04 || golf n' stuff

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"Okay, class. You're going to be doing a project with a partner." The history teacher said. "Hey! I'm going to pick your partners." He said after the class broke out into people finding their partners.

He began listing names, groans sounded from some and others were happy when they got their friend as a partner. "Lawrence, LaRusso." He said and I instantly placed my head into my arm on the table.

Of course. Of course, I had to get Johnny Lawrence as my partner. "It's going to be due on Monday next week. You'll have class time to work on it but you'll have to meet outside of class to get it done on time." He explained.

He told us about the project and what we needed to get done and then told us to figure our work time with our partners.

I sat up and turned to face Johnny. "I can do half and you do half. That way we don't need to work outside of class." I said. "We could do that. Or we could actually work together." He responded with a smirk.

"I'm not so sure you and I would work together very well," I replied. "Well, after golf n' stuff tonight, you come over to my place and we can start it." He said. "I guess so," I replied as I began searching for topics.

Once the bell rings I stood and left the class and went to the rest of my classes. Lastly, I had study hall.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted as I sat at the table with Bobby and Tommy. "Hey, Lia. Can you help me with the math homework?" Bobby asked. "Me too!" Tommy butted in. "Sure," I said and both boys pulled out their textbooks and notebooks.

I jumped when a loud bang sounded on the table. Looking up to see Johnny sitting down across from me with his books on the table. "Hey Johnny, what are you doing here?" Bobby asked. "I dropped my business class." He replied simply.

I ignored his presence and instead just focused on helping Bobby and Tommy finish the homework. "Why can't we just cheat off yours?" Tommy wined. "Because, then you wouldn't be learning anything," I replied to which he groaned.

I straightened in my seat when someone's legs came into contact with mine. Looking forward I saw Johnny staring straight at me. "How do you do this one?" Bobby asked and I pulled my attention to his page and helped him with the question.

We stayed like that for the rest of class, me helping Bobby and Tommy while Johnny rested his leg against mine and pretended to be reading although I caught him looking at me several times.

"Ready?" Bobby asked after we stopped at my locker. I nodded and followed him out. "Danny!" I shouted when I saw him. "Hey, Lia. What's up?" He asked. "I'm gonna go out with some friends so I won't be home till later, alright?" I asked. "Yeah sure, I'll let mom know." He said. "Okay, thanks. Oh yeah! I have to also work on a project so tell her I won't be home for dinner either." I added. He nodded before getting on his bike and heading home.

Oh, Ophelia || Johnny LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now