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"That wouldn't even make sense."

"It would when you have the legal documents to prove it." Hope says

"And you have the legal documents?" Josie asked

"Not yet...I'm working on it though." Hope says

"Well when you get it then we can make sense of this...until then..we continue on like this is a game, that way we can continue to date out in public." Josie says

"I really like that idea..and you know what would be better?" Hope asked

"What?" Josie asked

"If I could really kiss my girlfriend right now....I would be really stress free." Hope smiled

They pulled up at the school.

"And what if someone sees us kissing?" Josie teased a bit.

"Then we will be giving them the best shows of their lives." Hope whispered as she turned to face Josie.

"That could mess the plan up Hope." Josie says as she glanced down at hopes lips

"Well then I'm willing to mess it up just a in the moment, deal with it later." Hope smirked as she leaned closer to Josie.


Hope put her index finger up to Josie's lips to silence her.

"Too much talking...and too much clothes..." Hope whispered.

"Seeing as you wouldn't want our first time to be in a car." Hope mocked Josie's words from last time. "Then I suggest that we just keep the kissing to a minimum...can you handle that?" Hope whispered as she inched closer to Josie's lips.

"I could handle that." Josie whispers back before she smashed her lips into hopes.

Hope hand carelessly stroking Josie's hair.

Josie hands silked up hopes lap.

Josie swerved her hair back, Hope sucked on Josie's bottom lip and then kissed her bottom lip to her neck.

"Hope...." Josie moaned as Hope continued to suck on Josie's neck.

"Yes . Love.?" Hope says I'm between each kiss on Josie's neck.

"I—I have—I have class." Josie says

"Why can't I be your teacher for the while, I'll let you call me ms.mikaelson if you be a good girl." Hope whispered in a lower tone then she had before.

"As much as I would love to be 'punished' I think maybe...maybe I should get to class and you should get out of here seeing as you are ditching school." Josie says

Hope finally pulled away.

"Why don't we continue this tonight? My mom and dad are going out for their anniversary and Jed and Nick are going bowling." Hope says

"And you trust Jed around Nick?" Josie asked

"Why shouldn't I?" Hope asked

"Because Jed is apart of the game too, what if being his friend was just a game too?" Josie asked

"Was it?" Hope asked

"I don't think so." Josie says

"Well if Jed tries anything on my brother I would be forced to beat his ass." Hope smirked

"And I'll help." Josie smirked

"Okay get to class" Hope says

"Okay ms.mikaelson." Josie bit her lip before getting out of the car.


"So, you missed class just to stay here with me?" Nick asked

"Class is lame, and we haven't been spending much time together." Jed says

"I miss us" Jed added

Nick eyes went in shock.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked

"You are my best buddy, and I would die if something happened to you." Jed admits

Best buddy.

Those words still lowkey hurts Nick.

"I feel the same way about you..." Nick says

Jed looked as if he was puzzled to say something but no words came out.

"We can go watch a movie downstairs if you would like." Nick says

"Nick I have to tell you something and I know you will be mad at me but it's for your own safety that you don't trust me." Jed says

" I will always trust you jed" Nick was confused

"No, you shouldn't trust me after I tell you the next thing I'm about to tell yo" Jed says

Nick just nodded.

That's when Jed told him everything.

He told him about the game, the set up, he told him about how he knew that Hope knew and all about the mission and what to do...

Nick didn't believe half of the shit Jed says because it was hard for Nick to believe.

"And if you dont want to be my friend I understand, I just need you to know that everything I said was true and that you should get on with your life and leave me behind, find a way to get away from the Forbes twins because the longer you are around them, the closer Alaric is too you and the east of a target you are for him." Jed ranted

Nick was so surprised.

"Say something." Jed says

Nick didn't say anything, instead Nick kissed Jed.

Which he instantly regretted it.


"Get out." Nick says

"But Nick—"

"Just get out, I'm sorry for kissing you and I know that was terribly wrong of me because that was without consent and I probably deserve to die for that." Nick eyes flooded with tears.

"What? Nick no you don't...don't ever say that about yourself." Jed tried comforting Nick.

"Then why the hell does everything bad happens to me? Why?" Nick cried out.

Jed pulled Nick into a hug but Nick quickly pulled away.

"No." Nick says

"You should get going...I want to be alone" Nick added as he sniffled.


After school Josie walked out of the school and she was expecting Hope to be there or maybe her dad just like he said he would, but it was her mom.

"Get in." Her mom says

"What?" Josie asked

"Get your ass in!" Lizzie says

Josie hurried up and got into the back seat

"May I ask why you guys seem so scared?" Josie asked

"You knew your father was back in town?" Caroline asked

"Yes..." Josie unsurely says.

"Well thanks to you not telling me sooner, I had to wait this long to file a report." Caroline says

"What?" Josie asked

"We are going to the police...your father is going to be arrested as of today."

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