03 || New friends

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After PE we had lunch, Daniel had cooled off by then but I was still pissed about Bobby. He tried to talk
to me in the lunch line but I ignored him and instead sat beside Daniel and Ali.

Next up was history, which I was not excited about in the least. I wished Bobby wouldn't have told me Johnny was in that class so I wouldn't be so tempted to skip.

With a deep breath, I walked into the class and once again made my way to the back corner and sat, hoping when Johnny came in he wouldn't even notice me. Of course, the second he walked in his eyes fell onto me.

I turned my attention to sketching in my notebook as I heard the chair next to mine scrape. I looked sideways to see him already staring at me. "What?" I asked. "You and Bobby?"
He asked.

"Me and Bobby are just friends. But it doesn't concern you either way." I replied simply, turning my attention to where the teacher began the lesson. I could feel his eyes burning into my face as the class went on but I refused to look at him. The second the bell rang I got out of my seat with my books in hand and left.

The rest of the day was boring, I had art class with Ali which was fun and Tommy was in my study hall but he seemed to notice how upset I was at him and sat beside me in silence.


"What's the rush?" I asked as mom rushed past Daniel and I and into her room. "I got a job." She replied. "Yeah, we know. Rocket computers. Flight to the future." Daniel replied.

"Crash landed in the present is more like it. They went bankrupt last Friday, can you believe it?" She asked. "Does that mean we're going back home?" Daniel asked happily. "We are home. Seen my black shoes?" She asked.

"So what's this job?" I asked as I handed her her black shoes. "Listen to this. I walk out of Rocket with the beginning of a headache one through ten about to come on, and I'm going back to the car when this woman comes flying out of this restaurant, the Orient Express, and she's screaming 'I quit! I quit' and right behind her is this guy yelling just as loud 'you don't quit! I fire you!' It's one minute to noon and people are coming into lunch, I'm the first but only applicant- I got the job!" She explained.

"So after going to school and all those night classes 'n stuff for computers, you're going to be a waitress?" Daniel asked. "Hostess." She corrected. "Big difference." He said displeased.

"There is. But it's only temporary, anyway. Just to keep bread on the table." She added. "We got our driver's permits," I said, trying to change the subject. "That's nice." She said unconsciously, "These go?" She asked as she help up a pair of earrings.

"Yeah," I replied, a little annoyed that she hadn't listened to what I said. "If we get enough practice in, we can get our license on our birthday," Daniel added. "Great! There's stuff in the fridge, see you later." She said, not listening to a word we said. We both frown as she heads towards the door.

Oh, Ophelia || Johnny LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now