26 || First fight

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"Oh c'mon Daniel. Stop being such a pussy." I said as I pushed him back onto the mat where the ref warned him if he went out again it would be a point for the other guy.

I watched nervously as they fought. These boys were good, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to fight them. Daniels opponent kicked him in the stomach and Daniel fell giving him the point. I watched as several of the Cobra Kai's laughed.

"C'mon Daniel! Kick his ass!" I yelled and Daniel stood, shaking his arms at his side before getting back into a fighting position. The boy smirked, thinking that it was an easy fight, and went in to hit Daniel but he quickly blocked it and kicked the guy in the face.

The guy fell in shock, holding the side of his face as Daniel looked back at me and I gave him two thumbs up. The boy, now angry, stood and waiting for the ref's signal and as soon as the flag waved he charged at Daniel but he quickly moved out of the way and kneed the boy in the stomach, causing him to win.

"WhooHoo!" I cheered along with Ali, laughing slightly as the Cobra Kai boys looked away in distaste. Next round I had to fight a boy named Dylan. He was at least 6'2 and 50 pounds heavier than I am.

I gulped nervously as the four of us made our way to the mat, making eye contact with mom in the stands next to Johnny's mom where the two gave me a reassuring smile though I could tell they were thinking the same thing I was, this guy was fucking huge.

Ali gave me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and I looked over my opponent's shoulder to see all of the Cobras watching, the five boys gave me a nervous smile but Kreese gave me a scrutinizing stare as I walked onto the mat.

I narrowed my eyes as the boy laughed, noticing that I was one, female, and two, much smaller than him.

The ref explained the rules to the two of us before wagging the flag and telling the two of us to begin. "You really want me to fight a-" Before he could finish his sentence I roundhouse kicked him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground with a groan. I smirked as several ooos sounded from the nearby observers and several cheers sounded from the crowd.

"What? Afraid you'll lose?" I asked as I stood up straight. "Roundhouse kick to the face. Point Larusso." The ref called before wagging the flag once more.

The guy got up, wiping the blood from under his nose as he stood and faced me, his eyes narrowed. "Oh, you're gonna get it bitch." He said before charging at me.

He went to kick me but I quickly jumped out of the way, grabbing his leg and flipping him onto his back on the floor. I quickly got down, kneeling on him with my fist above his face. "Who are you calling a bitch?" I said before punching in the face.

I stayed still for a second, the ref quickly coming in and pulling me off of the guy. "Winner, Larusso." The ref said as he lifted my hand and I smiled as Daniel and Ali ran over to me and congratulated me.

"Y'know, Daniel. If we both keep doing this good we're gonna end up having to fight one another." I teased after the two of us fought another round and won. "I'm counting on it." He replied and we both laughed before turning our attention to the ongoing matches.

"Nice job, Lia." Bobby greeted me as I stood beside him a few feet away from Daniel and Ali. "Thanks, Bobby. I'm gonna kick all of your asses so hard." I said and he laughed and rolled his eyes. "Sure." He replied.

I watched as Dutch got the final hit on his opponent, him having to be helped off of the mat. I fist-bumped him as he walked towards Bobby and I. "Nice." I commented. "That was badass, y'know. I think Kreese is even a little nervous." Dutch said as Johnny walked onto the mat to fight his opponent.

"I bet," I replied with a laugh as Johnny faced off with his opponent. He was around the same height as Johnny and was really good at fighting, but I knew Johnny was way better.

"Go, Johnny!" I cheered and he turned and smiled at me before chafing towards his opponent. I ignored the burning stare of Kreese from across the mat and continued watching the fight. The two fought well for a few seconds before Johnny kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall to the floor.

After he got up the two faced off again. The boy tried to kick Johnny but Johnny got the boy to his knees and kicked him in the back of his head before bringing his foot to the other side of his head and kicking him in the face, which meant he was moving on to the semi-finals.

The ref lifted Johnny's hand and announced the win as everyone cheered. "Y'know, Tommy. Me and you have to fight after Dutch and Daniel." I said as Johnny made his way towards us. "I hope you don't go easy on me," I said as I wrapped an arm around Johnny's waist.

"I wasn't planning on it," Tommy replied and Bobby smiled from beside him. "Glad we're on the same page," I replied as we all turned to watch Dutch and Daniel fight. "You did good. Really good." I complimented Johnny.

"So did you. You looked really hot out there." He said as he kissed my forehead. "Y'know. Maybe we'll have to fight in the finals." I said smiling up at him. "I hope not." He said with a sigh. "Yeah... but if we do. I'm gonna totally win." I said. "Okay sure." He said as he rolled his eyes with a smile.

Dutch and Daniel standoff on the mat, the ref telling the two to begin. Dutch's face was red and he was bouncing on the heels of his feet. I knew he had been waiting for this and I was kind've scared for Daniel. I knew how aggressive Dutch could get.

Dutch kicked at daniel and he ducked but he wasn't expecting Dutch to instantly kick the opposite way, hitting straight in the face. I could tell that the point only boosted Dutch's ego as he began taunting Daniel, but Daniel charged at him, shocking Dutch as he kicked him hard in the stomach causing him to fall. 

When Dutch jumped back up, the score now one to one, his face was dark red, his breathing heavy. I could see how angry he was as he charged at Daniel, sending a flying kick but Daniel moved out of the way and kicked Dutch to the floor.

Dutch yelled in anger as he realized he lost, hitting his fist hard against the mat before getting up. He glared at Daniel, his eyes wide and nose flaring as he walked towards us.

I ran out to Daniel and shook his shoulders in excitement. "You made it to the semi-finals!" I cheered, Ali joining me. "I know!" He said back. "Ophelia-san, time for match." Mr. Miyagi said and I nodded, turning to see Bobby going to his match as well.

There were only two matches left of this round, me and Tommy and Bobby and his opponent. Which meant all eyes were on us. "You're gonna do great, Lia," Johnny said and Jimmy cheered for both of us, not wanting to pick sizes.

"You better keep your word, Tommy. Cause if you go soft on me it won't change anything." I said and he laughed. "Course not." He replied. "No hard feelings?" I asked as the ref waved the flag. "No hard feelings."

Oh, Ophelia || Johnny LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now