to change into their comfortable clothes. I changed in my room as I waited, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I proudly put the trophy on my window sill, smiling at the sight of it. "I'm proud of you. You did amazing." Johnny said from behind. "Thank you. So did you. And I'm really sorry about Kreese... I know how much he meant to you." I said sadly as the two of us sat on the bed, Bobby sitting on the blow-up mattress on the floor.

"He's a horrible person. He always has been. I think we've always known we needed to leave before it was too late." Bobby said. "Well... you guys could always come to Miyagi-do Karate. All five of you could. I know Mr. Miyagi secretly loves teaching Karate."


And that's how it started. Johnny, Bobby, Tommy, Jimmy, and Dutch started coming to Miyagi-do karate the next week, and after my knee healed I joined them. They even started to get along with Daniel, even Dutch.

They didn't understand Mr. Miyagi's way of teaching at first, and often would walk away out of annoyance before coming back ten minutes later.

A picture of Johnny and I kissing while holding the trophy was in the paper for months, on the news and everything. The karate championship was a big thing and the whole Kreese scandal added to all of it.

But mainly it was because I was the first female champion, and that was a big thing for us. I was glad I could inspire more females to join karate around the world.

Kreese had gone missing after that night, supposedly he died, but I knew it was just his embarrassment and the realization that he lost that probably sent him into hiding.

But it didn't matter to me, I had my boys and my brother together, civilly talking around the bonfire along with Ali and mom. It was everything I could've dreamed of.

Hello everyone. It is currently 5 AM and I spent the last seven hours writing these last six chapters for you guys because I knew if I didn't tonight it would be another two months before I did. I hope you guys liked it, because I spent a lot of time writing it!

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